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Re: [XEN PATCH 1/2] xen/console: drop return value from consoled_guest_rx/tx

  • To: Stefano Stabellini <sstabellini@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • From: Jan Beulich <jbeulich@xxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 27 Feb 2024 08:08:35 +0100
  • Autocrypt: addr=jbeulich@xxxxxxxx; keydata= xsDiBFk3nEQRBADAEaSw6zC/EJkiwGPXbWtPxl2xCdSoeepS07jW8UgcHNurfHvUzogEq5xk hu507c3BarVjyWCJOylMNR98Yd8VqD9UfmX0Hb8/BrA+Hl6/DB/eqGptrf4BSRwcZQM32aZK 7Pj2XbGWIUrZrd70x1eAP9QE3P79Y2oLrsCgbZJfEwCgvz9JjGmQqQkRiTVzlZVCJYcyGGsD /0tbFCzD2h20ahe8rC1gbb3K3qk+LpBtvjBu1RY9drYk0NymiGbJWZgab6t1jM7sk2vuf0Py O9Hf9XBmK0uE9IgMaiCpc32XV9oASz6UJebwkX+zF2jG5I1BfnO9g7KlotcA/v5ClMjgo6Gl MDY4HxoSRu3i1cqqSDtVlt+AOVBJBACrZcnHAUSuCXBPy0jOlBhxPqRWv6ND4c9PH1xjQ3NP nxJuMBS8rnNg22uyfAgmBKNLpLgAGVRMZGaGoJObGf72s6TeIqKJo/LtggAS9qAUiuKVnygo 3wjfkS9A3DRO+SpU7JqWdsveeIQyeyEJ/8PTowmSQLakF+3fote9ybzd880fSmFuIEJldWxp Y2ggPGpiZXVsaWNoQHN1c2UuY29tPsJgBBMRAgAgBQJZN5xEAhsDBgsJCAcDAgQVAggDBBYC AwECHgECF4AACgkQoDSui/t3IH4J+wCfQ5jHdEjCRHj23O/5ttg9r9OIruwAn3103WUITZee e7Sbg12UgcQ5lv7SzsFNBFk3nEQQCACCuTjCjFOUdi5Nm244F+78kLghRcin/awv+IrTcIWF hUpSs1Y91iQQ7KItirz5uwCPlwejSJDQJLIS+QtJHaXDXeV6NI0Uef1hP20+y8qydDiVkv6l IreXjTb7DvksRgJNvCkWtYnlS3mYvQ9NzS9PhyALWbXnH6sIJd2O9lKS1Mrfq+y0IXCP10eS FFGg+Av3IQeFatkJAyju0PPthyTqxSI4lZYuJVPknzgaeuJv/2NccrPvmeDg6Coe7ZIeQ8Yj t0ARxu2xytAkkLCel1Lz1WLmwLstV30g80nkgZf/wr+/BXJW/oIvRlonUkxv+IbBM3dX2OV8 AmRv1ySWPTP7AAMFB/9PQK/VtlNUJvg8GXj9ootzrteGfVZVVT4XBJkfwBcpC/XcPzldjv+3 HYudvpdNK3lLujXeA5fLOH+Z/G9WBc5pFVSMocI71I8bT8lIAzreg0WvkWg5V2WZsUMlnDL9 mpwIGFhlbM3gfDMs7MPMu8YQRFVdUvtSpaAs8OFfGQ0ia3LGZcjA6Ik2+xcqscEJzNH+qh8V m5jjp28yZgaqTaRbg3M/+MTbMpicpZuqF4rnB0AQD12/3BNWDR6bmh+EkYSMcEIpQmBM51qM EKYTQGybRCjpnKHGOxG0rfFY1085mBDZCH5Kx0cl0HVJuQKC+dV2ZY5AqjcKwAxpE75MLFkr wkkEGBECAAkFAlk3nEQCGwwACgkQoDSui/t3IH7nnwCfcJWUDUFKdCsBH/E5d+0ZnMQi+G0A nAuWpQkjM1ASeQwSHEeAWPgskBQL
  • Cc: Nicola Vetrini <nicola.vetrini@xxxxxxxxxxx>, xen-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, consulting@xxxxxxxxxxx, Andrew Cooper <andrew.cooper3@xxxxxxxxxx>, George Dunlap <george.dunlap@xxxxxxxxxx>, Julien Grall <julien@xxxxxxx>, Wei Liu <wl@xxxxxxx>
  • Delivery-date: Tue, 27 Feb 2024 07:09:00 +0000
  • List-id: Xen developer discussion <xen-devel.lists.xenproject.org>

On 26.02.2024 23:49, Stefano Stabellini wrote:
> On Mon, 26 Feb 2024, Jan Beulich wrote:
>> On 26.02.2024 09:23, Nicola Vetrini wrote:
>>> On 2024-02-26 09:00, Jan Beulich wrote:
>>>> On 23.02.2024 23:56, Stefano Stabellini wrote:
>>>>> On Fri, 23 Feb 2024, Nicola Vetrini wrote:
>>>>>> These functions never saw a usage of their return value since
>>>>>> they were introduced, so it can be dropped since their usages
>>>>>> violate MISRA C Rule 17.7:
>>>>>> "The value returned by a function having non-void return type shall 
>>>>>> be used".
>>>>>> No functional change.
>>>>>> Signed-off-by: Nicola Vetrini <nicola.vetrini@xxxxxxxxxxx>
>>>>> Reviewed-by: Stefano Stabellini <sstabellini@xxxxxxxxxx>
>>>> The cleanup is certainly okay, but would one of you mind clarifying in 
>>>> how
>>>> far this code is relevant for certification? I don't expect there are 
>>>> plans
>>>> to run shim Xen in any projected production uses for which 
>>>> certification is
>>>> relevant? (The subject prefix is also unnecessarily wide here, when 
>>>> it's
>>>> only daemon code which is affected, not console code in general.)
>>> I agree on the subject prefix being too wide. The configuration that 
>>> uses consoled_guest_tx is #ifdef-ed for x86, so even in configurations 
>>> that may never reach this condition this is relevant, unless its #ifdef 
>>> is restricted to cases where the call may actually be reachable.
>> Hmm, I see. There are contradicting goals here then: It being just X86 is
>> to reduce the risk of someone overlooking a build breakage they may
>> introduce. Whereas for certification it's quite the other way around: We'd
>> like to "hide" as much code as possible.
>> Really I would have been inclined to suggest to drop the #ifdef, if
>> possible even without replacing by IS_ENABLED(), but instead leveraging
>> that pv_shim ought to be compile-time false whenever CONFIG_PV_SHIM=n.
> This is OK
>> After all that's a pattern we've been trying to follow. But with your
>> observation is becomes questionable whether extending use of IS_ENABLED()
>> is actually going to be helpful. Stefano - perhaps something to discuss
>> on one of the next meetings?
> Yes. I checked with the safety manager and his opinion is that
> IS_ENABLED() is OK to use as a way to disable code from a safety
> perspective.

Yet unlike when #ifdef is used, such code would remain visible to e.g.
Eclair even after the preprocessing step. Note the context in which
I'm bringing this up - if IS_ENABLED() was properly used here (and as
tightly as possible), the tool would still have complained, aiui.




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