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Re: Wiki Access

Hey John, 

We have a glossary here that helps direct you to the relevant pages: https://wiki.xenproject.org/wiki/Category:Glossary 

However, for a glossary of terms it depends what you are searching for. I don't believe we have a full page of terms on the old wiki but instead pages split out by categories. 
I'd suggest posting in the @xen-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx mailing list as a suggestion and see if any of the other developers have the same idea. I'm sure it wouldn't be difficult to set up, and you may even receive help from other members. 

For the full pages, you can refer here: https://wiki.xenproject.org/wiki/Special:AllPages 

Many thanks,
Kelly Choi

Community Manager
Xen Project 

On Wed, Dec 27, 2023 at 10:58 PM John L. Poole <jlpoole56@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Thank you, Kelly.  I successfully edited a talk page concerning the definition of VT-dhttps://wiki.xenproject.org/wiki/Talk:VTd_HowTo

I searched and did not readily find a glossary of terms within the Xen wiki.  I'm finding I keep encountering acronyms and terms of art which trip me up in fully digesting what is being said.  Is there a page where terms are defined?  I would go a long way to have terms linked to their definitions.  If not, what would be the best way to propose that the wiki have such a page?



On 12/27/2023 1:53 PM, Kelly Choi wrote:
Hi John,

Thank you for your dedicated commitment to The Xen Project. We're grateful to individuals such as yourself who make the project successful. 

I've found your username under "jlpoole" and amended the access rights. You should be able to edit the pages now. We rely on community members to help us keep our documentation updated, so thank you for offering to help! 

We're going to be updating our documentation as part of a wider strategy but the Wiki will still be here until we do so. If you're interested we'd love to involve you during these steps too. 

Most of our developers chat on Matrix and send patches through our mailing list. Please join us below and be sure to introduce yourself:

Many thanks,
Kelly Choi

Community Manager
Xen Project 

On Wed, Dec 27, 2023 at 5:08 PM John L. Poole <jlpoole56@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Dear Community Manager(s),

my wiki username: jlpoole

I think I've been using Xen for over a decade and possibly have had an account on this wiki from the commencement of my voyage into Xen.

You mustn't let the wiki be in a deep freeze.  I have colleagues insisting I switch to KVM, but I resist and want to make Xen work, especially after an incident several years ago where your top developers where helping with a problem I faced (and, regrettably, it turned out to be a problem caused by Microsoft's wireless keyboard interfering somehow with the boot process).

For example, I am now building 2 new servers on Ryzen 7950+ processors and am installing Xen on them.  I'm trying to learn and use the pci-passthrough and I found a term "<guest virtual slot number>" at https://wiki.xenproject.org/wiki/Xen_PCI_Passthrough#Verifying_that_the_device_is_ready_to_be_passed_through.   


Commands to hot-plug and unplug a device into a running VM are below:

xl pci-attach <domain-id> <pci device> <guest virtual slot number>
xl pci-detach <domain-id> <pci device> <guest virtual slot number>

(Replace xl with xm if you're using xend.)

Google is unable to match "<guest virtual slot number>" with other documentation, so it looks like the term was coined on this wiki page with no further explanation.  I know what a <domain-id> is and it is defined in other documentation.  That should be discussed and clarified.  Here's what brought this term in focus: my attempt to follow the instruction left me punting as to what the value is for the parameter "<guest virtual slot number>" -- tried "0, but no success:

ryzwork /home/jlpoole # date; xl pci-assignable-list
Wed Dec 27 08:04:12 AM PST 2023
ryzwork /home/jlpoole # xl pci-assignable-add 15:00.0
ryzwork /home/jlpoole # date; xl pci-assignable-list
Wed Dec 27 08:06:22 AM PST 2023
ryzwork /home/jlpoole # date
Wed Dec 27 08:10:51 AM PST 2023
ryzwork /home/jlpoole # xl list
Name                                        ID   Mem VCPUs      State   Time(s)
Domain-0                                     0  1024    32     r-----      30.5
ryzwork /home/jlpoole #  xl pci-attach 0 0000:15:00.0
libxl: error: libxl_pci.c:1536:libxl__device_pci_reset: write to /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000:15:00.0/reset returned -1: Inappropriate ioctl for device
libxl: error: libxl_pci.c:1498:pci_add_dm_done: xc_assign_device failed: Invalid argument
libxl: error: libxl_pci.c:1777:device_pci_add_done: libxl__device_pci_add failed for PCI device 0:15:0.0 (rc -3)
libxl: error: libxl_device.c:1414:device_addrm_aocomplete: unable to add device
ryzwork /home/jlpoole # xl pci-attach 0 0000:15:00.0 0
libxl: error: libxl_pci.c:1536:libxl__device_pci_reset: write to /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000:15:00.0/reset returned -1: Inappropriate ioctl for device
libxl: error: libxl_pci.c:1498:pci_add_dm_done: xc_assign_device failed: Invalid argument
libxl: error: libxl_pci.c:1777:device_pci_add_done: libxl__device_pci_add failed for PCI device 0:15:0.0 (rc -3)
libxl: error: libxl_device.c:1414:device_addrm_aocomplete: unable to add device
ryzwork /home/jlpoole #  date; xl pci-assignable-list
Wed Dec 27 08:13:46 AM PST 2023
ryzwork /home/jlpoole #

I was a software engineer at Oracle for 24 years, I retired January 2023. 

Please allow me to edit the wiki.

Kind regards,

John Laurence Poole
1566 Court ST NE
Salem OR 97301-4241


John Laurence Poole
1566 Court ST NE
Salem OR 97301-4241



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