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[PATCH v3 15/34] xen/riscv: introduce atomic.h

From: Bobby Eshleman <bobbyeshleman@xxxxxxxxx>

Additionally, this patch introduces macros in fence.h,
which are utilized in atomic.h.

Signed-off-by: Oleksii Kurochko <oleksii.kurochko@xxxxxxxxx>
Changes in V3:
  - update the commit message
  - add SPDX for fence.h
  - code style fixes
  - Remove /* TODO: ... */ for add_sized macros. It looks correct to me.
  - re-order the patch
  - merge to this patch fence.h
Changes in V2:
 - Change an author of commit. I got this header from Bobby's old repo.
 xen/arch/riscv/include/asm/atomic.h | 384 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 xen/arch/riscv/include/asm/fence.h  |  13 +
 2 files changed, 397 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 xen/arch/riscv/include/asm/atomic.h
 create mode 100644 xen/arch/riscv/include/asm/fence.h

diff --git a/xen/arch/riscv/include/asm/atomic.h 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..725326a9d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xen/arch/riscv/include/asm/atomic.h
@@ -0,0 +1,384 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only */
+ * Taken and modified from Linux.
+ * 
+ * Copyright (C) 2007 Red Hat, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 Regents of the University of California
+ * Copyright (C) 2017 SiFive
+ * Copyright (C) 2021 Vates SAS
+ */
+#include <xen/atomic.h>
+#include <asm/cmpxchg.h>
+#include <asm/fence.h>
+#include <asm/io.h>
+#include <asm/system.h>
+void __bad_atomic_size(void);
+static always_inline void read_atomic_size(const volatile void *p,
+                                           void *res,
+                                           unsigned int size)
+    switch ( size )
+    {
+    case 1: *(uint8_t *)res = readb((const uint8_t *)p); break;
+    case 2: *(uint16_t *)res = readw((const uint16_t *)p); break;
+    case 4: *(uint32_t *)res = readl((const uint32_t *)p); break;
+    case 8: *(uint32_t *)res  = readq((const uint64_t *)p); break;
+    default: __bad_atomic_size(); break;
+    }
+#define read_atomic(p) ({                                               \
+    union { typeof(*p) val; char c[0]; } x_;                            \
+    read_atomic_size(p, x_.c, sizeof(*p));                              \
+    x_.val;                                                             \
+#define write_atomic(p, x) ({                                           \
+    typeof(*p) x__ = (x);                                               \
+    switch ( sizeof(*p) )                                                      
+    {                                                                          
+    case 1: writeb((uint8_t)x__,  (uint8_t *)  p); break;                      
+    case 2: writew((uint16_t)x__, (uint16_t *) p); break;                      
+    case 4: writel((uint32_t)x__, (uint32_t *) p); break;                      
+    case 8: writeq((uint64_t)x__, (uint64_t *) p); break;                      
+    default: __bad_atomic_size(); break;                                \
+    }                                                                   \
+    x__;                                                                \
+#define add_sized(p, x) ({                                              \
+    typeof(*(p)) x__ = (x);                                             \
+    switch ( sizeof(*(p)) )                                             \
+    {                                                                   \
+    case 1: writeb(read_atomic(p) + x__, (uint8_t *)(p)); break;        \
+    case 2: writew(read_atomic(p) + x__, (uint16_t *)(p)); break;       \
+    case 4: writel(read_atomic(p) + x__, (uint32_t *)(p)); break;       \
+    default: __bad_atomic_size(); break;                                \
+    }                                                                   \
+ *  __unqual_scalar_typeof(x) - Declare an unqualified scalar type, leaving
+ *               non-scalar types unchanged.
+ *
+ * Prefer C11 _Generic for better compile-times and simpler code. Note: 'char'
+ * is not type-compatible with 'signed char', and we define a separate case.
+ */
+#define __scalar_type_to_expr_cases(type)               \
+    unsigned type:  (unsigned type)0,                   \
+    signed type:    (signed type)0
+#define __unqual_scalar_typeof(x) typeof(               \
+    _Generic((x),                                       \
+        char:  (char)0,                                 \
+        __scalar_type_to_expr_cases(char),              \
+        __scalar_type_to_expr_cases(short),             \
+        __scalar_type_to_expr_cases(int),               \
+        __scalar_type_to_expr_cases(long),              \
+        __scalar_type_to_expr_cases(long long),         \
+        default: (x)))
+#define READ_ONCE(x)  (*(const volatile __unqual_scalar_typeof(x) *)&(x))
+#define WRITE_ONCE(x, val)                                      \
+    do {                                                        \
+        *(volatile typeof(x) *)&(x) = (val);                    \
+    } while (0)
+#define __atomic_acquire_fence() \
+    __asm__ __volatile__( RISCV_ACQUIRE_BARRIER "" ::: "memory" )
+#define __atomic_release_fence() \
+    __asm__ __volatile__( RISCV_RELEASE_BARRIER "" ::: "memory" );
+static inline int atomic_read(const atomic_t *v)
+    return READ_ONCE(v->counter);
+static inline int _atomic_read(atomic_t v)
+    return v.counter;
+static inline void atomic_set(atomic_t *v, int i)
+    WRITE_ONCE(v->counter, i);
+static inline void _atomic_set(atomic_t *v, int i)
+    v->counter = i;
+static inline int atomic_sub_and_test(int i, atomic_t *v)
+    return atomic_sub_return(i, v) == 0;
+static inline void atomic_inc(atomic_t *v)
+    atomic_add(1, v);
+static inline int atomic_inc_return(atomic_t *v)
+    return atomic_add_return(1, v);
+static inline void atomic_dec(atomic_t *v)
+    atomic_sub(1, v);
+static inline int atomic_dec_return(atomic_t *v)
+    return atomic_sub_return(1, v);
+static inline int atomic_dec_and_test(atomic_t *v)
+    return atomic_sub_return(1, v) == 0;
+static inline int atomic_add_negative(int i, atomic_t *v)
+    return atomic_add_return(i, v) < 0;
+static inline int atomic_inc_and_test(atomic_t *v)
+    return atomic_add_return(1, v) == 0;
+ * First, the atomic ops that have no ordering constraints and therefor don't
+ * have the AQ or RL bits set.  These don't return anything, so there's only
+ * one version to worry about.
+ */
+#define ATOMIC_OP(op, asm_op, I, asm_type, c_type, prefix)  \
+static inline                                               \
+void atomic##prefix##_##op(c_type i, atomic##prefix##_t *v) \
+{                                                           \
+    __asm__ __volatile__ (                                  \
+        "   amo" #asm_op "." #asm_type " zero, %1, %0"      \
+        : "+A" (v->counter)                                 \
+        : "r" (I)                                           \
+        : "memory" );                                       \
+}                                                           \
+#define ATOMIC_OPS(op, asm_op, I)                           \
+        ATOMIC_OP (op, asm_op, I, w, int,   )
+ATOMIC_OPS(add, add,  i)
+ATOMIC_OPS(sub, add, -i)
+ATOMIC_OPS(and, and,  i)
+ATOMIC_OPS( or,  or,  i)
+ATOMIC_OPS(xor, xor,  i)
+#undef ATOMIC_OP
+#undef ATOMIC_OPS
+ * Atomic ops that have ordered, relaxed, acquire, and release variants.
+ * There's two flavors of these: the arithmatic ops have both fetch and return
+ * versions, while the logical ops only have fetch versions.
+ */
+#define ATOMIC_FETCH_OP(op, asm_op, I, asm_type, c_type, prefix)    \
+static inline                                                       \
+c_type atomic##prefix##_fetch_##op##_relaxed(c_type i,              \
+                         atomic##prefix##_t *v)                     \
+{                                                                   \
+    register c_type ret;                                            \
+    __asm__ __volatile__ (                                          \
+        "   amo" #asm_op "." #asm_type " %1, %2, %0"                \
+        : "+A" (v->counter), "=r" (ret)                             \
+        : "r" (I)                                                   \
+        : "memory" );                                               \
+    return ret;                                                     \
+}                                                                   \
+static inline                                                       \
+c_type atomic##prefix##_fetch_##op(c_type i, atomic##prefix##_t *v) \
+{                                                                   \
+    register c_type ret;                                            \
+    __asm__ __volatile__ (                                          \
+        "   amo" #asm_op "." #asm_type ".aqrl  %1, %2, %0"          \
+        : "+A" (v->counter), "=r" (ret)                             \
+        : "r" (I)                                                   \
+        : "memory" );                                               \
+    return ret;                                                     \
+#define ATOMIC_OP_RETURN(op, asm_op, c_op, I, asm_type, c_type, prefix) \
+static inline                                                           \
+c_type atomic##prefix##_##op##_return_relaxed(c_type i,                 \
+                          atomic##prefix##_t *v)                        \
+{                                                                       \
+        return atomic##prefix##_fetch_##op##_relaxed(i, v) c_op I;      \
+}                                                                       \
+static inline                                                           \
+c_type atomic##prefix##_##op##_return(c_type i, atomic##prefix##_t *v)  \
+{                                                                       \
+        return atomic##prefix##_fetch_##op(i, v) c_op I;                \
+#define ATOMIC_OPS(op, asm_op, c_op, I)                                 \
+        ATOMIC_FETCH_OP( op, asm_op,       I, w, int,   )               \
+        ATOMIC_OP_RETURN(op, asm_op, c_op, I, w, int,   )
+ATOMIC_OPS(add, add, +,  i)
+ATOMIC_OPS(sub, add, +, -i)
+#define atomic_add_return_relaxed   atomic_add_return_relaxed
+#define atomic_sub_return_relaxed   atomic_sub_return_relaxed
+#define atomic_add_return   atomic_add_return
+#define atomic_sub_return   atomic_sub_return
+#define atomic_fetch_add_relaxed    atomic_fetch_add_relaxed
+#define atomic_fetch_sub_relaxed    atomic_fetch_sub_relaxed
+#define atomic_fetch_add    atomic_fetch_add
+#define atomic_fetch_sub    atomic_fetch_sub
+#undef ATOMIC_OPS
+#define ATOMIC_OPS(op, asm_op, I) \
+        ATOMIC_FETCH_OP(op, asm_op, I, w, int,   )
+ATOMIC_OPS(and, and, i)
+ATOMIC_OPS( or,  or, i)
+ATOMIC_OPS(xor, xor, i)
+#define atomic_fetch_and_relaxed    atomic_fetch_and_relaxed
+#define atomic_fetch_or_relaxed            atomic_fetch_or_relaxed
+#define atomic_fetch_xor_relaxed    atomic_fetch_xor_relaxed
+#define atomic_fetch_and    atomic_fetch_and
+#define atomic_fetch_or     atomic_fetch_or
+#define atomic_fetch_xor    atomic_fetch_xor
+#undef ATOMIC_OPS
+/* This is required to provide a full barrier on success. */
+static inline int atomic_add_unless(atomic_t *v, int a, int u)
+       int prev, rc;
+    __asm__ __volatile__ (
+        "0: lr.w     %[p],  %[c]\n"
+        "   beq      %[p],  %[u], 1f\n"
+        "   add      %[rc], %[p], %[a]\n"
+        "   sc.w.rl  %[rc], %[rc], %[c]\n"
+        "   bnez     %[rc], 0b\n"
+        "   fence    rw, rw\n"
+        "1:\n"
+        : [p]"=&r" (prev), [rc]"=&r" (rc), [c]"+A" (v->counter)
+        : [a]"r" (a), [u]"r" (u)
+        : "memory");
+    return prev;
+#define atomic_fetch_add_unless atomic_fetch_add_unless
+ * atomic_{cmp,}xchg is required to have exactly the same ordering semantics as
+ * {cmp,}xchg and the operations that return, so they need a full barrier.
+ */
+#define ATOMIC_OP(c_t, prefix, size)                            \
+static inline                                                   \
+c_t atomic##prefix##_xchg_relaxed(atomic##prefix##_t *v, c_t n) \
+{                                                               \
+    return __xchg_relaxed(&(v->counter), n, size);              \
+}                                                               \
+static inline                                                   \
+c_t atomic##prefix##_xchg_acquire(atomic##prefix##_t *v, c_t n) \
+{                                                               \
+    return __xchg_acquire(&(v->counter), n, size);              \
+}                                                               \
+static inline                                                   \
+c_t atomic##prefix##_xchg_release(atomic##prefix##_t *v, c_t n) \
+{                                                               \
+    return __xchg_release(&(v->counter), n, size);              \
+}                                                               \
+static inline                                                   \
+c_t atomic##prefix##_xchg(atomic##prefix##_t *v, c_t n)         \
+{                                                               \
+    return __xchg(&(v->counter), n, size);                      \
+}                                                               \
+static inline                                                   \
+c_t atomic##prefix##_cmpxchg_relaxed(atomic##prefix##_t *v,     \
+                     c_t o, c_t n)                              \
+{                                                               \
+    return __cmpxchg_relaxed(&(v->counter), o, n, size);        \
+}                                                               \
+static inline                                                   \
+c_t atomic##prefix##_cmpxchg_acquire(atomic##prefix##_t *v,     \
+                     c_t o, c_t n)                              \
+{                                                               \
+    return __cmpxchg_acquire(&(v->counter), o, n, size);        \
+}                                                               \
+static inline                                                   \
+c_t atomic##prefix##_cmpxchg_release(atomic##prefix##_t *v,     \
+                     c_t o, c_t n)                              \
+{                                                                  \
+    return __cmpxchg_release(&(v->counter), o, n, size);        \
+}                                                               \
+static inline                                                   \
+c_t atomic##prefix##_cmpxchg(atomic##prefix##_t *v, c_t o, c_t n) \
+{                                                               \
+    return __cmpxchg(&(v->counter), o, n, size);                \
+#define ATOMIC_OPS() \
+    ATOMIC_OP(int,   , 4)
+#define atomic_xchg_relaxed atomic_xchg_relaxed
+#define atomic_xchg_acquire atomic_xchg_acquire
+#define atomic_xchg_release atomic_xchg_release
+#define atomic_xchg atomic_xchg
+#define atomic_cmpxchg_relaxed atomic_cmpxchg_relaxed
+#define atomic_cmpxchg_acquire atomic_cmpxchg_acquire
+#define atomic_cmpxchg_release atomic_cmpxchg_release
+#define atomic_cmpxchg atomic_cmpxchg
+#undef ATOMIC_OPS
+#undef ATOMIC_OP
+static inline int atomic_sub_if_positive(atomic_t *v, int offset)
+       int prev, rc;
+    __asm__ __volatile__ (
+        "0: lr.w     %[p],  %[c]\n"
+        "   sub      %[rc], %[p], %[o]\n"
+        "   bltz     %[rc], 1f\n"
+        "   sc.w.rl  %[rc], %[rc], %[c]\n"
+        "   bnez     %[rc], 0b\n"
+        "   fence    rw, rw\n"
+        "1:\n"
+        : [p]"=&r" (prev), [rc]"=&r" (rc), [c]"+A" (v->counter)
+        : [o]"r" (offset)
+        : "memory" );
+    return prev - offset;
+#define atomic_dec_if_positive(v)      atomic_sub_if_positive(v, 1)
+#endif /* _ASM_RISCV_ATOMIC_H */
+ * Local variables:
+ * mode: C
+ * c-file-style: "BSD"
+ * c-basic-offset: 4
+ * indent-tabs-mode: nil
+ * End:
+ */
diff --git a/xen/arch/riscv/include/asm/fence.h 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b3f6b1c20a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xen/arch/riscv/include/asm/fence.h
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */
+#ifdef CONFIG_SMP
+#define RISCV_ACQUIRE_BARRIER          "\tfence r , rw\n"
+#define RISCV_RELEASE_BARRIER          "\tfence rw,  w\n"
+#endif /* _ASM_RISCV_FENCE_H */



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