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Re: How to boot FreeBSD for arm 32 bit as DomU with u-boot on my ARM Chromebook

I've asked some help on the channel #arm on Reddit and someone replied :

Maybe his answer can be useful to understand why it does not work.

On Tue, Dec 19, 2023 at 8:33 PM Stefano Stabellini <sstabellini@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hi Mario,

I am not sure about booting FreeBSD, but I am certain that u-boot works
fine as DomU kernel on ARMv8 (not sure about ARMv7). With this config

extra = "console=hvc0"
disk = [ 'FreeBSD-13.2-RELEASE-armv7.img,raw,xvda' ]

I don't know for sure if you can boot FreeBSD but you should definitely
be able to see the u-boot command line prompt. The fact that you are
getting this message:

xc: error: panic: xg_dom_core.c:689: xc_dom_find_loader: no loader found: Invalid kernel

Means that something is not right in the u-boot configuration or u-boot
build. Michal and Artem (CCed) might know more. From what I recall,
there was nothing special required to get u-boot.bin to boot as domU
kernel, so now I wonder if it is an ARMv7 vs. ARMv8 issue.



On Tue, 19 Dec 2023, Mario Marietto wrote:
> ....I see that some other interesting files have been produced by u-boot when I have compiled it :
> u-boot
> u-boot.lds
> u-boot.bin
> u-boot.map
> u-boot-nodtb.bin
> u-boot.dtb
> u-boot.srec
> u-boot-dtb.bin
> u-boot.sym
> So,maybe I should use a different u-boot* file for booting FreeBSD ?
> On Tue, Dec 19, 2023 at 4:28 PM Mario Marietto <marietto2008@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>       Hello to everyone.
> I have compiled the needed u-boot.bin from scratch using this procedure :
> # git clone https://github.com/u-boot/u-boot.git
> # cd u-boot
> # ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf- make snow_defconfig : this line generates the file .config
> # nano .config and I've added these parameters :
> the uboot-bin file is generated with this command :
> # ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf- make
> At this point,I took a look inside the .config file and I saw that the parameter "CONFIG_ARMV7_NONSEC=n" has been removed. So,for
> some reason,it is not accepted and this could be a problem....
> These are the xen config files that I've used :
> nano freebsd.cfg
> name="test"
> kernel="u-boot.bin"
> extra = "console=hvc0"
> memory=256
> vcpus=1
> disk = [ 'FreeBSD-13.2-RELEASE-armv7.img,raw,xvda' ]
> nano start-freebsd
> xl create freebsd.cfg
> xl console freebsd
> This is what happens when I launch the vm :
> # ./start-freebsd
> Parsing config from freebsd.cfg
> xc: error: panic: xg_dom_core.c:689: xc_dom_find_loader: no loader found: Invalid kernel
> libxl: error: libxl_dom.c:571:libxl__build_dom: xc_dom_parse_image failed
> libxl: error: libxl_create.c:1640:domcreate_rebuild_done: Domain 1:cannot (re-)build domain: -3
> libxl: error: libxl_domain.c:1183:libxl__destroy_domid: Domain 1:Non-existent domain
> libxl: error: libxl_domain.c:1137:domain_destroy_callback: Domain 1:Unable to destroy guest
> libxl: error: libxl_domain.c:1064:domain_destroy_cb: Domain 1:Destruction of domain failed
> freebsd is an invalid domain identifier (rc=-6)
> On Mon, Dec 18, 2023 at 12:39 PM Mario Marietto <marietto2008@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>       So,ok,I should have said "the second u-boot" ; since the first u-boot binary is the "u-boot binary located in the RO
>       memory" of the Chromebook". Sorry for the confusion.
> On Mon, Dec 18, 2023 at 12:35 PM Mario Marietto <marietto2008@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>       ---> There are no specific options in u-boot devoted to FreeBSD
> This is an important factor. So,what about if,instead of compiling a new version of u-boot on the partition 2,I will
> recompile the u-boot customized version created by the virtual open system in 2014,that should be installed on the first
> partition ? It could work if there are no differences between the u-boot that should boot Linux and the u-boot that
> should boot FreeBSD.
> Can you give a look at the u-boot source code created by virtual open systems ? You can find it on my google drive :
> https://drive.google.com/file/d/1eAaZMfd6CU0xiqQfH7sq5wGVzzO09BRm/view?usp=sharing
> I need to understand if I can recompile it without problem so that it can satisfy my needs (the ability of the file
> u-boot.bin to boot FreeBSD as domU under Xen,as explained by Stefano Stabellini,the xen developer that suggested to me
> what I could do to have FreeBSD virtualized under Xen on my Arm Chromebook) ; otherwise the risk is to find later
> problems that will make me troubles and that I will not able to fix.
> I gave a look at the virtual open system u-boot and I didn't see any arndale_defconfig inside. So,If I have understood
> correctly,I should put that file inside the root of the u-boot source code,let's say here :
> marietto:/home/marietto/Desktop/Files/u-boot_FreeBSD/u-boot-vos # ls
> .checkpatch.conf        README                  doc                     net
> .git                    api                     drivers                 onenand_ipl
> .gitignore              arch                    dts                     post
> COPYING                 board                   examples                rules.mk
> CREDITS                 boards.cfg              fs                      scripts
> MAINTAINERS             common                  include                 snapshot.commit
> MAKEALL                 config.mk               lib                     spl
> Makefile                cros                    mkconfig                test
> PRESUBMIT.cfg           disk                    nand_spl                tools
> and I should do : make and make install ? and the file I need,u-boot.bin will be generated ? 
> I didn't find any pre made configuration file inside :
> u-boot-vos # find . -type f -name "exynos*" 
> ./include/exynos-fb.h
> ./include/configs/exynos5-common.h
> ./doc/device-tree-bindings/spi/exynos-spi.txt
> ./doc/device-tree-bindings/usb/exynos-usb.txt
> ./drivers/power/exynos-tmu.c
> ./drivers/power/exynos-cpufreq.c
> ./drivers/video/exynos-fb.c
> ./drivers/spi/exynos_spi.c
> ./board/samsung/dts/exynos5250-spring.dts
> ./board/samsung/dts/exynos5250-smdk5250.dts
> ./board/samsung/dts/exynos5250-snow.dts
> ./board/samsung/dts/exynos5250-daisy.dts
> ./arch/arm/include/asm/arch-exynos5/exynos-cpufreq.h
> ./arch/arm/include/asm/arch-exynos5/exynos-tmu.h
> ./arch/arm/dts/exynos5250.dtsi
> ./arch/arm/dts/exynos-periph-id.dtsi
> ./arch/arm/cpu/armv7/exynos5/exynos_cache.c 
> u-boot-vos # find . -type f -name "arndale*"
> For sure I can't use a newer version of u-boot because otherwise the patches needed to bypass the bootloader protections
> of the Arm Chromebook (such as a lot of different patches needed to boot correctly Linux) will be broken ; anyway,since
> it works,I don't need to use an updated version of u-boot.
> ----> As per my experience, you have to respect these two options, compiling u-boot for
> FreeBSD: https://github.com/freebsd/freebsd-ports/blob/main/sysutils/u-boot-master/files/FreeBSD_Fragment
> It says that I should use these parameters :
> These are the parameters used to configure a Linux kernel. I don't understand what's the relation between the compilation
> of a linux kernel and u-boot. In the past I tried to recompile u-boot,but I didn't have the need to set up those
> parameters,so I don't know how to do it (but I know how to recompile a Linux kernel).
> ---> I'm not sure that I'm getting you right, as I don't understand what you mean under "the first u-boot".
> I'm talking about first u-boot because the whole procedure to boot Linux on the ARM Chromebook,that's explained here :
> http://www.virtualopensystems.com/en/solutions/guides/kvm-on-chromebook/
> at some point they say :
> To be able to run KVM on ARM platforms, the kernel has to be booted in hypervisor mode. Because of this relatively recent
> requirement (due to the introduction of the virtualization extensions), up until now all booting methods would boot the
> kernel in the standard Supervisor mode.
> For the ARM Chromebook the default boot procedure doesn't allow us to boot in hypervisor mode. Although the laptop's boot
> mechanism is based on the frequently used u-boot, the binary is located in RO memory. Fortunately, a chained u-boot
> mechanism can be used (i.e. starting another u-boot after the original). We can then enter hypervisor mode from our
> custom iteration of u-boot and subsequently load our kernel and userspace.
> So,the first u-boot is the u-boot provided by virtual open systems,that's able to chainload the "u-boot binary located in
> RO memory" , that does not boot Chrome OS in hypervisor mode. We don't need it if we want to boot Linux with kvm or xen
> enabled.
> On Sun, Dec 17, 2023 at 1:28 AM Stanislav Silnicki <stanislav.silnicki@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>       I'm not an expert in the topic, I only know, that ARM has divided hardware into two worlds - Secure and
>       Not-So, strictly limiting any software, running in non-secure world with access to functions and
>       resources. https://developer.arm.com/documentation/den0013/d/Security/TrustZone-hardware-architecture?lang=en
> I'm not sure, that I'm getting you right, as I don't understand what you mean under "the first u-boot".
> As I understand, virtualization (HYP) is running in non-secure world(https://developer.arm.com/documentation/ddi0406/c/System-Level-Architecture/The-System-Level-Programmers--Model/The-Virtualization-Extens
> ions), so my guess (only guess!!!), virtualization software has to prepare (configure) HW platform in the way,
> that FreeBSD kernel will not lack any resources, required to configure MPU, VA, etc.
> So, if you lucky to boot virtualizer, which is aware of target OS, that maybe you can boot the kernel. Although, I
> doubt, that you need to boot 'second' u-boot to boot the kernel - there is simply ubldr, which you can hook somehow
> from virtualizer....
> Stan
> Mario Marietto wrote:
>       ---> As I understand, it makes sure that u-boot keeps in secure mode during boot and passes control to
>       ubldr, which boots FreeBSD kernel, in that mode.
> Can you elaborate your sentence more ? I know that the bootloader secure mode is bypassed by the virtual open
> systems u-boot. Are you saying that when the control passes to the second u-boot,it will happen in secure
> mode,so that the bypass that happened loading the first u-boot,is annulled ? If this is true,maybe can I boot
> FreeBSD using the virtual-open-system custom u-boot ? Is this compatible with FreeBSD ? Where can I find the
> u-boot.bin that the xen developer talked about ? thanks bro'.
> On Sun, Dec 17, 2023 at 12:35 AM Stanislav Silnicki <stanislav.silnicki@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>       Hi Mario,
> U-Boot  beast is hiding in this den: https://source.denx.de/u-boot/u-boot.git
> I took a brief look at your post and it seems to me, that option CONFIG_CMO_BY_VA_ONLY is irrelevant to
> your target armv7 32 bit
> platform: https://source.denx.de/u-boot/u-boot/-/blob/master/arch/arm/cpu/armv8/Kconfig?ref_type=heads#L3
> As for compiling the u-boot, it is a doable task, given that you understand what you are doing. There
> are no specific options in u-boot devoted to FreeBSD. It is a boot loader, whose mission to make basic
> hardware initialization, read you kernel file from some media into RAM and then pass it control.
> Basically, you can grab some defconfig, prepared for any other Exynos5250 based board  (say, this one:
> https://source.denx.de/u-boot/u-boot/-/blob/master/configs/arndale_defconfig?ref_type=heads) and adopt
> it somehow.
> As per my experience, you have to respect these two options, compiling u-boot for
> FreeBSD: https://github.com/freebsd/freebsd-ports/blob/main/sysutils/u-boot-master/files/FreeBSD_Fragment
> As I understand, it makes sure, that u-boot keeps in secure mode during boot and passes control to
> ubldr, which boots FreBSD kernel, in that mode. Otherwise, there a lot of surprises you may realize.
> Hope, this will help to progress you tasks
> Stan
> Mario Marietto wrote:
>       Hello.
>       I'm trying to boot FreeBSD for arm32 bit as DomU on my ARM Chromebook. Basically there are
>       two ways to accomplish this task :
>       1) to write a patch that allows the FreeBSD kernel to boot as a zImage file. This could be
>       accomplished applying this patch to a specific file that's on the source code of FreeBSD :
>       https://xenbits.xen.org/gitweb/?p=p...8;hb=0782e25d98cc1391472717035f986c979edef0c9
>       This patch was written by Julien Grall a lot of time ago and now it does not work anymore.
>       This is the reason :
>             It appears FreeBSD-CURRENT removed the last step converting the kernel file to
>             kernel.bin. The patch can be readily rebased, but without kernel.bin that
>             doesn't do too much.
> So,without a rebase of that patch the first option is not applicable. And I'm not able to fix it.
> 2) booting FreeBSD using U-Boot,as explained to me by a xen developer :
>       I was trying to explain why and how Julien's patch works so that you could be the one
>       to re-do something similar or fix the patch on the FreeBSD kernel that you are
>       working with. I am happy to help review and write patches but I don't work with the
>       FreeBSD kernel so I wouldn't be able to help you quickly. However, I might have a
>       suggestion. Do you know if FreeBSD can be booted by U-Boot ? Because U-Boot
>       definitely boots as Xen on ARM guest firmware/bootloader. You should be able to build
>       U-Boot and use the U-Boot binary as Xen guest kernel, then U-Boot could load FreeBSD
>       from disk or network and start it. For instance as domU config file:
>       kernel="/home/petalinux/u-boot.bin"
>       disk = [ '/home/petalinux/test.img,raw,xvda' ]
>       I know it is important to build u-boot with the following config to make it work on
>       Xen.
> This option seems more doable to me according to my knowledge. But I need to understand how to do
> it.
> Well,let's say that on the ARM Chromebook I'm forced to use and install a customized version of
> u-boot,created by virtual open systems,because it is the only one that allows bypassing its
> bootloader protection. You can find more information here :
> http://www.virtualopensystems.com/en/solutions/guides/kvm-on-chromebook/?vos=tech
> This is the relevant section to read :
>       Bootloader :
>       If you wish to skip this chapter you can download a pre-compiled binary of the
>       bootloader:
>       $ wget
>       http://www.virtualopensystems.com/downloads/guides/kvm_on_chromebook/nv_u-boot-snow.kpart
>       To be able to run KVM on ARM platforms, the kernel has to be booted in hypervisor
>       mode. Because of this relatively recent requirement (due to the introduction of the
>       virtualization extensions), up until now all booting methods would boot the kernel in
>       the standard Supervisor mode. For the ARM Chromebook the default boot procedure
>       doesn't allow us to boot in hypervisor mode. Although the laptop's boot mechanism is
>       based on the frequently used u-boot, the binary is located in RO memory. Fortunately,
>       a chained u-boot mechanism can be used (i.e. starting another u-boot after the
>       original). We can then enter hypervisor mode from our custom iteration of u-boot and
>       subsequently load our kernel and userspace.
>       Checkout the needed u-boot code :
>       $ git clone git://github.com/virtualopensystems/u-boot.git$ cd u-boot$
>       ./scripts/build.sh
>       If successful, a message about how to copy the bootloader on the USB flash disk or SD
>       card will appear. We will use it later when preparing the boot medium to start our
>       system. If you have followed the Setting up the boot medium chapter and you have a
>       prepared boot device, then you can update u-boot by running :
>       $ sudo dd if=nv_uboot-snow.kpart of=/dev/sdX1
> so,the needed u-boot that we must use should be installed on the first partition of the sd card.
> There is another relevant section to read :
>       Setting up the boot medium
>       Now it is time to copy all the relevant files that we created in the previous
>       chapters,and use them to boot Chromebook with a different kernel and OS. In all these
>       examples the device /dev/sdX is used. Take extra care to change the examples to the
>       device that you have attached. Insert the boot medium on your workstation and
>       carefully execute the following step. First we need to properly format the boot
>       medium.
>       In the uboot source directory :
>       $ sudo ./scripts/sdcard.sh /dev/sdX
>       This will erase all data and create 4 partitions in the medium, along with copying
>       the u-boot binary to the first partition:
>       Partition 1 = ChromeOS signed binary (V.O.S chained u-boot)
>       Partition 2 = not used
>       Partition 3 = EXT2 partition for u-boot files (uImage and exynos5250-snow.dtb)
>       Partition 4 = EXT4 partition for userspace files
>       With u-boot being copied, next is the kernel image and DTB file. From the kernel
>       source execute :
>       $ mkdir ../mnt/
>       $ sudo mount /dev/sdX3 ../mnt/
>       $ sudo cp arch/arm/boot/uImage ../mnt/
>       $ sudo cp arch/arm/boot/dts/exynos5250-snow.dtb ../mnt/
>       $ sudo umount /dev/sdX3
>       Finally, we have to copy the Ubuntu userspace filesystem that we created earlier:
>       $ sudo mount /dev/sdX4 mnt/$ sudo cp -a ./precise/* mnt/$ sudo umount /dev/sdX4
> Now,my idea is to chainload the already chain loaded u-boot created by V.O.S to the new u-boot
> that we need for booting FreeBSD and that can be installed in the partition n.2,as shown in this
> scheme,because it is not used :
> Partition 1 = ChromeOS signed binary (V.O.S chained u-boot)
> Partition 2 = not used (maybe we can install the u-boot for arm 32 bit,compatible with FreeBSD on
> this partition)
> Partition 3 = EXT2 partition for u-boot files (uImage and exynos5250-snow.dtb)
> Partition 4 = EXT4 partition for userspace files
> Take in consideration that default boot string is hardcoded here,in the snow.h file of the custom
> u-boot created by VOS :
> https://github.com/virtualopensyste...18a39b6c177dff58a/include/configs/snow.h#L101
> and it needs to be recompiled because it should point to the partition n.2,where I will install
> the u-boot files as explained here :
> https://wiki.freebsd.org/arm/Chromebook
> I have some questions to ask before I start working on this.
> 1) The xen developer said :
>       You should be able to build U-Boot and use the U-Boot binary as Xen guest kernel...
> where is the u-boot binary,according to this document ?
> https://wiki.freebsd.org/arm/Chromebook
> I don't see it.
> 2) where is the source code of the file that I can get here :
> http://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/chromeos-localmirror/distfiles/nv_uboot-snow-simplefb.kpart.bz2
> I need the source code if I want to recompile u-boot so that it can point to the partition 4.
> Maybe it can be found on this link :
> http://linux-exynos.org/dist/chromebook/nv_uboot/
> but it can't be opened....
> 3) in this specific scenario the source code of u-boot should run on arm 32 bit,not on arm
> 64,because I have the Samsung Chromebook "SNOW" model XE303C12,that's powered by a Samsung Exynos
> 5250 (ARMv7 32 bit Cortex A15) Soc.
> 4) I'm not sure if I can chainload the customized u-boot created by V.O.S that should be
> installed on the first partition with the u-boot tailored for booting FreeBSD that should be
> installed on the partition 2....
> 5) the xen developer said that u-boot should be compiled enabling this option :
> Code:
> Well,can you provide some good source that can help me to understand how I can recompile u-boot
> for FreeBSD ? thanks.
> --
> Mario.
> --
> Mario.
> --
> Mario.
> --
> Mario.
> --
> Mario.
> --
> Mario.




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