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Re: [XEN PATCH v3 3/3] xen/mm: add declaration for first_valid_mfn

  • To: Julien Grall <julien@xxxxxxx>, Stefano Stabellini <sstabellini@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • From: Jan Beulich <jbeulich@xxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2023 09:51:16 +0100
  • Autocrypt: addr=jbeulich@xxxxxxxx; keydata= xsDiBFk3nEQRBADAEaSw6zC/EJkiwGPXbWtPxl2xCdSoeepS07jW8UgcHNurfHvUzogEq5xk hu507c3BarVjyWCJOylMNR98Yd8VqD9UfmX0Hb8/BrA+Hl6/DB/eqGptrf4BSRwcZQM32aZK 7Pj2XbGWIUrZrd70x1eAP9QE3P79Y2oLrsCgbZJfEwCgvz9JjGmQqQkRiTVzlZVCJYcyGGsD /0tbFCzD2h20ahe8rC1gbb3K3qk+LpBtvjBu1RY9drYk0NymiGbJWZgab6t1jM7sk2vuf0Py O9Hf9XBmK0uE9IgMaiCpc32XV9oASz6UJebwkX+zF2jG5I1BfnO9g7KlotcA/v5ClMjgo6Gl MDY4HxoSRu3i1cqqSDtVlt+AOVBJBACrZcnHAUSuCXBPy0jOlBhxPqRWv6ND4c9PH1xjQ3NP nxJuMBS8rnNg22uyfAgmBKNLpLgAGVRMZGaGoJObGf72s6TeIqKJo/LtggAS9qAUiuKVnygo 3wjfkS9A3DRO+SpU7JqWdsveeIQyeyEJ/8PTowmSQLakF+3fote9ybzd880fSmFuIEJldWxp Y2ggPGpiZXVsaWNoQHN1c2UuY29tPsJgBBMRAgAgBQJZN5xEAhsDBgsJCAcDAgQVAggDBBYC AwECHgECF4AACgkQoDSui/t3IH4J+wCfQ5jHdEjCRHj23O/5ttg9r9OIruwAn3103WUITZee e7Sbg12UgcQ5lv7SzsFNBFk3nEQQCACCuTjCjFOUdi5Nm244F+78kLghRcin/awv+IrTcIWF hUpSs1Y91iQQ7KItirz5uwCPlwejSJDQJLIS+QtJHaXDXeV6NI0Uef1hP20+y8qydDiVkv6l IreXjTb7DvksRgJNvCkWtYnlS3mYvQ9NzS9PhyALWbXnH6sIJd2O9lKS1Mrfq+y0IXCP10eS FFGg+Av3IQeFatkJAyju0PPthyTqxSI4lZYuJVPknzgaeuJv/2NccrPvmeDg6Coe7ZIeQ8Yj t0ARxu2xytAkkLCel1Lz1WLmwLstV30g80nkgZf/wr+/BXJW/oIvRlonUkxv+IbBM3dX2OV8 AmRv1ySWPTP7AAMFB/9PQK/VtlNUJvg8GXj9ootzrteGfVZVVT4XBJkfwBcpC/XcPzldjv+3 HYudvpdNK3lLujXeA5fLOH+Z/G9WBc5pFVSMocI71I8bT8lIAzreg0WvkWg5V2WZsUMlnDL9 mpwIGFhlbM3gfDMs7MPMu8YQRFVdUvtSpaAs8OFfGQ0ia3LGZcjA6Ik2+xcqscEJzNH+qh8V m5jjp28yZgaqTaRbg3M/+MTbMpicpZuqF4rnB0AQD12/3BNWDR6bmh+EkYSMcEIpQmBM51qM EKYTQGybRCjpnKHGOxG0rfFY1085mBDZCH5Kx0cl0HVJuQKC+dV2ZY5AqjcKwAxpE75MLFkr wkkEGBECAAkFAlk3nEQCGwwACgkQoDSui/t3IH7nnwCfcJWUDUFKdCsBH/E5d+0ZnMQi+G0A nAuWpQkjM1ASeQwSHEeAWPgskBQL
  • Cc: Nicola Vetrini <nicola.vetrini@xxxxxxxxxxx>, consulting@xxxxxxxxxxx, Bertrand Marquis <bertrand.marquis@xxxxxxx>, Michal Orzel <michal.orzel@xxxxxxx>, Volodymyr Babchuk <Volodymyr_Babchuk@xxxxxxxx>, Andrew Cooper <andrew.cooper3@xxxxxxxxxx>, George Dunlap <george.dunlap@xxxxxxxxxx>, Wei Liu <wl@xxxxxxx>, Shawn Anastasio <sanastasio@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, xen-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Delivery-date: Thu, 14 Dec 2023 08:51:23 +0000
  • List-id: Xen developer discussion <xen-devel.lists.xenproject.org>

On 14.12.2023 09:32, Julien Grall wrote:
> Hi Jan,
> On 14/12/2023 07:53, Jan Beulich wrote:
>> On 14.12.2023 03:05, Stefano Stabellini wrote:
>>> On Wed, 13 Dec 2023, Jan Beulich wrote:
>>>> On 11.12.2023 10:14, Nicola Vetrini wrote:
>>>>> --- a/xen/arch/arm/include/asm/numa.h
>>>>> +++ b/xen/arch/arm/include/asm/numa.h
>>>>> @@ -2,8 +2,9 @@
>>>>>   #define __ARCH_ARM_NUMA_H
>>>>>   #include <xen/mm.h>
>>>> With this, ...
>>>>> +#include <xen/types.h>
>>>>> -typedef u8 nodeid_t;
>>>>> +typedef uint8_t nodeid_t;
>>>>>   #ifndef CONFIG_NUMA
>>>>> @@ -12,10 +13,9 @@ typedef u8 nodeid_t;
>>>>>   #define node_to_cpumask(node)   (cpu_online_map)
>>>>>   /*
>>>>> - * TODO: make first_valid_mfn static when NUMA is supported on Arm, this
>>>>> - * is required because the dummy helpers are using it.
>>>>> + * TODO: define here first_valid_mfn as static when NUMA is supported on 
>>>>> Arm,
>>>>> + * this is required because the dummy helpers are using it.
>>>>>    */
>>>>> -extern mfn_t first_valid_mfn;
>>>> ... and this declaration moved to xen/mm.h, how is it going to be possible
>>>> to do as the adjusted comment says? The compiler will choke on the static
>>>> after having seen the extern.
>>> Nicola was just following a review comment by Julien. NUMA has been
>>> pending for a while and I wouldn't hold this patch back because of it.
>>> I suggest we go with Julien's request (this version of the patch).
>>> If you feel strongly about it, please suggest an alternative.
>> Leaving a TODO comment which cannot actually be carried out is just wrong
>> imo. And I consider in unfair to ask me to suggest an alternative. The
>> (imo obvious) alternative is to drop this patch, if no proper change can
>> be proposed. There's nothing wrong with leaving a violation in place,
>> when that violation is far from causing any kind of harm. The more that
>> the place is already accompanied by a (suitable afaict) comment.
> Just to clarify, are you saying you would be happy if the proposal if 
> the TODO is removed?

Removing the bad (new) TODO here is an option. But the previous TODO shouldn't
go away. However, you asking now required me to actually look into Stefano's
request to make an alternative proposal (I still don't see though why it
needed to be me to think about an appropriate solution; probably in the time
I've spent writing replies on this thread, I could have made the change myself).

First, Arm's and PPC's header have this in their !NUMA sections. Much like
Oleksii's putting in quite a bit of effort to reduce redundancy in order to
not further grow it with RISC-V, what's wrong with sorting the !NUMA case
properly as a first step? Move the entire !NUMA section either into xen/numa.h
(eliminating the need for arch-es not supporting NUMA to even have such a
header), or (if need be) to asm-generic/. Then, as a 2nd step (albeit that
could also be done on its own, just the result would be less neat imo), make
the variable in question here extern _only_ when !NUMA. This would then
address the original TODO, so that could then legitimately be dropped. This
would further be a good opportunity to adjust the already stale comment in
page_alloc.c (it's no longer applicable to Arm only).




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