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Re: [PATCH v4] xen/x86: On x2APIC mode, derive LDR from APIC ID

On 27/11/2023 08:40, Jan Beulich wrote:
On 23.11.2023 18:30, Alejandro Vallejo wrote:
@@ -1498,27 +1511,36 @@ static int cf_check lapic_save_regs(struct vcpu *v, 
hvm_domain_context_t *h)
  static void lapic_load_fixup(struct vlapic *vlapic)
-    uint32_t id = vlapic->loaded.id;
+    uint32_t good_ldr = x2apic_ldr_from_id(vlapic->loaded.id);
- if ( vlapic_x2apic_mode(vlapic) && id && vlapic->loaded.ldr == 1 )
-    {
+    /* Skip fixups on xAPIC mode, or if the x2APIC LDR is already correct */
+    if ( !vlapic_x2apic_mode(vlapic) ||
+         (vlapic->loaded.ldr == good_ldr) )
+        return;
+    if ( vlapic->loaded.ldr == 1 )
+       /*
+        * Xen <= 4.4 may have a bug by which all the APICs configured in
+        * x2APIC mode got LDR = 1. We can't leave it as-is because it
+        * assigned the same LDR to every CPU.  We'll fix fix the bug now
+        * and assign an LDR value consistent with the APIC ID.
+        */

Just one comment on top of Andrew's: Is the double "fix" really intended
here? (I could see it might be, but then "fix the bug fix" would read
slightly more smoothly to me as a non-native speaker.)

It's not intended indeed. s/fix fix/fix/

Another aspect here is what exactly the comment states (and does not
state). Original comments made explicit that LDR == 1 contradicts ID == 0.
In the new comment you only emphasize that all CPUs cannot have that same
LDR. But the value of 1 being bogus in the first place doesn't become clear


1 is bogus for id!=0, but so would be 3, 7 or 42. In particular we have
ID==2 contradicting LDR=2, and we're allowing it. The reason why we must
fix this other case is because all LDRs are equal, otherwise it would
get the same treatment as the other bug.




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