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Re: [PATCH v1 1/7] xen-block: Do not write frontend nodes

On 11 November 2023 08:43:40 GMT-05:00, Andrew Cooper 
<andrew.cooper3@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>Furthermore, the control domain doesn't always have the domid of 0.
>If qemu wants/needs to make changes like this, the control domain has to
>arrange for qemu's domain to have appropriate permissions on the nodes.

Right. And that's simple enough: if you are running QEMU in a domain which 
doesn't have permission to create the backend directory and/or the frontend 
nodes, don't ask it to *create* devices. In that case it is only able to 
connect as the backend for devices which were created *for* it by the toolstack.

The criterion used in this patch series should be "did QEMU create this device, 
or discover it".



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