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Re: [PATCH] Revert "EDAC/mce_amd: Do not load edac_mce_amd module on guests"

On Thu, Sep 14, 2023 at 10:02:05AM -0700, Elliott Mitchell wrote:
> Indeed.  At what point is the lack of information and response long
> enough to simply commit a revert due to those lacks?

At no point.

> Even with the commit message having been rewritten and the link to:
> https://lkml.kernel.org/r/20210628172740.245689-1-Smita.KoralahalliChannabasappa@xxxxxxx
> added, this still reads as roughly:
> "A hypothetical bug on a hypothetivisor"

If "Hypervisors likely do not expose the SMCA feature to the guest"
doesn't explain to you what the problem is this commit is fixing, then
I can't help you.





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