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[PATCH] x86: do away with HAVE_AS_NEGATIVE_TRUE

  • To: "xen-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <xen-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • From: Jan Beulich <jbeulich@xxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 17 May 2023 16:22:41 +0200
  • Arc-authentication-results: i=1; mx.microsoft.com 1; spf=pass smtp.mailfrom=suse.com; dmarc=pass action=none header.from=suse.com; dkim=pass header.d=suse.com; arc=none
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  • Arc-seal: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; s=arcselector9901; d=microsoft.com; cv=none; b=VNvJZKpPCZJDqSfYPUmKWVLmFcUN7r+V6oJY+StHvF5if90JGSC7yDWQYyLr5wd7x5/aTTonD8xj5vMTNRJZ/nY3kmYpCfTQJQTepBeTmzj4Wm/aokOo5R/him9Frdn/dm88WrAM6HRAvWN3tY/fG9AOG94MXJhE2LUdocWOhpTOeNzQaQIPTs+SyQYHtoa8R+SkfDRz6/CjR0ifpfS9PiqBOQ3Ftvg7SizwguR+idVdjDZ4rJosalla0jIxN6oddv198Bx+8iklzKAARxJuEzPecO7+5W8MDSEQohoCEopEcmg5X6cXLwQ7rvol65sTuc9AOqBat5OR5SCuTTHG2g==
  • Authentication-results: dkim=none (message not signed) header.d=none;dmarc=none action=none header.from=suse.com;
  • Cc: Andrew Cooper <andrew.cooper3@xxxxxxxxxx>, Wei Liu <wl@xxxxxxx>, Roger Pau Monné <roger.pau@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Delivery-date: Wed, 17 May 2023 14:23:00 +0000
  • List-id: Xen developer discussion <xen-devel.lists.xenproject.org>

There's no real need for the associated probing - we can easily convert
to a uniform value without knowing the specific behavior (note also that
the respective comments weren't fully correct and have gone stale). All
we (need to) depend upon is unary ! producing 0 or 1 (and never -1).

For all present purposes yielding a value with all bits set is more

No difference in generated code.

Signed-off-by: Jan Beulich <jbeulich@xxxxxxxx>
Unlike in C, there's also binary ! in assembly expressions, and even
binary !!. But those don't get in the way here.

--- a/xen/arch/x86/arch.mk
+++ b/xen/arch/x86/arch.mk
@@ -26,10 +26,6 @@ $(call as-option-add,CFLAGS,CC,"invpcid
 $(call as-option-add,CFLAGS,CC,"movdiri %rax$(comma)(%rax)",-DHAVE_AS_MOVDIR)
 $(call as-option-add,CFLAGS,CC,"enqcmd (%rax)$(comma)%rax",-DHAVE_AS_ENQCMD)
-# GAS's idea of true is -1.  Clang's idea is 1
-$(call as-option-add,CFLAGS,CC,\
-    ".if ((1 > 0) < 0); .error \"\";.endif",,-DHAVE_AS_NEGATIVE_TRUE)
 # Check to see whether the assmbler supports the .nop directive.
 $(call as-option-add,CFLAGS,CC,\
     ".L1: .L2: .nops (.L2 - .L1)$(comma)9",-DHAVE_AS_NOPS_DIRECTIVE)
--- a/xen/arch/x86/include/asm/alternative.h
+++ b/xen/arch/x86/include/asm/alternative.h
@@ -35,19 +35,19 @@ extern void alternative_branches(void);
 #define alt_repl_e(num)    ".LXEN%=_repl_e"#num
 #define alt_repl_len(num)  "(" alt_repl_e(num) " - " alt_repl_s(num) ")"
-/* GAS's idea of true is -1, while Clang's idea is 1. */
-# define AS_TRUE "-"
-# define AS_TRUE ""
+ * GAS's idea of true is sometimes 1 and sometimes -1, while Clang's idea was
+ * consistently 1 up to 6.x (it matches GAS's now).  Transform it to uniformly
+ * -1 (aka ~0).
+ */
+#define AS_TRUE "-!!"
-#define as_max(a, b) "(("a") ^ ((("a") ^ ("b")) & -("AS_TRUE"(("a") < 
+#define as_max(a, b) "(("a") ^ ((("a") ^ ("b")) & "AS_TRUE"(("a") < ("b"))))"
 #define OLDINSTR(oldinstr, padding)                              \
     ".LXEN%=_orig_s:\n\t" oldinstr "\n .LXEN%=_orig_e:\n\t"      \
     ".LXEN%=_diff = " padding "\n\t"                             \
-    "mknops ("AS_TRUE"(.LXEN%=_diff > 0) * .LXEN%=_diff)\n\t"    \
+    "mknops ("AS_TRUE"(.LXEN%=_diff > 0) & .LXEN%=_diff)\n\t"    \
 #define OLDINSTR_1(oldinstr, n1)                                 \
--- a/xen/arch/x86/include/asm/alternative-asm.h
+++ b/xen/arch/x86/include/asm/alternative-asm.h
@@ -29,17 +29,17 @@
-/* GAS's idea of true is -1, while Clang's idea is 1. */
-# define as_true(x) (-(x))
-# define as_true(x) (x)
+ * GAS's idea of true is sometimes 1 and sometimes -1, while Clang's idea was
+ * consistently 1 up to 6.x (it matches GAS's now).  Transform it to uniformly
+ * -1 (aka ~0).
+ */
+#define as_true(x) (-!!(x))
 #define decl_orig(insn, padding)                  \
  .L\@_orig_s: insn; .L\@_orig_e:                  \
  .L\@_diff = padding;                             \
- mknops (as_true(.L\@_diff > 0) * .L\@_diff);     \
+ mknops (as_true(.L\@_diff > 0) & .L\@_diff);     \
 #define orig_len               (.L\@_orig_e       -     .L\@_orig_s)
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
 #define decl_repl(insn, nr)     .L\@_repl_s\()nr: insn; .L\@_repl_e\()nr:
 #define repl_len(nr)           (.L\@_repl_e\()nr  -     .L\@_repl_s\()nr)
-#define as_max(a, b)           ((a) ^ (((a) ^ (b)) & -as_true((a) < (b))))
+#define as_max(a, b)           ((a) ^ (((a) ^ (b)) & as_true((a) < (b))))
 .macro ALTERNATIVE oldinstr, newinstr, feature
     decl_orig(\oldinstr, repl_len(1) - orig_len)



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