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[PATCH v6 1/3] automation: Create Yocto docker images

Add containers suitable to run yocto kirkstone build based on ubuntu
22.04. It contains all packages required by Yocto and a checkout of the
layers required to build Xen with Yocto.

Add a generic docker image template to be used to automatically generate
docker files for different configurations:
- specific yocto version
- different targets (qemu arm, arm64 and x86)
- different host platforms (x86 or arm64)

During a call to 'make all', only the images for the host platform we
run it on in the CI is generated.
If needed, images for an other host platform can be generated manually
by calling the right make target (see make help).

Add a build script to build and run xen on qemu using Yocto.
The script supports arm32, arm64 and x86_64 and checks that dom0 is
properly booting. At this stage this does not run any guest on top of
dom0. The script is to be executed in one of the docker images to build
and run a system using a Xen source tree.

Add automation/build/yocto/*.dockerfile to gitignore as those files are

Signed-off-by: Bertrand Marquis <bertrand.marquis@xxxxxxx>
Changes in v6:
- move include of yocto.inc to keep help the default make target
- add yocto/*.dockerfile to gitignore
- fix typo {} instead of ()
- fix clean rule to remove s to dockerfile
- tell make to evaluate CONTAINER right away
- add example command in comment in yocto.inc
- fix compilation of qemux86 on arm by switching to AUTOREV to use the
latest version of Xen which includes fixes required.
Changes in v5:
- typo fixes
- add INTERMEDIATE to remove intermediate dockerfile
- use container architecture
- use full words in foreach loops
- fix shellcheck findings in build-yocto.sh
- rebase on sstabellini next branch
Changes in v4:
- Rework the system to have one dockerfile template from which make will
generate the required dockerfiles for the wanted configuration
- add support for different host architectures
- Merge the generation system into one single dockerfile
- Merge patches 1 and 2 in a single patch
- Introduce CONTAINERS_EXTRA to have extra containers not built by
default (for those not used by CI but useful to users)
Changes in v3:
- limit number of jobs in yocto by default to 8 and add --num-jobs
option to the script to set a custom number of jobs
- do not copy anymore the build-yocto.sh script inside the main image so
that the current one in the repository is used when running
Changes in v2:
- add a --dump-log command line option to build-yocto.sh script to dump
the logs if an error occurs.
Changes in v1:
- add --image command line argument to build-yocto.sh to allow building
something different than xen-image-minimal.
- modify dockerfile to have one layer per line and make it easier to add
other. I kept the for loop to keep the number of docker steps lower
- update commit message to warn that no guest are tested.
- fix build-yocto script to properly return with an error if expect
script ends up in timeout or EOF.
 .gitignore                                 |   1 +
 automation/build/Makefile                  |  16 +-
 automation/build/yocto/build-yocto.sh      | 356 +++++++++++++++++++++
 automation/build/yocto/yocto.dockerfile.in | 114 +++++++
 automation/build/yocto/yocto.inc           |  44 +++
 5 files changed, 528 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
 create mode 100755 automation/build/yocto/build-yocto.sh
 create mode 100644 automation/build/yocto/yocto.dockerfile.in
 create mode 100644 automation/build/yocto/yocto.inc

diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index ea3243af9dde..ce7caa56af6d 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ dist
diff --git a/automation/build/Makefile b/automation/build/Makefile
index a4b2b85178cf..c4aaa747ffdf 100644
--- a/automation/build/Makefile
+++ b/automation/build/Makefile
@@ -1,20 +1,30 @@
 # the base of where these containers will appear
 REGISTRY := registry.gitlab.com/xen-project/xen
-CONTAINERS = $(subst .dockerfile,,$(wildcard */*.dockerfile))
+CONTAINERS := $(filter-out yocto/%,$(subst .dockerfile,,$(wildcard 
 DOCKER_CMD ?= docker
        @echo "Builds containers for building Xen based on different distros"
        @echo "To build one run 'make DISTRO/VERSION'. Available containers:"
-       @$(foreach file,$(sort $(CONTAINERS)),echo ${file};)
+       @$(foreach file,$(sort $(CONTAINERS)),echo $(file);)
+       @echo "Extra containers (not built using make all):"
+       @$(foreach file,$(sort $(CONTAINERS_EXTRA)),echo $(file);)
        @echo "To push container builds, set the env var PUSH"
+include yocto/yocto.inc
 %: %.dockerfile ## Builds containers
        $(DOCKER_CMD) build -t $(REGISTRY)/$(@D):$(@F) -f $< $(<D)
        @if [ ! -z $${PUSH+x} ]; then \
                $(DOCKER_CMD) push $(REGISTRY)/$(@D):$(@F); \
-.PHONY: all
+.PHONY: all clean
+# Remove generated dockerfiles for yocto
+       rm -f yocto/*.dockerfile
diff --git a/automation/build/yocto/build-yocto.sh 
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..3601cebc3cff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/automation/build/yocto/build-yocto.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,356 @@
+# Yocto meta virtualization build and run script
+# This script is building Yocto xen-image-minimal for qemu targets and run
+# them using runqemu inside yocto to check that dom0 is booting properly.
+# The build is using a local xen source tree so that specific patches can be
+# tested.
+# In order to optimize the build time, a build cache is used so that only xen
+# packages and its dependencies are rebuilt (qemu and final image mainly).
+# get command error even when piped.
+set -o pipefail
+# Directories
+# what yocto bsp we support
+TARGET_SUPPORTED="qemuarm qemuarm64 qemux86-64"
+# actions to do
+# layers to include in the project
+build_layerlist="poky/meta poky/meta-poky poky/meta-yocto-bsp \
+                 meta-openembedded/meta-oe meta-openembedded/meta-python \
+                 meta-openembedded/meta-filesystems \
+                 meta-openembedded/meta-networking meta-virtualization"
+# yocto image to build
+function print_progress() {
+    echo -n "$(date +%T) $*"
+function run_task() {
+    local task_name="$1"
+    local task_target="$2"
+    task_log="${task_name//project_}-${task_target}"
+    mkdir -p "${LOGDIR}"
+    print_progress
+    echo -n "${task_name//project_} ${task_target}: "
+    if [ "${VERBOSE}" = "n" ]; then
+        "$@" > "${LOGDIR}/${task_log}.log" 2>&1
+    else
+        "$@" 2>&1 | tee "${LOGDIR}/${task_log}.log"
+    fi
+    if [ ${?} -ne 0 ]; then
+        echo "Error"
+        build_result=$((build_result+1))
+        if [ "${do_dump}" = "y" ]; then
+            echo
+            echo "############ LOGS-START ############"
+            cat "${LOGDIR}/${task_log}.log"
+            echo "############  LOGS-END  ############"
+            echo
+        fi
+        return 1
+    else
+        echo "OK"
+        return 0
+    fi
+function project_create() {
+    target="${1:?}"
+    destdir="${BUILDDIR}/${target}"
+    (
+        # init yocto project
+        source "${YOCTODIR}/poky/oe-init-build-env" "${destdir}"
+        # add needed layers
+        for layer in ${build_layerlist}; do
+            bitbake-layers add-layer "${YOCTODIR}/${layer}" || exit 1
+        done
+    ) || return 1
+    # Detect latest version available in Yocto and use it instead of default
+    # one.
+    XENVERS=$(grep -e "^XEN_REL" \
+        "${YOCTODIR}"/meta-virtualization/recipes-extended/xen/xen_*.bb \
+        2> /dev/null | tr -d ' ' | tr -d '?' | tr -d '"' \
+        | sed -e "s/.*=//" | sort -V | tail -n 1)
+    # customize project configuration
+    cat <<EOF >> "${destdir}/conf/local.conf"
+# Yocto BSP
+MACHINE = "${target}"
+# Use local cache to reuse previous builds results
+SSTATE_DIR = "${CACHEDIR}/sstate-cache"
+DL_DIR = "${CACHEDIR}/downloads"
+# Enable xen and virtualization
+DISTRO_FEATURES = " virtualization xen ipv4"
+# Speed up run by not generating ssh host keys
+IMAGE_INSTALL:append:pn-xen-image-minimal = " ssh-pregen-hostkeys"
+# Save some disk space
+INHERIT += "rm_work"
+# Reduce number of jobs
+# Use latest Xen version
+PREFERRED_VERSION:pn-xen-tools = "${XENVERS}%"
+# Use autorev for now as Xen SHA used by latest yocto recipe for Xen does not
+# include fixes required to build x86 on arm
+SRCREV:pn-xen = "\${AUTOREV}"
+SRCREV:pn-xen-tools = "\${AUTOREV}"
+# Disable all QA errors as the recipe is not up to date with changes in Xen
+# when we use local sources
+ERROR_QA:pn-xen = "arch"
+ERROR_QA:pn-xen-tools = "arch"
+    if [ "${do_localsrc}" = "y" ]; then
+        XENBASE=$(dirname "$(realpath -m "${XENDIR}")")
+        XENSUB=$(basename "$(realpath -m "${XENDIR}")")
+        cat <<EOF >> "${destdir}/conf/local.conf"
+# Use local sources for xen and xen-tools
+FILESEXTRAPATHS:prepend:pn-xen := "${XENBASE}:"
+FILESEXTRAPATHS:prepend:pn-xen-tools := "${XENBASE}:"
+SRC_URI:pn-xen = "file://${XENSUB}/;subdir=local-xen/"
+SRC_URI:pn-xen-tools = "file://${XENSUB}/;subdir=local-xen/"
+S:pn-xen = "\${WORKDIR}/local-xen/${XENSUB}"
+S:pn-xen-tools = "\${WORKDIR}/local-xen/${XENSUB}"
+SRCPV:pn-xen = "1"
+SRCPV:pn-xen-tools = "1"
+    fi
+function project_build() {
+    target="${1:?}"
+    destdir="${BUILDDIR}/${target}"
+    (
+        source "${YOCTODIR}/poky/oe-init-build-env" "${destdir}"
+        bitbake "${build_image}" || exit 1
+    ) || return 1
+function project_clean() {
+    target="${1:?}"
+    destdir="${BUILDDIR}/${target}"
+    rm -rf "${destdir}"
+function project_run() {
+    target="${1:?}"
+    destdir="${BUILDDIR}/${target}"
+    (
+        source "${YOCTODIR}/poky/oe-init-build-env" "${destdir}" > /dev/null 
+        /usr/bin/expect <<EOF
+set timeout 1000
+spawn bash -c "runqemu serialstdio nographic slirp"
+expect_after {
+    -re "(.*)\r" {
+        exp_continue
+    }
+    timeout {send_user "ERROR-Timeout!\n"; exit 1}
+    eof {send_user "ERROR-EOF!\n"; exit 1}
+# wait initial login
+expect -re ".* login: "
+send "root\r"
+expect -re "root@.*# "
+    exit $?
+    ) || return 1
+function help() {
+    cat <<EOF
+Usage: ${0} [TARGET1] [TARGET2]
+This script is build the yocto xen-image-minimal for different qemu targets
+and is running it after.
+Without any target specified, all supported targets are done.
+  -h, --help       Print this help
+  -v, --verbose    Verbose build
+  --list-target    List supported targets
+  --clean          Clean existing project before starting
+  --no-build       Do not build (to run an already built project)
+  --no-run         Do not run
+  --num-jobs=NUM   Define the number of parallel jobs in Yocto.
+                   Default: ${BUILDJOBS}
+  --dump-log       On error, dump the logs on the console
+  --image=IMG      Yocto image or package to build
+                   Default: xen-image-minimal
+  --xen-dir=DIR    path to xen hypervisor source tree
+                   if not provide, normal yocto version of xen is built
+                   Default: ${XENDIR}
+  --out-dir=DIR    directory where to create the projectss
+                   Default: ${BUILDDIR}
+  --log-dir=DIR    directory to store logs
+                   Default: ${LOGDIR}
+  --cache-dir=DIR  directory where to take and store build cache
+                   Default: ${CACHEDIR}
+  --layer-dir=DIR  directory containing the checkout of yocto layers
+                   Default: ${YOCTODIR}
+for OPTION in "$@"
+    case ${OPTION} in
+        -h|--help)
+            help
+            exit 0
+            ;;
+        -v|--verbose)
+            VERBOSE="y"
+            ;;
+        --list-targets)
+            echo "${TARGET_SUPPORTED}"
+            exit 0
+            ;;
+        --clean)
+            do_clean="y"
+            ;;
+        --no-build)
+            do_build="n"
+            ;;
+        --no-run)
+            do_run="n"
+            ;;
+        --dump-log)
+            do_dump="y"
+            ;;
+        --num-jobs=*)
+            BUILDJOBS="${OPTION#*=}"
+            ;;
+        --image=*)
+            build_image="${OPTION#*=}"
+            ;;
+        --xen-dir=*)
+            XENDIR="${OPTION#*=}"
+            if [ ! -e "${XENDIR}/xen/Makefile" ]; then
+                echo "No Xen source tree in ${XENDIR}"
+                exit 1
+            fi
+            do_localsrc="y"
+            ;;
+        --out-dir=*)
+            BUILDDIR="${OPTION#*=}"
+            ;;
+        --log-dir=*)
+            LOGDIR="${OPTION#*=}"
+            ;;
+        --cache-dir=*)
+            CACHEDIR="${OPTION#*=}"
+            ;;
+        --layer-dir=*)
+            YOCTODIR="${OPTION#*=}"
+            ;;
+        --*)
+            echo "Invalid option ${OPTION}"
+            help
+            exit 1
+            ;;
+        *)
+            if echo "${TARGET_SUPPORTED}" | grep -q -w "${OPTION}"; then
+                TARGETLIST="${TARGETLIST} ${OPTION}"
+            else
+                echo "Unsupported target ${OPTION}"
+                exit 1
+            fi
+            ;;
+    esac
+# if no target is specified build all targets
+if [ -z "${TARGETLIST}" ]; then
+mkdir -p "${CACHEDIR}"
+mkdir -p "${LOGDIR}"
+mkdir -p "${BUILDDIR}"
+# Make sure we have an absolute path
+YOCTODIR=$(realpath -m "${YOCTODIR}")
+CACHEDIR=$(realpath -m "${CACHEDIR}")
+BUILDDIR=$(realpath -m "${BUILDDIR}")
+LOGDIR=$(realpath -m "${LOGDIR}")
+if [ "${do_localsrc}" = "y" ]; then
+    XENDIR=$(realpath -m "${XENDIR}")
+# Check that we have all the layers we need
+for f in ${build_layerlist}; do
+    if [ ! -f "${YOCTODIR}/${f}/conf/layer.conf" ]; then
+        echo "Layer ${f} missing in ${YOCTODIR}"
+        exit 1
+    fi
+for f in ${TARGETLIST}; do
+    if [ "${do_clean}" = "y" ]; then
+        run_task project_clean "${f}"
+    fi
+    if [ ! -f "${BUILDDIR}/${f}/conf/local.conf" ]; then
+        run_task project_create "${f}"
+    fi
+    if [ -f "${BUILDDIR}/${f}/conf/local.conf" ]; then
+        if [ "${do_build}" = "y" ]; then
+            run_task project_build "${f}"
+        fi
+        if [ "${do_run}" = "y" ]; then
+            run_task project_run "${f}"
+        fi
+    fi
+print_progress "Build Complete (${build_result} errors)"
+exit ${build_result}
diff --git a/automation/build/yocto/yocto.dockerfile.in 
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..b0892d420377
--- /dev/null
+++ b/automation/build/yocto/yocto.dockerfile.in
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+# Docker file to create an environment to build yocto with virtualization
+# Arguments that can be passed during image creation using --build-arg:
+# "host_uid=$(id -u)": to use current user uid for build user in the image
+# "host_gid=$(id -g)": to use current user gid for build user in the image
+# "ubuntu_version=VERS": to select the ubuntu version number
+# Use standard ubuntu minimal.
+ARG ubuntu_version=22.04
+From ##DOCKERPLAT##ubuntu:$ubuntu_version AS base
+LABEL maintainer.name="The Xen Project " \
+      maintainer.email="xen-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
+ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
+# Install minimal ubuntu requirements for yocto and other tools we need.
+# See 
+RUN apt-get update && \
+    apt-get --quiet --yes install \
+        gawk \
+        wget \
+        git \
+        diffstat \
+        unzip \
+        texinfo \
+        gcc \
+        build-essential \
+        chrpath \
+        socat \
+        cpio \
+        python3 \
+        python3-pip \
+        python3-pexpect \
+        xz-utils \
+        debianutils \
+        iputils-ping \
+        python3-git \
+        python3-jinja2 \
+        libegl1-mesa \
+        libsdl1.2-dev \
+        python3-subunit \
+        mesa-common-dev \
+        zstd \
+        liblz4-tool \
+        file \
+        vim \
+        bison \
+        expect \
+        locales \
+        liblz4-tool \
+        zstd \
+        openssl \
+        libssl3 \
+        ca-certificates \
+        && \
+        apt-get autoremove -y && \
+        apt-get clean && \
+        rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists* /tmp/* /var/tmp/*
+# Use bash as shell.
+RUN rm /bin/sh && ln -s bash /bin/sh
+# Fix local for yocto.
+RUN locale-gen en_US.UTF-8 && update-locale LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 \
+    LANG=en_US.UTF-8
+# Create a user for the build (we don't want to build as root).
+ENV USER_NAME docker-build
+ARG host_uid=1000
+ARG host_gid=1000
+RUN groupadd -g $host_gid $USER_NAME && \
+    useradd -g $host_gid -m -s /bin/bash -u $host_uid $USER_NAME
+# Switch to our user instead of root and start in its home.
+# Create needed directories
+RUN mkdir -p /home/$USER_NAME/yocto-layers \
+             /home/$USER_NAME/yocto-cache \
+             /home/$USER_NAME/logs \
+             /home/$USER_NAME/bin \
+             /home/$USER_NAME/xen && \
+    chown $USER_NAME.$USER_NAME /home/$USER_NAME/*
+# clone yocto repositories we need.
+RUN for rep in \
+                https://github.com/openembedded/meta-openembedded \
+                https://git.yoctoproject.org/poky \
+                https://git.yoctoproject.org/meta-virtualization \
+            ; do \
+        git -C /home/$USER_NAME/yocto-layers \
+            clone -b ##YOCTOVERSION## --single-branch $rep; \
+    done
+# The builder stage is building an initial cache state that we include in the
+# final image.
+From base AS builder
+# This step can take one to several hours depending on your download bandwith
+# and the speed of your computer.
+COPY ./build-yocto.sh /
+RUN /build-yocto.sh --dump-log ##YOCTOTARGET##
+From base
+# Only copy the cache status.
+COPY --from=builder /home/$USER_NAME/yocto-cache /home/$USER_NAME/yocto-cache/.
+LABEL maintainer.name="The Xen Project " \
+      maintainer.email="xen-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
diff --git a/automation/build/yocto/yocto.inc b/automation/build/yocto/yocto.inc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e4328ec7f378
--- /dev/null
+++ b/automation/build/yocto/yocto.inc
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+# This makefile generates the docker files for Yocto builds.
+# The containers for the current architecture are the one built using make all.
+# To build containers for a different architecture, you need to call make for
+# the image you want explicitely.
+# The containers are named this way:
+# YOCTOVERSION-TARGET for x86_64 hosts
+# YOCTOVERSION-TARGET-arm64v8 for arm64 hosts
+# For example you can build an arm64 container with the following command:
+# make yocto/kirkstone-qemuarm64-arm64v8
+# Yocto versions we are currently using.
+YOCTO_VERSION = kirkstone
+# Yocto BSPs we want to build for.
+YOCTO_TARGETS = qemuarm64 qemuarm qemux86-64
+# Supported container architectures.
+YOCTO_ARCHS = amd64 arm64v8
+# Architecture we want to use in gitlab CI (depends on runners arch).
+CI_ARCH = arm64v8
+define GEN_DOCKER
+# Make all is generating architecture we use in the CI.
+ifeq ($(CI_ARCH),$(3))
+CONTAINERS += yocto/$(1)-$(2)$(4)
+CONTAINERS_EXTRA += yocto/$(1)-$(2)$(4)
+.INTERMEDIATE: yocto/$(1)-$(2)$(4).dockerfile
+yocto/$(1)-$(2)$(4).dockerfile: yocto/yocto.dockerfile.in
+       @cat $$< | \
+           sed -e "s,##YOCTOVERSION##,$(1),g" | \
+           sed -e "s,##YOCTOTARGET##,$(2),g" | \
+           sed -e "s,##DOCKERPLAT##,$(3)/,g" > $$@
+$(eval $(foreach version,$(YOCTO_VERSION),\
+       $(foreach target,$(YOCTO_TARGETS),\
+       $(foreach arch,$(YOCTO_ARCHS),\
+       $(call GEN_DOCKER,$(version),$(target),$(arch),$(if $(filter 



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