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Re: Xen on rk3399

Sorry for all of the emails, but here is /proc/device-tree with XEN and without XEN:

with Xen:

With XEN

qos@ffa60080                   interrupt-parent
qos@ffa90000                   qos@ffaa8080
pmu-clock-controller@ff750000  watchdog@ff848000
pwm@ff420030                   serial@ff1b0000
vcc5v0-usb-regulator           qos@ffa76000
mmc@fe310000                   iommu@ff903f00
i2c@ff110000                   #size-cells
spdif@ff870000                 qos@ffab0080
interrupt-controller           qos@ffae0000
serial@ff370000                spi@ff200000
qos@ffac8080                   xin24m
name                           hypervisor
vop@ff8f0000                   psci
vcc12v-dcin                    vcc-0v9
clock-controller@ff760000      leds
qos@ffab8000                   qos@ffaa0000
qos@ffa60100                   iommu@ff914000
qos@ffac0000                   model
i2c@ff3d0000                   vcc5v0-sys
cpus                           video-codec@ff650000
mipi@ff968000                  thermal-zones
isp0@ff910000                  i2s@ff890000
external-gmac-clock            rga@ff680000
dma-controller@ff6d0000        spi@ff1e0000
spi@ff1c0000                   iommu@ff670800
qos@ffa5c000                   dp@fec00000
iommu@ff650800                 opp-table0
serial@ff190000                display-subsystem
vop@ff900000                   qos@ffa98000
chosen                         i2c@ff160000
i2c@ff140000                   qos@ffa70080
edp@ff970000                   efuse@ff690000
opp-table1                     syscon@ff770000
i2s@ff8a0000                   hdmi-sound
usb@fe3c0000                   mmc@fe320000
qos@ffa60180                   qos@ffa58000
usb@fe800000                   i2c@ff120000
qos@ffac0080                   usb@fe3e0000
aliases                        qos@ffad8080
vcc3v3-pcie-regulator          saradc@ff100000
qos@ffaa8000                   usb@fe3a0000
phy@ff800000                   opp-table2
hdmi@ff940000                  qos@ffac8000
qos@ffab0000                   qos@ffaa0080
i2c@ff3c0000                   rktimer@ff850000
iommu@ff924000                 qos@ffad0000
compatible                     pcie@f8000000
sdio-pwrseq                    i2c@ff3e0000
video-codec@ff660000           memory@20000000
timer                          gpu@ff9a0000
iommu@ff8f3f00                 qos@ffa74000
mipi@ff960000                  #address-cells
syscon@ff320000                power-management@ff310000
spi@ff1f0000                   pinctrl
vcc3v3-sys                     pwm@ff420000
vcc-phy-regulator              vcc1v8-s0
spi@ff350000                   i2s@ff880000
ethernet@fe300000              dma-controller@ff6e0000
usb@fe380000                   spi@ff1d0000
serial@ff180000                iommu@ff660480
usb@fe900000                   pwm@ff420010
tsadc@ff260000                 phy@ff7c0000
mmc@fe330000                   pwm@ff420020
i2c@ff130000                   i2c@ff150000

Without Xen

root@zaku:/home/.cachengo# ls /proc/device-tree
'#address-cells'                 qos@ffa5c000
'#size-cells'                    qos@ffa60080
 aliases                         qos@ffa60100
 chosen                          qos@ffa60180
 clock-controller@ff760000       qos@ffa70000
 compatible                      qos@ffa70080
 cpus                            qos@ffa74000
 display-subsystem               qos@ffa76000
 dma-controller@ff6d0000         qos@ffa90000
 dma-controller@ff6e0000         qos@ffa98000
 dp@fec00000                     qos@ffaa0000
 edp@ff970000                    qos@ffaa0080
 efuse@ff690000                  qos@ffaa8000
 ethernet@fe300000               qos@ffaa8080
 external-gmac-clock             qos@ffab0000
 gpu@ff9a0000                    qos@ffab0080
 hdmi-sound                      qos@ffab8000
 hdmi@ff940000                   qos@ffac0000
 i2c@ff110000                    qos@ffac0080
 i2c@ff120000                    qos@ffac8000
 i2c@ff130000                    qos@ffac8080
 i2c@ff140000                    qos@ffad0000
 i2c@ff150000                    qos@ffad8080
 i2c@ff160000                    qos@ffae0000
 i2c@ff3c0000                    rga@ff680000
 i2c@ff3d0000                    rktimer@ff850000
 i2c@ff3e0000                    saradc@ff100000
 i2s@ff880000                    sdio-pwrseq
 i2s@ff890000                    serial@ff180000
 i2s@ff8a0000                    serial@ff190000
 interrupt-controller@fee00000   serial@ff1a0000
 interrupt-parent                serial@ff1b0000
 iommu@ff650800                  serial@ff370000
 iommu@ff660480                  spdif@ff870000
 iommu@ff670800                  spi@ff1c0000
 iommu@ff8f3f00                  spi@ff1d0000
 iommu@ff903f00                  spi@ff1e0000
 iommu@ff914000                  spi@ff1f0000
 iommu@ff924000                  spi@ff200000
 isp0@ff910000                   spi@ff350000
 leds                            syscon@ff320000
 memory                          syscon@ff770000
 mipi@ff960000                   thermal-zones
 mipi@ff968000                   timer
 mmc@fe310000                    tsadc@ff260000
 mmc@fe320000                    usb@fe380000
 mmc@fe330000                    usb@fe3a0000
 model                           usb@fe3c0000
 name                            usb@fe3e0000
 opp-table0                      usb@fe800000
 opp-table1                      usb@fe900000
 opp-table2                      vcc-0v9
 pcie@f8000000                   vcc-phy-regulator
 phy@ff7c0000                    vcc12v-dcin
 phy@ff800000                    vcc1v8-s0
 pinctrl                         vcc3v3-pcie-regulator
 pmu-clock-controller@ff750000   vcc3v3-sys
 pmu_a53                         vcc5v0-sys
 pmu_a72                         vcc5v0-usb-regulator
 power-management@ff310000       video-codec@ff650000
 psci                            video-codec@ff660000
 pwm@ff420000                    vop@ff8f0000
 pwm@ff420010                    vop@ff900000
 pwm@ff420020                    watchdog@ff848000
 pwm@ff420030                    xin24m

With XEN

qos@ffa60080                   interrupt-parent
qos@ffa90000                   qos@ffaa8080
pmu-clock-controller@ff750000  watchdog@ff848000
pwm@ff420030                   serial@ff1b0000
vcc5v0-usb-regulator           qos@ffa76000
mmc@fe310000                   iommu@ff903f00
i2c@ff110000                   #size-cells
spdif@ff870000                 qos@ffab0080
interrupt-controller           qos@ffae0000
serial@ff370000                spi@ff200000
qos@ffac8080                   xin24m
name                           hypervisor
vop@ff8f0000                   psci
vcc12v-dcin                    vcc-0v9
clock-controller@ff760000      leds
qos@ffab8000                   qos@ffaa0000
qos@ffa60100                   iommu@ff914000
qos@ffac0000                   model
i2c@ff3d0000                   vcc5v0-sys
cpus                           video-codec@ff650000
mipi@ff968000                  thermal-zones
isp0@ff910000                  i2s@ff890000
external-gmac-clock            rga@ff680000
dma-controller@ff6d0000        spi@ff1e0000
spi@ff1c0000                   iommu@ff670800
qos@ffa5c000                   dp@fec00000
iommu@ff650800                 opp-table0
serial@ff190000                display-subsystem
vop@ff900000                   qos@ffa98000
chosen                         i2c@ff160000
i2c@ff140000                   qos@ffa70080
edp@ff970000                   efuse@ff690000
opp-table1                     syscon@ff770000
i2s@ff8a0000                   hdmi-sound
usb@fe3c0000                   mmc@fe320000
qos@ffa60180                   qos@ffa58000
usb@fe800000                   i2c@ff120000
qos@ffac0080                   usb@fe3e0000
aliases                        qos@ffad8080
vcc3v3-pcie-regulator          saradc@ff100000
qos@ffaa8000                   usb@fe3a0000
phy@ff800000                   opp-table2
hdmi@ff940000                  qos@ffac8000
qos@ffab0000                   qos@ffaa0080
i2c@ff3c0000                   rktimer@ff850000
iommu@ff924000                 qos@ffad0000
compatible                     pcie@f8000000
sdio-pwrseq                    i2c@ff3e0000
video-codec@ff660000           memory@20000000
timer                          gpu@ff9a0000
iommu@ff8f3f00                 qos@ffa74000
mipi@ff960000                  #address-cells
syscon@ff320000                power-management@ff310000
spi@ff1f0000                   pinctrl
vcc3v3-sys                     pwm@ff420000
vcc-phy-regulator              vcc1v8-s0
spi@ff350000                   i2s@ff880000
ethernet@fe300000              dma-controller@ff6e0000
usb@fe380000                   spi@ff1d0000
serial@ff180000                iommu@ff660480
usb@fe900000                   pwm@ff420010
tsadc@ff260000                 phy@ff7c0000
mmc@fe330000                   pwm@ff420020
i2c@ff130000                   i2c@ff150000

Without Xen

root@zaku:/home/.cachengo# ls /proc/device-tree
'#address-cells'                 qos@ffa5c000
'#size-cells'                    qos@ffa60080
 aliases                         qos@ffa60100
 chosen                          qos@ffa60180
 clock-controller@ff760000       qos@ffa70000
 compatible                      qos@ffa70080
 cpus                            qos@ffa74000
 display-subsystem               qos@ffa76000
 dma-controller@ff6d0000         qos@ffa90000
 dma-controller@ff6e0000         qos@ffa98000
 dp@fec00000                     qos@ffaa0000
 edp@ff970000                    qos@ffaa0080
 efuse@ff690000                  qos@ffaa8000
 ethernet@fe300000               qos@ffaa8080
 external-gmac-clock             qos@ffab0000
 gpu@ff9a0000                    qos@ffab0080
 hdmi-sound                      qos@ffab8000
 hdmi@ff940000                   qos@ffac0000
 i2c@ff110000                    qos@ffac0080
 i2c@ff120000                    qos@ffac8000
 i2c@ff130000                    qos@ffac8080
 i2c@ff140000                    qos@ffad0000
 i2c@ff150000                    qos@ffad8080
 i2c@ff160000                    qos@ffae0000
 i2c@ff3c0000                    rga@ff680000
 i2c@ff3d0000                    rktimer@ff850000
 i2c@ff3e0000                    saradc@ff100000
 i2s@ff880000                    sdio-pwrseq
 i2s@ff890000                    serial@ff180000
 i2s@ff8a0000                    serial@ff190000
 interrupt-controller@fee00000   serial@ff1a0000
 interrupt-parent                serial@ff1b0000
 iommu@ff650800                  serial@ff370000
 iommu@ff660480                  spdif@ff870000
 iommu@ff670800                  spi@ff1c0000
 iommu@ff8f3f00                  spi@ff1d0000
 iommu@ff903f00                  spi@ff1e0000
 iommu@ff914000                  spi@ff1f0000
 iommu@ff924000                  spi@ff200000
 isp0@ff910000                   spi@ff350000
 leds                            syscon@ff320000
 memory                          syscon@ff770000
 mipi@ff960000                   thermal-zones
 mipi@ff968000                   timer
 mmc@fe310000                    tsadc@ff260000
 mmc@fe320000                    usb@fe380000
 mmc@fe330000                    usb@fe3a0000
 model                           usb@fe3c0000
 name                            usb@fe3e0000
 opp-table0                      usb@fe800000
 opp-table1                      usb@fe900000
 opp-table2                      vcc-0v9
 pcie@f8000000                   vcc-phy-regulator
 phy@ff7c0000                    vcc12v-dcin
 phy@ff800000                    vcc1v8-s0
 pinctrl                         vcc3v3-pcie-regulator
 pmu-clock-controller@ff750000   vcc3v3-sys
 pmu_a53                         vcc5v0-sys
 pmu_a72                         vcc5v0-usb-regulator
 power-management@ff310000       video-codec@ff650000
 psci                            video-codec@ff660000
 pwm@ff420000                    vop@ff8f0000
 pwm@ff420010                    vop@ff900000
 pwm@ff420020                    watchdog@ff848000
 pwm@ff420030                    xin24m

On Tue, Jul 12, 2022 at 11:24 AM Brad Churchwell <brad@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Bertrand,

I believe I understand, but just to clarify, should I leave the ppi-partitions block in rk3399.dtsi as is and disable the little cores, or should I also modify that block?


On Tue, Jul 12, 2022 at 11:11 AM Bertrand Marquis <Bertrand.Marquis@xxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Brad,

> On 12 Jul 2022, at 16:59, Brad Churchwell <brad@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi Bertrand,
> Thanks so much for the quick response!
> I should have mentioned previously that this device tree and kernel Image (5.15.16) does boot properly with the rootfs without XEN. The interrupt errors are only present when booting with XEN.
> These are custom boards and they do have usb c, however we are unable to boot from usb as it doesn't receive power.  We currently only use the usb to flash u-boot to spi which requires us to use a separate power adapter. These boards get power and networking through a custom backplane and interface with the backplane via a sata style justice (I'm not sure what the proper terminology would be here).
> Since I cannot boot to rootfs with XEN, I'm unable to show the device tree there. The only bit that I added to accommodate XEN is this bit here:
> chosen {
>     stdout-path = "serial2:1500000n8";
>     bootargs = "hmp-unsafe=true";
>     xen,dom0-bootargs = "console=hvc0 earlyprintk=xen clk_ignore_unused root=/dev/nvme0n1p2 rw init=/sbin/init rootwait rootfstype=ext4 ignore_loglevel";
>     modules {
>         #address-cells = <2>;
>         #size-cells = <2>;
>         module@1 {
>             compatible = "xen,linux-zimage", "xen,multiboot-module";
>             reg = <0x0 0x03F80000 0x0 0x01aa8008>;
>         };
>         module@2 {
>             compatible = "xen,linux-initrd", "xen,multiboot-module";
>             reg = <0x0 0x06000000 0x0 0x02000000>;
>         };
>     };
> };
> The gic declaration is in the vanilla rk3399.dtsi file and hasn't been modified:
>         gic: interrupt-controller@fee00000 {
>                 compatible = "arm,gic-v3";
>                 #interrupt-cells = <4>;
>                 #address-cells = <2>;
>                 #size-cells = <2>;
>                 ranges;
>                 interrupt-controller;
>                 reg = <0x0 0xfee00000 0 0x10000>, /* GICD */
>                       <0x0 0xfef00000 0 0xc0000>, /* GICR */
>                       <0x0 0xfff00000 0 0x10000>, /* GICC */
>                       <0x0 0xfff10000 0 0x10000>, /* GICH */
>                       <0x0 0xfff20000 0 0x10000>; /* GICV */
>                 interrupts = <GIC_PPI 9 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH 0>;
>                 its: interrupt-controller@fee20000 {
>                         compatible = "arm,gic-v3-its";
>                         msi-controller;
>                         #msi-cells = <1>;
>                         reg = <0x0 0xfee20000 0x0 0x20000>;
>                 };
>                 ppi-partitions {
>                         ppi_cluster0: interrupt-partition-0 {
>                                 affinity = <&cpu_l0 &cpu_l1 &cpu_l2 &cpu_l3>;
>                         };
>                         ppi_cluster1: interrupt-partition-1 {
>                                 affinity = <&cpu_b0 &cpu_b1>;
>                         };
>                 };

Xen is not supporting PPI partitions.
I also saw that your booting using SMP unsafe so all core are enabled by Xen.

Right now big/little is not supported by Xen and here you might have some interrupts in your system which can only occur on some specific cores.
I would suggest to try the following:
- only boot enable in your dtb the cores with the same type than the boot core
- check in your device tree which devices are assign to the ppi_cluster not available and disable them

This kind of configuration will be tricky to handle so it will depend on which devices have interrupts that can only be fired on one cluster type.

Sorry but I cannot right now check in the device tree and do those checks myself but if you do get the idea send back a mail :-)


>         };
> I've attached the device tree and include files just in case you'd like to take a look at those.
> Thanks so much for your help! I've been at this for weeks with very little progress.
> Cheers,
> Brad
> On Tue, Jul 12, 2022 at 10:05 AM Bertrand Marquis <Bertrand.Marquis@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi Brad,
> > On 11 Jul 2022, at 19:38, Brad Churchwell <brad@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> >
> > Hello,
> >
> > I've been trying to get Xen to boot dom0 with my kernel for weeks on an rk3399 based board and thought I'd reach out for help. It looks like either Xen is not properly recreating the device tree or the interrupt controller is just failing. The hypervisor boots but falls to initramfs because it cannot find the root device (nvme on pcie). Any help would be greatly appreciated. Here is the complete boot log
> From the logs you have an issue with the interrupt controller and the fact that your NVME is behind PCIE and as such depends on ITS is probably not helping.
> I would suggest to try to boot on usb as root fs for a try.
> Also it could be useful to compare the device tree on xen and without xen to understand what is going on (using /proc/device-tree).
> Xen seems to be ok but Linux is not happy with interrupts and is showing several issues around this area on your logs.
> Could you show us an extract of your device tree around the gic declaration ?
> Cheers
> Bertrand
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