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Re: [PATCH v9] Preserve the EFI System Resource Table for dom0
- To: Demi Marie Obenour <demi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- From: Luca Fancellu <Luca.Fancellu@xxxxxxx>
- Date: Mon, 11 Jul 2022 09:20:46 +0000
- Accept-language: en-GB, en-US
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- Authentication-results-original: dkim=none (message not signed) header.d=none;dmarc=none action=none header.from=arm.com;
- Cc: Xen development discussion <xen-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Jan Beulich <jbeulich@xxxxxxxx>
- Delivery-date: Mon, 11 Jul 2022 09:21:09 +0000
- List-id: Xen developer discussion <xen-devel.lists.xenproject.org>
- Nodisclaimer: true
- Original-authentication-results: dkim=none (message not signed) header.d=none;dmarc=none action=none header.from=arm.com;
- Thread-index: AQHYkxKUjUJb6n+aY0G11gulhs4gPq146NqA
- Thread-topic: [PATCH v9] Preserve the EFI System Resource Table for dom0
> On 8 Jul 2022, at 22:34, Demi Marie Obenour <demi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> wrote:
> The EFI System Resource Table (ESRT) is necessary for fwupd to identify
> firmware updates to install. According to the UEFI specification §23.4,
> the ESRT shall be stored in memory of type EfiBootServicesData. However,
> memory of type EfiBootServicesData is considered general-purpose memory
> by Xen, so the ESRT needs to be moved somewhere where Xen will not
> overwrite it. Copy the ESRT to memory of type EfiRuntimeServicesData,
> which Xen will not reuse. dom0 can use the ESRT if (and only if) it is
> in memory of type EfiRuntimeServicesData.
> Earlier versions of this patch reserved the memory in which the ESRT was
> located. This created awkward alignment problems, and required either
> splitting the E820 table or wasting memory. It also would have required
> a new platform op for dom0 to use to indicate if the ESRT is reserved.
> By copying the ESRT into EfiRuntimeServicesData memory, the E820 table
> does not need to be modified, and dom0 can just check the type of the
> memory region containing the ESRT. The copy is only done if the ESRT is
> not already in EfiRuntimeServicesData memory, avoiding memory leaks on
> repeated kexec.
> See https://lore.kernel.org/xen-devel/20200818184018.GN1679@mail-itl/T/
> for details. Tested using qemu-system-x86_64 and xen.efi.
Not sure if “Tested using qemu-system-x86_64 and xen.efi.” should be added
in a section like this under your S-o-b:
Tested using qemu-system-x86_64 and xen.efi.
> Signed-off-by: Demi Marie Obenour <demi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
I’ve tested UEFI boot on an arm64 machine and Xen+Dom0+ACPI boots fine.
So if in v10 you don’t change anything apart from the style issues mentioned
by Jan, you can keep my tested-by:
Tested-by: Luca Fancellu <luca.fancellu@xxxxxxx>
> +static void __init efi_relocate_esrt(EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *SystemTable)
> +{
> + EFI_STATUS status;
> + UINTN info_size = 0, map_key, mdesc_size;
> + void *memory_map = NULL;
> + UINT32 ver;
> + unsigned int i;
> +
> + for ( ; ; ) {
Here, coding style wants the brackets on a new line (Jan comment):
for ( ; ; )
> + status = efi_bs->GetMemoryMap(&info_size, memory_map, &map_key,
> + &mdesc_size, &ver);