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Re: [PATCH V6 2/2] libxl/arm: Add handling of extended regions for DomU

On 13.10.21 00:22, Julien Grall wrote:
Hi Oleksandr,
Hi Julien, Ian.

Julien, thank you for the detailed answer, I will analyze it tomorrow.

Ian, I think, there is no reason in providing git branch with the acks folded in + my minor fix for the debug message as it was discussed before, it sounds like there is more work to do, so it is going to be a new version anyway.

On 12/10/2021 18:42, Oleksandr wrote:
On 12.10.21 19:05, Julien Grall wrote:
On 11/10/2021 18:48, Oleksandr Tyshchenko wrote:
  tools/libs/light/libxl_arm.c  | 76 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
  xen/include/public/arch-arm.h |  2 ++
  2 files changed, 73 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tools/libs/light/libxl_arm.c b/tools/libs/light/libxl_arm.c
index e3140a6..c0e8415 100644
--- a/tools/libs/light/libxl_arm.c
+++ b/tools/libs/light/libxl_arm.c
@@ -598,9 +598,20 @@ static int make_timer_node(libxl__gc *gc, void *fdt,
      return 0;
  +#define ALIGN_UP_TO_2MB(x)   (((x) + MB(2) - 1) & (~(MB(2) - 1)))
  static int make_hypervisor_node(libxl__gc *gc, void *fdt,
-                                const libxl_version_info *vers)
+                                const libxl_version_info *vers,
+                                const libxl_domain_build_info *b_info,
+                                const struct xc_dom_image *dom)
+    uint64_t region_size[GUEST_RAM_BANKS] = {0}, region_base[GUEST_RAM_BANKS],
+        bank1end, ramsize;
+                  (GUEST_RAM_BANKS + 1)];
+    be32 *cells = &regs[0];
+    unsigned int i, len, nr_regions = 0;
+    libxl_dominfo info;
      int res;
      gic_interrupt intr;
  @@ -615,9 +626,64 @@ static int make_hypervisor_node(libxl__gc *gc, void *fdt,
      if (res) return res;
  -    /* reg 0 is grant table space */
-    res = fdt_property_regs(gc, fdt, GUEST_ROOT_ADDRESS_CELLS, GUEST_ROOT_SIZE_CELLS,
-                            1,GUEST_GNTTAB_BASE, GUEST_GNTTAB_SIZE);
+    if (strcmp(dom->guest_type, "xen-3.0-aarch64")) {
+        LOG(WARN, "The extended regions are only supported for 64-bit guest currently");
+        goto out;
+    }
I understand why we want to limit to 64-bit domain for dom0. But I 
am not sure this is warrant for 32-bit domain. At worse, the guest 
will ignore the bank because it is not usable. So could we drop the 

+    res = libxl_domain_info(CTX, &info, dom->guest_domid);
+    if (res) return res;
+    assert(info.gpaddr_bits >= 32 && info.gpaddr_bits <= 48);
What could go wrong below if gpaddr_bits is not within this range?
if info.gpaddr_bits is less than 64, then nothing bad, otherwise, I 
assume we will get shift count overflow.
So I think the assert() is not suitable here because even if the 
gpaddr_bits is provided by the hypervisor (and therefore should be 
trusted), this is a different component so hardening the code is a 
good practice.
In this case, I would check that info.gpaddr_bits <= 64 and return an 
error. The reason I am suggesting <= 64 and not 48 is because Arm 
already supports 52 bits address space. Yet, I still like to avoid 
this assumption in the code. Something like below should work:
bank1end = GUEST_RAM1_BASE + GUEST_RAM1_SIZE - 1;
bank1end = min(bank1end, ~(0ULL) >> (64 - info.gpaddr_bits);

+    /*
+     * Try to allocate separate 2MB-aligned extended regions from the first +     * (below 4GB) and second (above 4GB) RAM banks taking into the account +     * the maximum supported guest physical address space size and the amount
+     * of memory assigned to the guest.
+     * As the guest memory layout is not populated yet we cannot rely on +     * dom->rambank_size[], so calculate the actual size of both banks using
+     * "max_memkb" value.
+     */
At the moment, libxl doesn't know how libxc will allocate the 
memory. We may decide in the future to have only a small amount of 
memory below 4GB and then the rest above 4GB. With this approach it 
would be more difficult to modify the memory layout. Instead, I 
think we should create a placeholder that is updated once we know 
the banks in libxl__arch_domain_finalise_hw_description.
If I got your point correctly, this is close to how it was done from 
the beginning. Yes, we can create placeholder(s) here and then update 
them once the memory layout is populated. The problem is that we 
won't be able to remove the placeholder(s) if we fail to allocate 
region(s) for some reasons. So, we should know for sure in advance 
how many region(s) we will be able to allocate later on in order to 
create the required number of placeholders right now...  Please, look 
at the TODO I wrote in finalise_ext_region() [1]. Or I misread your 
You read correctly my point. However, I disagree that it is a problem 
to remove the placeholder if we fail to allocate the amount of regions 
Looking at libfdt, I can see two ways to deal with it:
  1) Use fdt_setprop()
  2) Delete the property using fdt_delprop() and then recreate it with fdt_appendprop()
The first solution is ideal and I think can work here to downsize the 
property. At worse, the second solution should work as the FDT blob 
will not increase.
We also probably want to mention in the memory layout in public/arch-arm.h this decision as the suggested way to find extended regions will definitely impact our decision to re-order the memory layout or shrink some regions in the future (I have in mind the PCI Passthrough work).
Sorry, I couldn't parse.
So this patch is relying on the fact that the regions reserved for the 
RAM are big enough to also accommodate the extended regions.
I am happy with this approach. However, I would like the approach to 
be documented in arch-arm.h because this is the first place one would 
look to understand the memory layout. This will be helpful if/when we 
need to modify the guest memory layout.

+    ramsize = b_info->max_memkb * 1024;
+    if (ramsize <= GUEST_RAM0_SIZE) {
+        region_base[0] = GUEST_RAM0_BASE + ALIGN_UP_TO_2MB(ramsize);
+        region_size[0] = GUEST_RAM0_SIZE - ALIGN_UP_TO_2MB(ramsize);
+        region_base[1] = GUEST_RAM1_BASE;
+    } else
+        region_base[1] = GUEST_RAM1_BASE +
+            ALIGN_UP_TO_2MB(ramsize - GUEST_RAM0_SIZE);
+    bank1end = min(1ULL << info.gpaddr_bits, GUEST_RAM1_BASE + GUEST_RAM1_SIZE);
+    if (bank1end > region_base[1])
+        region_size[1] = bank1end - region_base[1];
It would be best to not rely on the fact that Bank on is always 
below 4GB. If the code is too complex then we should look to add a 
BUILD_BUG_ON() to avoid any surprise.
Yes, I can add:

I am OK with that. But I wonder if we could simply use min(..., ) to 
avoid the BUILD_BUG_ON().


Oleksandr Tyshchenko



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