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Re: [PATCH v2 10/11] vpci: Add initial support for virtual PCI bus topology

  • To: Jan Beulich <jbeulich@xxxxxxxx>
  • From: Oleksandr Andrushchenko <Oleksandr_Andrushchenko@xxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 29 Sep 2021 14:16:03 +0000
  • Accept-language: en-US
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  • Cc: "julien@xxxxxxx" <julien@xxxxxxx>, "sstabellini@xxxxxxxxxx" <sstabellini@xxxxxxxxxx>, Oleksandr Tyshchenko <Oleksandr_Tyshchenko@xxxxxxxx>, Volodymyr Babchuk <Volodymyr_Babchuk@xxxxxxxx>, Artem Mygaiev <Artem_Mygaiev@xxxxxxxx>, "roger.pau@xxxxxxxxxx" <roger.pau@xxxxxxxxxx>, Bertrand Marquis <bertrand.marquis@xxxxxxx>, Rahul Singh <rahul.singh@xxxxxxx>, Oleksandr Andrushchenko <Oleksandr_Andrushchenko@xxxxxxxx>, "xen-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <xen-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Michal Orzel <michal.orzel@xxxxxxx>
  • Delivery-date: Wed, 29 Sep 2021 14:16:18 +0000
  • List-id: Xen developer discussion <xen-devel.lists.xenproject.org>
  • Thread-topic: [PATCH v2 10/11] vpci: Add initial support for virtual PCI bus topology

On 29.09.21 17:07, Jan Beulich wrote:
> On 29.09.2021 15:49, Oleksandr Andrushchenko wrote:
>> On 29.09.21 16:23, Jan Beulich wrote:
>>> On 29.09.2021 15:16, Oleksandr Andrushchenko wrote:
>>>> On 29.09.21 15:54, Jan Beulich wrote:
>>>>> On 29.09.2021 13:56, Oleksandr Andrushchenko wrote:
>>>>>> On 29.09.21 12:09, Jan Beulich wrote:
>>>>>>> On 29.09.2021 11:03, Oleksandr Andrushchenko wrote:
>>>>>>>> Sorry for top posting, but this is a general question on this 
>>>>>>>> patch/functionality.
>>>>>>>> Do you see we need to gate all this with CONFIG_HAS_VPCI_GUEST_SUPPORT
>>>>>>>> as this renders in somewhat dead code for x86 for now? I do think this 
>>>>>>>> still
>>>>>>>> needs to be in the common code though.
>>>>>>> I agree it wants to live in common code, but I'd still like the code to
>>>>>>> not bloat x86 binaries. Hence yes, I think there want to be
>>>>>>> "if ( !IS_ENABLED() )" early bailout paths or, whenever this isn't
>>>>>>> possible without breaking the build, respective #ifdef-s.
>>>>>> Then it needs to be defined as (xen/drivers/Kconfig):
>>>>>>         # vPCI guest support is only enabled for Arm now
>>>>>>         def_bool y if ARM
>>>>>>         depends on HAS_VPCI
>>>>>> Because it needs to be defined as "y" for Arm with vPCI support.
>>>>>> Otherwise it breaks the PCI passthrough feature, e.g. it compiles,
>>>>>> but the resulting binary behaves wrong.
>>>>>> Do you see this as an acceptable solution?
>>>>> Like all (or at least the majority) of other HAS_*, it ought to be
>>>>> "select"-ed (by arm/Kconfig). Is there a reason this isn't possible?
>>>>> (I don't mind the "depends on", as long as it's clear that it exists
>>>>> solely to allow kconfig to warn about bogus "select"s.)
>>>> There is yet no Kconfig exists (even for Arm) that enables HAS_VPCI,
>>>> thus I can't do that at the moment even if I want to. Yes, this can be 
>>>> deferred
>>>> to the later stage when we enable VPCI for Arm, bit this config option is 
>>>> still
>>>> considered as "common code" as the functionality being added
>>>> to the common code is just gated with CONFIG_HAS_VPCI_GUEST_SUPPORT.
>>>> With this defined now and not later the code seems to be complete and more 
>>>> clean
>>>> as it is seen what is this configuration option and how it is enabled and 
>>>> used in the
>>>> code.
>>>> So, I see no problem if it is defined in this Kconfig and evaluates to "n" 
>>>> for x86
>>>> and eventually will be "y" for Arm when it enables HAS_VPCI.
>>> I'm afraid I don't view this as a reply reflecting that you have
>>> understood what I'm asking for. The primary request is for there to
>>> not be "def_bool y" but just "bool" accompanied by a "select" in
>>> Arm's Kconfig. If HAS_VPCI doesn't exist as an option yet, simply
>>> omit the (questionable) "depends on".
>> I understood that, but was trying to make sure we don't miss
>> this option while enabling vPCI on Arm, but ok, I'll have the following:
>> config HAS_VPCI
>>       bool
>>       bool
>>       depends on HAS_VPCI
>> and select it for Arm xen/arch/arm/Kconfig
> Btw you could also have
> config HAS_VPCI
>       bool
>       bool
>       select HAS_VPCI
> which would require arm/Kconfig to only select the latter, while
> x86/Kconfig would only select the former.
I'll probably leave it as I wrote before, because it then looks like
a sub-feature enables the parent feature and doesn't seem right
Although it may still look right...
>>> PS: The more replies I get from you, the more annoying I find the
>>> insertion of blank lines between every two lines of text. Blank
>>> lines are usually used to separate paragraphs. If it is your mail
>>> program which inserts these, can you please try to do something
>>> about this? Thanks.
>> I first thought that this is how Thunderbird started showing
>> my replies and was also curious about the distance between the lines
>> which seemed to be as double-line, but I couldn't delete or edit
>> those. I thought this is only visible to me...
>> It came out that this was because of some Thunderbird settings which
>> made my replies with those double-liners. Hope it is fixed now.
> Indeed, thanks - I did not remove any blank lines from context above.
> Jan
Thank you,



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