This email only tracks big items for xen.git tree. Please reply for items you
would like to see in 4.12 so that people have an idea what is going on and
prioritise accordingly.
Two additional items:
1. Linux stub domains, series posted by the Qubes team. A variant of this approach has been used by OpenXT for several years.
2. "Argo" inter-VM communication mechanism, discussed at Xen Summit 2018 design session, design doc forthcoming. Variants of this technology have been used in OpenXT and uXen/Bromium for several years.
Could we start using the "Affects Version" and "Fix Version" of JIRA, with values for currently supported releases, plus the next two releases (4.12 and 4.13)? This will enable the use of filters and issue tracking for prior releases.
I can create JIRA tickets for the two tasks listed above, if there are no objections.