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Re: [Xen-devel] [RFC PATCH 07/12] hvmloader: allocate MMCONFIG area in the MMIO hole + minor code refactoring

> -----Original Message-----
> I think we must all agree which approach to implement next. Basically,
> whether we need to completely discard the option #1 for this series and
> move on with #2. That lengthy requirements/risks email was an attempt to
> provide some ground for comparison.
> Leaving only required devices like vga/usb/network/storage to QEMU while
> emulating everything else in Xen is a good milestone, but, as I
> understood we currently targeting less ambitious goals for option #2 --
> emulating only MCH in Xen while emulating ICH9 etc in QEMU.

Option #2 is right direction architecturally; the trick is figuring out how to 
get there in stages.

I think the fact that Xen emulation obscures QEMU emulation means that we can 
start to do this without needing too much, if any, change in QEMU. It looks 
like handling MMCONFIG inside Xen would be a reasonable first stage. Stage two 
could be explanding Roger's vpci work to handle PCI pass-through to guests. Not 
sure what would come next.


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