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Re: [Xen-devel] RT-Xen on ARM

Dear Meng Xu,

On 22.08.17 05:02, Meng Xu wrote:
Given the set of tasks in each VM, we compute the VCPUs' periods and
budgets, using the CARTS tool [1]. Note that each task has a period
and a worst-case execution time (wcet).

[1] https://rtg.cis.upenn.edu/carts/

In a CARTS tool documentation [1] it is said that:
"At the same time, it is also accompanied by a lightweight command‐line option that enables our tool to be integrated with other existing toolchains."

But there is no CLI usage description in the document. Could you please provide such a description? My intention is to have a set of generated input xml's, feed them to CARTS and get models ready to be parsed to receive domains configuration for each test case.

[1] https://rtg.cis.upenn.edu/carts/docs/userguide.pdf


*Andrii Anisov*

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