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[Xen-devel] [PATCH v2 06/12] libxl: carve out disk specific functions from libxl.c

libxl.c has grown to an uncomfortable size. Carve out the disk
related functions to libxl_disk.c.

Signed-off-by: Juergen Gross <jgross@xxxxxxxx>
 tools/libxl/Makefile     |    2 +-
 tools/libxl/libxl.c      | 1233 ---------------------------------------------
 tools/libxl/libxl_disk.c | 1258 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 1259 insertions(+), 1234 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 tools/libxl/libxl_disk.c

diff --git a/tools/libxl/Makefile b/tools/libxl/Makefile
index 7514cc2..baf591d 100644
--- a/tools/libxl/Makefile
+++ b/tools/libxl/Makefile
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ LIBXL_OBJS = flexarray.o libxl.o libxl_create.o libxl_dm.o 
libxl_pci.o \
                        libxl_save_callout.o _libxl_save_msgs_callout.o \
                        libxl_qmp.o libxl_event.o libxl_fork.o \
                        libxl_dom_suspend.o libxl_dom_save.o libxl_usb.o \
-                       libxl_vtpm.o libxl_nic.o \
+                       libxl_vtpm.o libxl_nic.o libxl_disk.o \
                        libxl_cpupool.o libxl_sched.o \
 LIBXL_OBJS += libxl_genid.o
diff --git a/tools/libxl/libxl.c b/tools/libxl/libxl.c
index ae6c7d4..3f8f16e 100644
--- a/tools/libxl/libxl.c
+++ b/tools/libxl/libxl.c
@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@
 #include "libxl_arch.h"
 #define PAGE_TO_MEMKB(pages) ((pages) * 4)
 int libxl_ctx_alloc(libxl_ctx **pctx, int version,
                     unsigned flags, xentoollog_logger * lg)
@@ -1197,140 +1196,6 @@ void libxl_evdisable_domain_death(libxl_ctx *ctx,
-static void disk_eject_xswatch_callback(libxl__egc *egc, libxl__ev_xswatch *w,
-                                        const char *wpath, const char *epath) {
-    EGC_GC;
-    libxl_evgen_disk_eject *evg = (void*)w;
-    const char *backend;
-    char *value;
-    char backend_type[BACKEND_STRING_SIZE+1];
-    int rc;
-    value = libxl__xs_read(gc, XBT_NULL, wpath);
-    if (!value || strcmp(value,  "eject"))
-        return;
-    if (libxl__xs_printf(gc, XBT_NULL, wpath, "")) {
-        LIBXL__EVENT_DISASTER(egc, "xs_write failed acknowledging eject",
-                              errno, LIBXL_EVENT_TYPE_DISK_EJECT);
-        return;
-    }
-    libxl_event *ev = NEW_EVENT(egc, DISK_EJECT, evg->domid, evg->user);
-    libxl_device_disk *disk = &ev->u.disk_eject.disk;
-    rc = libxl__xs_read_checked(gc, XBT_NULL, evg->be_ptr_path, &backend);
-    if (rc) {
-        LIBXL__EVENT_DISASTER(egc, "xs_read failed reading be_ptr_path",
-                              errno, LIBXL_EVENT_TYPE_DISK_EJECT);
-        return;
-    }
-    if (!backend) {
-        /* device has been removed, not simply ejected */
-        return;
-    }
-    sscanf(backend,
-            "/local/domain/%d/backend/%" TOSTRING(BACKEND_STRING_SIZE)
-           "[a-z]/%*d/%*d",
-           &disk->backend_domid, backend_type);
-    if (!strcmp(backend_type, "tap") || !strcmp(backend_type, "vbd")) {
-        disk->backend = LIBXL_DISK_BACKEND_TAP;
-    } else if (!strcmp(backend_type, "qdisk")) {
-        disk->backend = LIBXL_DISK_BACKEND_QDISK;
-    } else {
-        disk->backend = LIBXL_DISK_BACKEND_UNKNOWN;
-    }
-    disk->pdev_path = strdup(""); /* xxx fixme malloc failure */
-    disk->format = LIBXL_DISK_FORMAT_EMPTY;
-    /* this value is returned to the user: do not free right away */
-    disk->vdev = libxl__strdup(NOGC, evg->vdev);
-    disk->removable = 1;
-    disk->readwrite = 0;
-    disk->is_cdrom = 1;
-    libxl__event_occurred(egc, ev);
-int libxl_evenable_disk_eject(libxl_ctx *ctx, uint32_t guest_domid,
-                              const char *vdev, libxl_ev_user user,
-                              libxl_evgen_disk_eject **evgen_out) {
-    GC_INIT(ctx);
-    CTX_LOCK;
-    int rc;
-    char *path;
-    libxl_evgen_disk_eject *evg = NULL;
-    evg = malloc(sizeof(*evg));  if (!evg) { rc = ERROR_NOMEM; goto out; }
-    memset(evg, 0, sizeof(*evg));
-    evg->user = user;
-    evg->domid = guest_domid;
-    LIBXL_LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&CTX->disk_eject_evgens, evg, entry);
-    uint32_t domid = libxl_get_stubdom_id(ctx, guest_domid);
-    if (!domid)
-        domid = guest_domid;
-    int devid = libxl__device_disk_dev_number(vdev, NULL, NULL);
-    path = GCSPRINTF("%s/device/vbd/%d/eject",
-                 libxl__xs_get_dompath(gc, domid),
-                 devid);
-    if (!path) { rc = ERROR_NOMEM; goto out; }
-    const char *libxl_path = GCSPRINTF("%s/device/vbd/%d",
-                                 libxl__xs_libxl_path(gc, domid),
-                                 devid);
-    evg->be_ptr_path = libxl__sprintf(NOGC, "%s/backend", libxl_path);
-    const char *configured_vdev;
-    rc = libxl__xs_read_checked(gc, XBT_NULL,
-            GCSPRINTF("%s/dev", libxl_path), &configured_vdev);
-    if (rc) goto out;
-    evg->vdev = libxl__strdup(NOGC, configured_vdev);
-    rc = libxl__ev_xswatch_register(gc, &evg->watch,
-                                    disk_eject_xswatch_callback, path);
-    if (rc) goto out;
-    *evgen_out = evg;
-    GC_FREE;
-    return 0;
- out:
-    if (evg)
-        libxl__evdisable_disk_eject(gc, evg);
-    GC_FREE;
-    return rc;
-void libxl__evdisable_disk_eject(libxl__gc *gc, libxl_evgen_disk_eject *evg) {
-    CTX_LOCK;
-    LIBXL_LIST_REMOVE(evg, entry);
-    if (libxl__ev_xswatch_isregistered(&evg->watch))
-        libxl__ev_xswatch_deregister(gc, &evg->watch);
-    free(evg->vdev);
-    free(evg->be_ptr_path);
-    free(evg);
-void libxl_evdisable_disk_eject(libxl_ctx *ctx, libxl_evgen_disk_eject *evg) {
-    GC_INIT(ctx);
-    libxl__evdisable_disk_eject(gc, evg);
-    GC_FREE;
 /* Callbacks for libxl_domain_destroy */
 static void domain_destroy_cb(libxl__egc *egc, libxl__domain_destroy_state 
@@ -1948,1044 +1813,6 @@ int libxl__resolve_domid(libxl__gc *gc, const char 
*name, uint32_t *domid)
-int libxl__device_disk_setdefault(libxl__gc *gc, libxl_device_disk *disk,
-                                  uint32_t domid)
-    int rc;
-    libxl_defbool_setdefault(&disk->discard_enable, !!disk->readwrite);
-    libxl_defbool_setdefault(&disk->colo_enable, false);
-    libxl_defbool_setdefault(&disk->colo_restore_enable, false);
-    rc = libxl__resolve_domid(gc, disk->backend_domname, &disk->backend_domid);
-    if (rc < 0) return rc;
-    /* Force Qdisk backend for CDROM devices of guests with a device model. */
-    if (disk->is_cdrom != 0 &&
-        libxl__domain_type(gc, domid) == LIBXL_DOMAIN_TYPE_HVM &&
-        libxl__device_model_version_running(gc, domid) !=
-        if (!(disk->backend == LIBXL_DISK_BACKEND_QDISK ||
-              disk->backend == LIBXL_DISK_BACKEND_UNKNOWN)) {
-            LOGD(ERROR, domid, "Backend for CD devices on HVM guests must be 
-            return ERROR_FAIL;
-        }
-        disk->backend = LIBXL_DISK_BACKEND_QDISK;
-    }
-    rc = libxl__device_disk_set_backend(gc, disk);
-    return rc;
-int libxl__device_from_disk(libxl__gc *gc, uint32_t domid,
-                                   const libxl_device_disk *disk,
-                                   libxl__device *device)
-    int devid;
-    devid = libxl__device_disk_dev_number(disk->vdev, NULL, NULL);
-    if (devid==-1) {
-        LOGD(ERROR, domid, "Invalid or unsupported"" virtual disk identifier 
-             disk->vdev);
-        return ERROR_INVAL;
-    }
-    device->backend_domid = disk->backend_domid;
-    device->backend_devid = devid;
-    switch (disk->backend) {
-            device->backend_kind = LIBXL__DEVICE_KIND_VBD;
-            break;
-            device->backend_kind = LIBXL__DEVICE_KIND_VBD;
-            break;
-            device->backend_kind = LIBXL__DEVICE_KIND_QDISK;
-            break;
-        default:
-            LOGD(ERROR, domid, "Unrecognized disk backend type: %d",
-                 disk->backend);
-            return ERROR_INVAL;
-    }
-    device->domid = domid;
-    device->devid = devid;
-    device->kind  = LIBXL__DEVICE_KIND_VBD;
-    return 0;
-/* Specific function called directly only by local disk attach,
- * all other users should instead use the regular
- * libxl__device_disk_add wrapper
- *
- * The (optionally) passed function get_vdev will be used to
- * set the vdev the disk should be attached to. When it is set the caller
- * must also pass get_vdev_user, which will be passed to get_vdev.
- *
- * The passed get_vdev function is also in charge of printing
- * the corresponding error message when appropiate.
- */
-static void device_disk_add(libxl__egc *egc, uint32_t domid,
-                           libxl_device_disk *disk,
-                           libxl__ao_device *aodev,
-                           char *get_vdev(libxl__gc *, void *,
-                                          xs_transaction_t),
-                           void *get_vdev_user)
-    STATE_AO_GC(aodev->ao);
-    flexarray_t *front = NULL;
-    flexarray_t *back = NULL;
-    char *dev = NULL, *script;
-    libxl__device *device;
-    int rc;
-    libxl_ctx *ctx = gc->owner;
-    xs_transaction_t t = XBT_NULL;
-    libxl_domain_config d_config;
-    libxl_device_disk disk_saved;
-    libxl__domain_userdata_lock *lock = NULL;
-    libxl_domain_config_init(&d_config);
-    libxl_device_disk_init(&disk_saved);
-    libxl_device_disk_copy(ctx, &disk_saved, disk);
-    libxl_domain_type type = libxl__domain_type(gc, domid);
-    if (type == LIBXL_DOMAIN_TYPE_INVALID) {
-        rc = ERROR_FAIL;
-        goto out;
-    }
-    /*
-     * get_vdev != NULL -> local attach
-     * get_vdev == NULL -> block attach
-     *
-     * We don't care about local attach state because it's only
-     * intermediate state.
-     */
-    if (!get_vdev && aodev->update_json) {
-        lock = libxl__lock_domain_userdata(gc, domid);
-        if (!lock) {
-            rc = ERROR_LOCK_FAIL;
-            goto out;
-        }
-        rc = libxl__get_domain_configuration(gc, domid, &d_config);
-        if (rc) goto out;
-        DEVICE_ADD(disk, disks, domid, &disk_saved, COMPARE_DISK, &d_config);
-        rc = libxl__dm_check_start(gc, &d_config, domid);
-        if (rc) goto out;
-    }
-    for (;;) {
-        rc = libxl__xs_transaction_start(gc, &t);
-        if (rc) goto out;
-        if (get_vdev) {
-            assert(get_vdev_user);
-            disk->vdev = get_vdev(gc, get_vdev_user, t);
-            if (disk->vdev == NULL) {
-                rc = ERROR_FAIL;
-                goto out;
-            }
-        }
-        rc = libxl__device_disk_setdefault(gc, disk, domid);
-        if (rc) goto out;
-        front = flexarray_make(gc, 16, 1);
-        back = flexarray_make(gc, 16, 1);
-        GCNEW(device);
-        rc = libxl__device_from_disk(gc, domid, disk, device);
-        if (rc != 0) {
-            LOGD(ERROR, domid, "Invalid or unsupported"" virtual disk 
identifier %s",
-                 disk->vdev);
-            goto out;
-        }
-        rc = libxl__device_exists(gc, t, device);
-        if (rc < 0) goto out;
-        if (rc == 1) {              /* already exists in xenstore */
-            LOGD(ERROR, domid, "device already exists in xenstore");
-            aodev->action = LIBXL__DEVICE_ACTION_ADD; /* for error message */
-            rc = ERROR_DEVICE_EXISTS;
-            goto out;
-        }
-        switch (disk->backend) {
-            case LIBXL_DISK_BACKEND_PHY:
-                dev = disk->pdev_path;
-        do_backend_phy:
-                flexarray_append(back, "params");
-                flexarray_append(back, dev);
-                script = libxl__abs_path(gc, disk->script?: "block",
-                                         libxl__xen_script_dir_path());
-                flexarray_append_pair(back, "script", script);
-                assert(device->backend_kind == LIBXL__DEVICE_KIND_VBD);
-                break;
-            case LIBXL_DISK_BACKEND_TAP:
-                if (dev == NULL) {
-                    dev = libxl__blktap_devpath(gc, disk->pdev_path,
-                                                disk->format);
-                    if (!dev) {
-                        LOGD(ERROR, domid, "Failed to get blktap devpath for 
-                             disk->pdev_path);
-                        rc = ERROR_FAIL;
-                        goto out;
-                    }
-                }
-                flexarray_append(back, "tapdisk-params");
-                flexarray_append(back, GCSPRINTF("%s:%s",
-                    libxl__device_disk_string_of_format(disk->format),
-                    disk->pdev_path));
-                /* tap backends with scripts are rejected by
-                 * libxl__device_disk_set_backend */
-                assert(!disk->script);
-                /* now create a phy device to export the device to the guest */
-                goto do_backend_phy;
-            case LIBXL_DISK_BACKEND_QDISK:
-                flexarray_append(back, "params");
-                flexarray_append(back, GCSPRINTF("%s:%s",
libxl__device_disk_string_of_format(disk->format), disk->pdev_path));
-                if (libxl_defbool_val(disk->colo_enable)) {
-                    flexarray_append(back, "colo-host");
-                    flexarray_append(back, libxl__sprintf(gc, "%s", 
-                    flexarray_append(back, "colo-port");
-                    flexarray_append(back, libxl__sprintf(gc, "%d", 
-                    flexarray_append(back, "colo-export");
-                    flexarray_append(back, libxl__sprintf(gc, "%s", 
-                    flexarray_append(back, "active-disk");
-                    flexarray_append(back, libxl__sprintf(gc, "%s", 
-                    flexarray_append(back, "hidden-disk");
-                    flexarray_append(back, libxl__sprintf(gc, "%s", 
-                }
-                assert(device->backend_kind == LIBXL__DEVICE_KIND_QDISK);
-                break;
-            default:
-                LOGD(ERROR, domid, "Unrecognized disk backend type: %d",
-                     disk->backend);
-                rc = ERROR_INVAL;
-                goto out;
-        }
-        flexarray_append(back, "frontend-id");
-        flexarray_append(back, GCSPRINTF("%d", domid));
-        flexarray_append(back, "online");
-        flexarray_append(back, "1");
-        flexarray_append(back, "removable");
-        flexarray_append(back, GCSPRINTF("%d", (disk->removable) ? 1 : 0));
-        flexarray_append(back, "bootable");
-        flexarray_append(back, GCSPRINTF("%d", 1));
-        flexarray_append(back, "state");
-        flexarray_append(back, GCSPRINTF("%d", XenbusStateInitialising));
-        flexarray_append(back, "dev");
-        flexarray_append(back, disk->vdev);
-        flexarray_append(back, "type");
-        flexarray_append(back, 
-        flexarray_append(back, "mode");
-        flexarray_append(back, disk->readwrite ? "w" : "r");
-        flexarray_append(back, "device-type");
-        flexarray_append(back, disk->is_cdrom ? "cdrom" : "disk");
-        if (disk->direct_io_safe) {
-            flexarray_append(back, "direct-io-safe");
-            flexarray_append(back, "1");
-        }
-        flexarray_append_pair(back, "discard-enable",
-                              libxl_defbool_val(disk->discard_enable) ?
-                              "1" : "0");
-        flexarray_append(front, "backend-id");
-        flexarray_append(front, GCSPRINTF("%d", disk->backend_domid));
-        flexarray_append(front, "state");
-        flexarray_append(front, GCSPRINTF("%d", XenbusStateInitialising));
-        flexarray_append(front, "virtual-device");
-        flexarray_append(front, GCSPRINTF("%d", device->devid));
-        flexarray_append(front, "device-type");
-        flexarray_append(front, disk->is_cdrom ? "cdrom" : "disk");
-        /*
-         * Old PV kernel disk frontends before 2.6.26 rely on tool stack to
-         * write disk native protocol to frontend node. Xend does this, port
-         * this behaviour to xl.
-         *
-         * New kernels write this node themselves. In that case it just
-         * overwrites an existing node which is OK.
-         */
-        if (type == LIBXL_DOMAIN_TYPE_PV) {
-            const char *protocol =
-                xc_domain_get_native_protocol(ctx->xch, domid);
-            if (protocol) {
-                flexarray_append(front, "protocol");
-                flexarray_append(front, libxl__strdup(gc, protocol));
-            }
-        }
-        if (!get_vdev && aodev->update_json) {
-            rc = libxl__set_domain_configuration(gc, domid, &d_config);
-            if (rc) goto out;
-        }
-        libxl__device_generic_add(gc, t, device,
-                                  libxl__xs_kvs_of_flexarray(gc, back),
-                                  libxl__xs_kvs_of_flexarray(gc, front),
-                                  NULL);
-        rc = libxl__xs_transaction_commit(gc, &t);
-        if (!rc) break;
-        if (rc < 0) goto out;
-    }
-    aodev->dev = device;
-    aodev->action = LIBXL__DEVICE_ACTION_ADD;
-    libxl__wait_device_connection(egc, aodev);
-    rc = 0;
-    libxl__xs_transaction_abort(gc, &t);
-    if (lock) libxl__unlock_domain_userdata(lock);
-    libxl_device_disk_dispose(&disk_saved);
-    libxl_domain_config_dispose(&d_config);
-    aodev->rc = rc;
-    if (rc) aodev->callback(egc, aodev);
-    return;
-static void libxl__device_disk_add(libxl__egc *egc, uint32_t domid,
-                                   libxl_device_disk *disk,
-                                   libxl__ao_device *aodev)
-    device_disk_add(egc, domid, disk, aodev, NULL, NULL);
-static int libxl__device_disk_from_xenstore(libxl__gc *gc,
-                                         const char *libxl_path,
-                                         libxl_device_disk *disk)
-    libxl_ctx *ctx = libxl__gc_owner(gc);
-    unsigned int len;
-    char *tmp;
-    int rc;
-    libxl_device_disk_init(disk);
-    const char *backend_path;
-    rc = libxl__xs_read_checked(gc, XBT_NULL,
-                                GCSPRINTF("%s/backend", libxl_path),
-                                &backend_path);
-    if (rc) goto out;
-    if (!backend_path) {
-        LOG(ERROR, "disk %s does not exist (no backend path", libxl_path);
-        rc = ERROR_FAIL;
-        goto out;
-    }
-    rc = libxl__backendpath_parse_domid(gc, backend_path, 
-    if (rc) {
-        LOG(ERROR, "Unable to fetch device backend domid from %s", 
-        goto out;
-    }
-    /*
-     * "params" may not be present; but everything else must be.
-     * colo releated entries(colo-host, colo-port, colo-export,
-     * active-disk and hidden-disk) are present only if colo is
-     * enabled.
-     */
-    tmp = xs_read(ctx->xsh, XBT_NULL,
-                  GCSPRINTF("%s/params", libxl_path), &len);
-    if (tmp && strchr(tmp, ':')) {
-        disk->pdev_path = strdup(strchr(tmp, ':') + 1);
-        free(tmp);
-    } else {
-        disk->pdev_path = tmp;
-    }
-    tmp = xs_read(ctx->xsh, XBT_NULL,
-                  GCSPRINTF("%s/colo-host", libxl_path), &len);
-    if (tmp) {
-        libxl_defbool_set(&disk->colo_enable, true);
-        disk->colo_host = tmp;
-        tmp = xs_read(ctx->xsh, XBT_NULL,
-                      GCSPRINTF("%s/colo-port", libxl_path), &len);
-        if (!tmp) {
-            LOG(ERROR, "Missing xenstore node %s/colo-port", libxl_path);
-            goto cleanup;
-        }
-        disk->colo_port = atoi(tmp);
-#define XS_READ_COLO(param, item) do {                                  \
-        tmp = xs_read(ctx->xsh, XBT_NULL,                               \
-                      GCSPRINTF("%s/"#param"", libxl_path), &len);         \
-        if (!tmp) {                                                     \
-            LOG(ERROR, "Missing xenstore node %s/"#param"", libxl_path);   \
-            goto cleanup;                                               \
-        }                                                               \
-        disk->item = tmp;                                               \
-} while (0)
-        XS_READ_COLO(colo-export, colo_export);
-        XS_READ_COLO(active-disk, active_disk);
-        XS_READ_COLO(hidden-disk, hidden_disk);
-#undef XS_READ_COLO
-    } else {
-        libxl_defbool_set(&disk->colo_enable, false);
-    }
-    tmp = libxl__xs_read(gc, XBT_NULL,
-                         GCSPRINTF("%s/type", libxl_path));
-    if (!tmp) {
-        LOG(ERROR, "Missing xenstore node %s/type", libxl_path);
-        goto cleanup;
-    }
-    libxl_string_to_backend(ctx, tmp, &(disk->backend));
-    disk->vdev = xs_read(ctx->xsh, XBT_NULL,
-                         GCSPRINTF("%s/dev", libxl_path), &len);
-    if (!disk->vdev) {
-        LOG(ERROR, "Missing xenstore node %s/dev", libxl_path);
-        goto cleanup;
-    }
-    tmp = libxl__xs_read(gc, XBT_NULL, libxl__sprintf
-                         (gc, "%s/removable", libxl_path));
-    if (!tmp) {
-        LOG(ERROR, "Missing xenstore node %s/removable", libxl_path);
-        goto cleanup;
-    }
-    disk->removable = atoi(tmp);
-    tmp = libxl__xs_read(gc, XBT_NULL, GCSPRINTF("%s/mode", libxl_path));
-    if (!tmp) {
-        LOG(ERROR, "Missing xenstore node %s/mode", libxl_path);
-        goto cleanup;
-    }
-    if (!strcmp(tmp, "w"))
-        disk->readwrite = 1;
-    else
-        disk->readwrite = 0;
-    tmp = libxl__xs_read(gc, XBT_NULL,
-                         GCSPRINTF("%s/device-type", libxl_path));
-    if (!tmp) {
-        LOG(ERROR, "Missing xenstore node %s/device-type", libxl_path);
-        goto cleanup;
-    }
-    disk->is_cdrom = !strcmp(tmp, "cdrom");
-    disk->format = LIBXL_DISK_FORMAT_UNKNOWN;
-    return 0;
-    rc = ERROR_FAIL;
- out:
-    libxl_device_disk_dispose(disk);
-    return rc;
-int libxl_vdev_to_device_disk(libxl_ctx *ctx, uint32_t domid,
-                              const char *vdev, libxl_device_disk *disk)
-    GC_INIT(ctx);
-    char *dom_xl_path, *libxl_path;
-    int devid = libxl__device_disk_dev_number(vdev, NULL, NULL);
-    int rc = ERROR_FAIL;
-    if (devid < 0)
-        return ERROR_INVAL;
-    libxl_device_disk_init(disk);
-    dom_xl_path = libxl__xs_libxl_path(gc, domid);
-    if (!dom_xl_path) {
-        goto out;
-    }
-    libxl_path = GCSPRINTF("%s/device/vbd/%d", dom_xl_path, devid);
-    rc = libxl__device_disk_from_xenstore(gc, libxl_path, disk);
-    GC_FREE;
-    return rc;
-static int libxl__append_disk_list(libxl__gc *gc,
-                                           uint32_t domid,
-                                           libxl_device_disk **disks,
-                                           int *ndisks)
-    char *libxl_dir_path = NULL;
-    char **dir = NULL;
-    unsigned int n = 0;
-    libxl_device_disk *pdisk = NULL, *pdisk_end = NULL;
-    int rc=0;
-    int initial_disks = *ndisks;
-    libxl_dir_path = GCSPRINTF("%s/device/vbd",
-                        libxl__xs_libxl_path(gc, domid));
-    dir = libxl__xs_directory(gc, XBT_NULL, libxl_dir_path, &n);
-    if (dir && n) {
-        libxl_device_disk *tmp;
-        tmp = realloc(*disks, sizeof (libxl_device_disk) * (*ndisks + n));
-        if (tmp == NULL)
-            return ERROR_NOMEM;
-        *disks = tmp;
-        pdisk = *disks + initial_disks;
-        pdisk_end = *disks + initial_disks + n;
-        for (; pdisk < pdisk_end; pdisk++, dir++) {
-            const char *p;
-            p = GCSPRINTF("%s/%s", libxl_dir_path, *dir);
-            if ((rc=libxl__device_disk_from_xenstore(gc, p, pdisk)))
-                goto out;
-            *ndisks += 1;
-        }
-    }
-    return rc;
-libxl_device_disk *libxl_device_disk_list(libxl_ctx *ctx, uint32_t domid, int 
-    GC_INIT(ctx);
-    libxl_device_disk *disks = NULL;
-    int rc;
-    *num = 0;
-    rc = libxl__append_disk_list(gc, domid, &disks, num);
-    if (rc) goto out_err;
-    GC_FREE;
-    return disks;
-    LOG(ERROR, "Unable to list disks");
-    while (disks && *num) {
-        (*num)--;
-        libxl_device_disk_dispose(&disks[*num]);
-    }
-    free(disks);
-    return NULL;
-int libxl_device_disk_getinfo(libxl_ctx *ctx, uint32_t domid,
-                              libxl_device_disk *disk, libxl_diskinfo 
-    GC_INIT(ctx);
-    char *dompath, *fe_path, *libxl_path;
-    char *val;
-    int rc;
-    diskinfo->backend = NULL;
-    dompath = libxl__xs_get_dompath(gc, domid);
-    diskinfo->devid = libxl__device_disk_dev_number(disk->vdev, NULL, NULL);
-    /* tap devices entries in xenstore are written as vbd devices. */
-    fe_path = GCSPRINTF("%s/device/vbd/%d", dompath, diskinfo->devid);
-    libxl_path = GCSPRINTF("%s/device/vbd/%d",
-                           libxl__xs_libxl_path(gc, domid), diskinfo->devid);
-    diskinfo->backend = xs_read(ctx->xsh, XBT_NULL,
-                                GCSPRINTF("%s/backend", libxl_path), NULL);
-    if (!diskinfo->backend) {
-        GC_FREE;
-        return ERROR_FAIL;
-    }
-    rc = libxl__backendpath_parse_domid(gc, diskinfo->backend,
-                                        &diskinfo->backend_id);
-    if (rc) goto out;
-    val = libxl__xs_read(gc, XBT_NULL, GCSPRINTF("%s/state", fe_path));
-    diskinfo->state = val ? strtoul(val, NULL, 10) : -1;
-    val = libxl__xs_read(gc, XBT_NULL, GCSPRINTF("%s/event-channel", fe_path));
-    diskinfo->evtch = val ? strtoul(val, NULL, 10) : -1;
-    val = libxl__xs_read(gc, XBT_NULL, GCSPRINTF("%s/ring-ref", fe_path));
-    diskinfo->rref = val ? strtoul(val, NULL, 10) : -1;
-    diskinfo->frontend = xs_read(ctx->xsh, XBT_NULL,
-                                 GCSPRINTF("%s/frontend", libxl_path), NULL);
-    diskinfo->frontend_id = domid;
-    GC_FREE;
-    return 0;
- out:
-    free(diskinfo->backend);
-    return rc;
-int libxl_cdrom_insert(libxl_ctx *ctx, uint32_t domid, libxl_device_disk *disk,
-                       const libxl_asyncop_how *ao_how)
-    AO_CREATE(ctx, domid, ao_how);
-    int num = 0, i;
-    libxl_device_disk *disks = NULL, disk_saved, disk_empty;
-    libxl_domain_config d_config;
-    int rc, dm_ver;
-    libxl__device device;
-    const char *be_path, *libxl_path;
-    char * tmp;
-    libxl__domain_userdata_lock *lock = NULL;
-    xs_transaction_t t = XBT_NULL;
-    flexarray_t *insert = NULL, *empty = NULL;
-    libxl_domain_config_init(&d_config);
-    libxl_device_disk_init(&disk_empty);
-    libxl_device_disk_init(&disk_saved);
-    libxl_device_disk_copy(ctx, &disk_saved, disk);
-    disk_empty.format = LIBXL_DISK_FORMAT_EMPTY;
-    disk_empty.vdev = libxl__strdup(NOGC, disk->vdev);
-    disk_empty.pdev_path = libxl__strdup(NOGC, "");
-    disk_empty.is_cdrom = 1;
-    libxl__device_disk_setdefault(gc, &disk_empty, domid);
-    libxl_domain_type type = libxl__domain_type(gc, domid);
-    if (type == LIBXL_DOMAIN_TYPE_INVALID) {
-        rc = ERROR_FAIL;
-        goto out;
-    }
-    if (type != LIBXL_DOMAIN_TYPE_HVM) {
-        LOGD(ERROR, domid, "cdrom-insert requires an HVM domain");
-        rc = ERROR_INVAL;
-        goto out;
-    }
-    if (libxl_get_stubdom_id(ctx, domid) != 0) {
-        LOGD(ERROR, domid, "cdrom-insert doesn't work for stub domains");
-        rc = ERROR_INVAL;
-        goto out;
-    }
-    dm_ver = libxl__device_model_version_running(gc, domid);
-    if (dm_ver == -1) {
-        LOGD(ERROR, domid, "Cannot determine device model version");
-        rc = ERROR_FAIL;
-        goto out;
-    }
-        LOGD(ERROR, domid, "Guests without a device model cannot use 
-        rc = ERROR_FAIL;
-        goto out;
-    }
-    disks = libxl_device_disk_list(ctx, domid, &num);
-    for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
-        if (disks[i].is_cdrom && !strcmp(disk->vdev, disks[i].vdev))
-        {
-            /* Found.  Set backend type appropriately. */
-            disk->backend=disks[i].backend;
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-    if (i == num) {
-        LOGD(ERROR, domid, "Virtual device not found");
-        rc = ERROR_FAIL;
-        goto out;
-    }
-    rc = libxl__device_disk_setdefault(gc, disk, domid);
-    if (rc) goto out;
-    if (!disk->pdev_path) {
-        disk->pdev_path = libxl__strdup(NOGC, "");
-        disk->format = LIBXL_DISK_FORMAT_EMPTY;
-    }
-    rc = libxl__device_from_disk(gc, domid, disk, &device);
-    if (rc) goto out;
-    be_path = libxl__device_backend_path(gc, &device);
-    libxl_path = libxl__device_libxl_path(gc, &device);
-    insert = flexarray_make(gc, 4, 1);
-    flexarray_append_pair(insert, "type",
-                          libxl__device_disk_string_of_backend(disk->backend));
-    if (disk->format != LIBXL_DISK_FORMAT_EMPTY)
-        flexarray_append_pair(insert, "params",
-                        GCSPRINTF("%s:%s",
-                            libxl__device_disk_string_of_format(disk->format),
-                            disk->pdev_path));
-    else
-        flexarray_append_pair(insert, "params", "");
-    empty = flexarray_make(gc, 4, 1);
-    flexarray_append_pair(empty, "type",
-                          libxl__device_disk_string_of_backend(disk->backend));
-    flexarray_append_pair(empty, "params", "");
-    /* Note: CTX lock is already held at this point so lock hierarchy
-     * is maintained.
-     */
-    lock = libxl__lock_domain_userdata(gc, domid);
-    if (!lock) {
-        rc = ERROR_LOCK_FAIL;
-        goto out;
-    }
-    /* We need to eject the original image first. This is implemented
-     * by inserting empty media. JSON is not updated.
-     */
-        rc = libxl__qmp_insert_cdrom(gc, domid, &disk_empty);
-        if (rc) goto out;
-    }
-    for (;;) {
-        rc = libxl__xs_transaction_start(gc, &t);
-        if (rc) goto out;
-        /* Sanity check: make sure the device exists before writing here */
-        tmp = libxl__xs_read(gc, t, GCSPRINTF("%s/frontend", libxl_path));
-        if (!tmp)
-        {
-            LOGD(ERROR, domid, "Internal error: %s does not exist",
-                 GCSPRINTF("%s/frontend", libxl_path));
-            rc = ERROR_FAIL;
-            goto out;
-        }
-        char **kvs = libxl__xs_kvs_of_flexarray(gc, empty);
-        rc = libxl__xs_writev(gc, t, be_path, kvs);
-        if (rc) goto out;
-        rc = libxl__xs_writev(gc, t, libxl_path, kvs);
-        if (rc) goto out;
-        rc = libxl__xs_transaction_commit(gc, &t);
-        if (!rc) break;
-        if (rc < 0) goto out;
-    }
-    rc = libxl__get_domain_configuration(gc, domid, &d_config);
-    if (rc) goto out;
-    DEVICE_ADD(disk, disks, domid, &disk_saved, COMPARE_DISK, &d_config);
-    rc = libxl__dm_check_start(gc, &d_config, domid);
-    if (rc) goto out;
-        rc = libxl__qmp_insert_cdrom(gc, domid, disk);
-        if (rc) goto out;
-    }
-    for (;;) {
-        rc = libxl__xs_transaction_start(gc, &t);
-        if (rc) goto out;
-        /* Sanity check: make sure the device exists before writing here */
-        tmp = libxl__xs_read(gc, t, GCSPRINTF("%s/frontend", libxl_path));
-        if (!tmp)
-        {
-            LOGD(ERROR, domid, "Internal error: %s does not exist",
-                 GCSPRINTF("%s/frontend", libxl_path));
-            rc = ERROR_FAIL;
-            goto out;
-        }
-        rc = libxl__set_domain_configuration(gc, domid, &d_config);
-        if (rc) goto out;
-        char **kvs = libxl__xs_kvs_of_flexarray(gc, insert);
-        rc = libxl__xs_writev(gc, t, be_path, kvs);
-        if (rc) goto out;
-        rc = libxl__xs_writev(gc, t, libxl_path, kvs);
-        if (rc) goto out;
-        rc = libxl__xs_transaction_commit(gc, &t);
-        if (!rc) break;
-        if (rc < 0) goto out;
-    }
-    /* success, no actual async */
-    libxl__ao_complete(egc, ao, 0);
-    rc = 0;
-    libxl__xs_transaction_abort(gc, &t);
-    for (i = 0; i < num; i++)
-        libxl_device_disk_dispose(&disks[i]);
-    free(disks);
-    libxl_device_disk_dispose(&disk_empty);
-    libxl_device_disk_dispose(&disk_saved);
-    libxl_domain_config_dispose(&d_config);
-    if (lock) libxl__unlock_domain_userdata(lock);
-    if (rc) return AO_CREATE_FAIL(rc);
-    return AO_INPROGRESS;
-/* libxl__alloc_vdev only works on the local domain, that is the domain
- * where the toolstack is running */
-static char * libxl__alloc_vdev(libxl__gc *gc, void *get_vdev_user,
-        xs_transaction_t t)
-    const char *blkdev_start = (const char *) get_vdev_user;
-    int devid = 0, disk = 0, part = 0;
-    char *libxl_dom_path = libxl__xs_libxl_path(gc, LIBXL_TOOLSTACK_DOMID);
-    libxl__device_disk_dev_number(blkdev_start, &disk, &part);
-    if (part != 0) {
-        LOG(ERROR, "blkdev_start is invalid");
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    do {
-        devid = libxl__device_disk_dev_number(GCSPRINTF("d%dp0", disk),
-                NULL, NULL);
-        if (devid < 0)
-            return NULL;
-        if (libxl__xs_read(gc, t,
-                    GCSPRINTF("%s/device/vbd/%d/backend",
-                        libxl_dom_path, devid)) == NULL) {
-            if (errno == ENOENT)
-                return libxl__devid_to_vdev(gc, devid);
-            else
-                return NULL;
-        }
-        disk++;
-    } while (1);
-    return NULL;
-/* Callbacks */
-char *libxl__device_disk_find_local_path(libxl__gc *gc,
-                                          libxl_domid guest_domid,
-                                          const libxl_device_disk *disk,
-                                          bool qdisk_direct)
-    char *path = NULL;
-    /* No local paths for driver domains */
-    if (disk->backend_domname != NULL) {
-        LOG(DEBUG, "Non-local backend, can't access locally.\n");
-        goto out;
-    }
-    /*
-     * If this is in raw format, and we're not using a script or a
-     * driver domain, we can access the target path directly.
-     */
-    if (disk->format == LIBXL_DISK_FORMAT_RAW
-        && disk->script == NULL) {
-        path = libxl__strdup(gc, disk->pdev_path);
-        LOG(DEBUG, "Directly accessing local RAW disk %s", path);
-        goto out;
-    }
-    /*
-     * If we're being called for a qemu path, we can pass the target
-     * string directly as well
-     */
-    if (qdisk_direct && disk->backend == LIBXL_DISK_BACKEND_QDISK) {
-        path = libxl__strdup(gc, disk->pdev_path);
-        LOG(DEBUG, "Directly accessing local QDISK target %s", path);
-        goto out;
-    }
-    /*
-     * If the format isn't raw and / or we're using a script, then see
-     * if the script has written a path to the "cooked" node
-     */
-    if (disk->script && guest_domid != INVALID_DOMID) {
-        libxl__device device;
-        char *be_path, *pdpath;
-        int rc;
-        LOGD(DEBUG, guest_domid,
-             "Run from a script; checking for physical-device-path (vdev %s)",
-             disk->vdev);
-        rc = libxl__device_from_disk(gc, guest_domid, disk, &device);
-        if (rc < 0)
-            goto out;
-        be_path = libxl__device_backend_path(gc, &device);
-        pdpath = libxl__sprintf(gc, "%s/physical-device-path", be_path);
-        LOGD(DEBUG, guest_domid, "Attempting to read node %s", pdpath);
-        path = libxl__xs_read(gc, XBT_NULL, pdpath);
-        if (path)
-            LOGD(DEBUG, guest_domid, "Accessing cooked block device %s", path);
-        else
-            LOGD(DEBUG, guest_domid, "No physical-device-path, can't access 
-        goto out;
-    }
- out:
-    return path;
-static void local_device_attach_cb(libxl__egc *egc, libxl__ao_device *aodev);
-void libxl__device_disk_local_initiate_attach(libxl__egc *egc,
-                                     libxl__disk_local_state *dls)
-    STATE_AO_GC(dls->ao);
-    int rc;
-    const libxl_device_disk *in_disk = dls->in_disk;
-    libxl_device_disk *disk = &dls->disk;
-    const char *blkdev_start = dls->blkdev_start;
-    assert(in_disk->pdev_path);
-    disk->vdev = NULL;
-    if (dls->diskpath)
-        LOG(DEBUG, "Strange, dls->diskpath already set: %s", dls->diskpath);
-    LOG(DEBUG, "Trying to find local path");
-    dls->diskpath = libxl__device_disk_find_local_path(gc, INVALID_DOMID,
-                                                       in_disk, false);
-    if (dls->diskpath) {
-        LOG(DEBUG, "Local path found, executing callback.");
-        dls->callback(egc, dls, 0);
-    } else {
-        LOG(DEBUG, "Local path not found, initiating attach.");
-        memcpy(disk, in_disk, sizeof(libxl_device_disk));
-        disk->pdev_path = libxl__strdup(gc, in_disk->pdev_path);
-        if (in_disk->script != NULL)
-            disk->script = libxl__strdup(gc, in_disk->script);
-        disk->vdev = NULL;
-        rc = libxl__device_disk_setdefault(gc, disk, LIBXL_TOOLSTACK_DOMID);
-        if (rc) goto out;
-        libxl__prepare_ao_device(ao, &dls->aodev);
-        dls->aodev.callback = local_device_attach_cb;
-        device_disk_add(egc, LIBXL_TOOLSTACK_DOMID, disk, &dls->aodev,
-                        libxl__alloc_vdev, (void *) blkdev_start);
-    }
-    return;
- out:
-    assert(rc);
-    dls->rc = rc;
-    libxl__device_disk_local_initiate_detach(egc, dls);
-    dls->callback(egc, dls, rc);
-static void local_device_attach_cb(libxl__egc *egc, libxl__ao_device *aodev)
-    STATE_AO_GC(aodev->ao);
-    libxl__disk_local_state *dls = CONTAINER_OF(aodev, *dls, aodev);
-    char *be_path = NULL;
-    int rc;
-    libxl__device device;
-    libxl_device_disk *disk = &dls->disk;
-    rc = aodev->rc;
-    if (rc) {
-        LOGE(ERROR, "unable locally attach device: %s", disk->pdev_path);
-        goto out;
-    }
-    rc = libxl__device_from_disk(gc, LIBXL_TOOLSTACK_DOMID, disk, &device);
-    if (rc < 0)
-        goto out;
-    be_path = libxl__device_backend_path(gc, &device);
-    rc = libxl__wait_for_backend(gc, be_path, GCSPRINTF("%d", 
-    if (rc < 0)
-        goto out;
-    dls->diskpath = GCSPRINTF("/dev/%s",
-                              libxl__devid_to_localdev(gc, device.devid));
-    LOG(DEBUG, "locally attached disk %s", dls->diskpath);
-    dls->callback(egc, dls, 0);
-    return;
- out:
-    assert(rc);
-    dls->rc = rc;
-    libxl__device_disk_local_initiate_detach(egc, dls);
-    return;
-/* Callbacks for local detach */
-static void local_device_detach_cb(libxl__egc *egc, libxl__ao_device *aodev);
-void libxl__device_disk_local_initiate_detach(libxl__egc *egc,
-                                     libxl__disk_local_state *dls)
-    STATE_AO_GC(dls->ao);
-    int rc = 0;
-    libxl_device_disk *disk = &dls->disk;
-    libxl__device *device;
-    libxl__ao_device *aodev = &dls->aodev;
-    libxl__prepare_ao_device(ao, aodev);
-    if (!dls->diskpath) goto out;
-    if (disk->vdev != NULL) {
-        GCNEW(device);
-        rc = libxl__device_from_disk(gc, LIBXL_TOOLSTACK_DOMID,
-                                     disk, device);
-        if (rc != 0) goto out;
-        aodev->action = LIBXL__DEVICE_ACTION_REMOVE;
-        aodev->dev = device;
-        aodev->callback = local_device_detach_cb;
-        aodev->force = 0;
-        libxl__initiate_device_generic_remove(egc, aodev);
-        return;
-    }
-    aodev->rc = rc;
-    local_device_detach_cb(egc, aodev);
-    return;
-static void local_device_detach_cb(libxl__egc *egc, libxl__ao_device *aodev)
-    STATE_AO_GC(aodev->ao);
-    libxl__disk_local_state *dls = CONTAINER_OF(aodev, *dls, aodev);
-    int rc;
-    if (aodev->rc) {
-        LOGED(ERROR, aodev->dev->domid, "Unable to %s %s with id %u",
-                     libxl__device_action_to_string(aodev->action),
-                     libxl__device_kind_to_string(aodev->dev->kind),
-                     aodev->dev->devid);
-        goto out;
-    }
-    /*
-     * If there was an error in dls->rc, it means we have been called from
-     * a failed execution of libxl__device_disk_local_initiate_attach,
-     * so return the original error.
-     */
-    rc = dls->rc ? dls->rc : aodev->rc;
-    dls->callback(egc, dls, rc);
-    return;
 int libxl__device_console_add(libxl__gc *gc, uint32_t domid,
                               libxl__device_console *console,
                               libxl__domain_build_state *state,
@@ -3520,10 +2347,6 @@ out:
 /* The following functions are defined:
- * libxl_device_disk_add
- * libxl__add_disks
- * libxl_device_disk_remove
- * libxl_device_disk_destroy
  * libxl_device_vkb_remove
  * libxl_device_vkb_destroy
  * libxl_device_vfb_remove
@@ -3534,11 +2357,6 @@ out:
  * 1. add support for secondary consoles to xenconsoled
  * 2. dynamically add/remove qemu chardevs via qmp messages. */
-/* disk */
 /* vkb */
@@ -5644,57 +4462,6 @@ out:
     return rc;
-static int libxl_device_disk_compare(libxl_device_disk *d1,
-                                     libxl_device_disk *d2)
-    return COMPARE_DISK(d1, d2);
-/* Take care of removable device. We maintain invariant in the
- * insert / remove operation so that:
- * 1. if xenstore is "empty" while JSON is not, the result
- *    is "empty"
- * 2. if xenstore has a different media than JSON, use the
- *    one in JSON
- * 3. if xenstore and JSON have the same media, well, you
- *    know the answer :-)
- *
- * Currently there is only one removable device -- CDROM.
- * Look for libxl_cdrom_insert for reference.
- */
-static void libxl_device_disk_merge(libxl_ctx *ctx, void *d1, void *d2)
-    GC_INIT(ctx);
-    libxl_device_disk *src = d1;
-    libxl_device_disk *dst = d2;
-    if (src->removable) {
-        if (!src->pdev_path || *src->pdev_path == '\0') {
-            /* 1, no media in drive */
-            free(dst->pdev_path);
-            dst->pdev_path = libxl__strdup(NOGC, "");
-            dst->format = LIBXL_DISK_FORMAT_EMPTY;
-        } else {
-            /* 2 and 3, use JSON, no need to touch anything */
-            ;
-        }
-    }
-static int libxl_device_disk_dm_needed(void *e, unsigned domid)
-    libxl_device_disk *elem = e;
-    return elem->backend == LIBXL_DISK_BACKEND_QDISK &&
-           elem->backend_domid == domid;
-    .merge       = libxl_device_disk_merge,
-    .dm_needed   = libxl_device_disk_dm_needed,
-    .skip_attach = 1
  * Local variables:
  * mode: C
diff --git a/tools/libxl/libxl_disk.c b/tools/libxl/libxl_disk.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac49df2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/libxl/libxl_disk.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1258 @@
+ * Copyright 2009-2017 Citrix Ltd and other contributors
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
+ * by the Free Software Foundation; version 2.1 only. with the special
+ * exception on linking described in file LICENSE.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ */
+#include "libxl_osdeps.h"
+#include "libxl_internal.h"
+static void disk_eject_xswatch_callback(libxl__egc *egc, libxl__ev_xswatch *w,
+                                        const char *wpath, const char *epath) {
+    EGC_GC;
+    libxl_evgen_disk_eject *evg = (void*)w;
+    const char *backend;
+    char *value;
+    char backend_type[BACKEND_STRING_SIZE+1];
+    int rc;
+    value = libxl__xs_read(gc, XBT_NULL, wpath);
+    if (!value || strcmp(value,  "eject"))
+        return;
+    if (libxl__xs_printf(gc, XBT_NULL, wpath, "")) {
+        LIBXL__EVENT_DISASTER(egc, "xs_write failed acknowledging eject",
+                              errno, LIBXL_EVENT_TYPE_DISK_EJECT);
+        return;
+    }
+    libxl_event *ev = NEW_EVENT(egc, DISK_EJECT, evg->domid, evg->user);
+    libxl_device_disk *disk = &ev->u.disk_eject.disk;
+    rc = libxl__xs_read_checked(gc, XBT_NULL, evg->be_ptr_path, &backend);
+    if (rc) {
+        LIBXL__EVENT_DISASTER(egc, "xs_read failed reading be_ptr_path",
+                              errno, LIBXL_EVENT_TYPE_DISK_EJECT);
+        return;
+    }
+    if (!backend) {
+        /* device has been removed, not simply ejected */
+        return;
+    }
+    sscanf(backend,
+            "/local/domain/%d/backend/%" TOSTRING(BACKEND_STRING_SIZE)
+           "[a-z]/%*d/%*d",
+           &disk->backend_domid, backend_type);
+    if (!strcmp(backend_type, "tap") || !strcmp(backend_type, "vbd")) {
+        disk->backend = LIBXL_DISK_BACKEND_TAP;
+    } else if (!strcmp(backend_type, "qdisk")) {
+        disk->backend = LIBXL_DISK_BACKEND_QDISK;
+    } else {
+        disk->backend = LIBXL_DISK_BACKEND_UNKNOWN;
+    }
+    disk->pdev_path = strdup(""); /* xxx fixme malloc failure */
+    disk->format = LIBXL_DISK_FORMAT_EMPTY;
+    /* this value is returned to the user: do not free right away */
+    disk->vdev = libxl__strdup(NOGC, evg->vdev);
+    disk->removable = 1;
+    disk->readwrite = 0;
+    disk->is_cdrom = 1;
+    libxl__event_occurred(egc, ev);
+int libxl_evenable_disk_eject(libxl_ctx *ctx, uint32_t guest_domid,
+                              const char *vdev, libxl_ev_user user,
+                              libxl_evgen_disk_eject **evgen_out) {
+    GC_INIT(ctx);
+    CTX_LOCK;
+    int rc;
+    char *path;
+    libxl_evgen_disk_eject *evg = NULL;
+    evg = malloc(sizeof(*evg));  if (!evg) { rc = ERROR_NOMEM; goto out; }
+    memset(evg, 0, sizeof(*evg));
+    evg->user = user;
+    evg->domid = guest_domid;
+    LIBXL_LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&CTX->disk_eject_evgens, evg, entry);
+    uint32_t domid = libxl_get_stubdom_id(ctx, guest_domid);
+    if (!domid)
+        domid = guest_domid;
+    int devid = libxl__device_disk_dev_number(vdev, NULL, NULL);
+    path = GCSPRINTF("%s/device/vbd/%d/eject",
+                 libxl__xs_get_dompath(gc, domid),
+                 devid);
+    if (!path) { rc = ERROR_NOMEM; goto out; }
+    const char *libxl_path = GCSPRINTF("%s/device/vbd/%d",
+                                 libxl__xs_libxl_path(gc, domid),
+                                 devid);
+    evg->be_ptr_path = libxl__sprintf(NOGC, "%s/backend", libxl_path);
+    const char *configured_vdev;
+    rc = libxl__xs_read_checked(gc, XBT_NULL,
+            GCSPRINTF("%s/dev", libxl_path), &configured_vdev);
+    if (rc) goto out;
+    evg->vdev = libxl__strdup(NOGC, configured_vdev);
+    rc = libxl__ev_xswatch_register(gc, &evg->watch,
+                                    disk_eject_xswatch_callback, path);
+    if (rc) goto out;
+    *evgen_out = evg;
+    GC_FREE;
+    return 0;
+ out:
+    if (evg)
+        libxl__evdisable_disk_eject(gc, evg);
+    GC_FREE;
+    return rc;
+void libxl__evdisable_disk_eject(libxl__gc *gc, libxl_evgen_disk_eject *evg) {
+    CTX_LOCK;
+    LIBXL_LIST_REMOVE(evg, entry);
+    if (libxl__ev_xswatch_isregistered(&evg->watch))
+        libxl__ev_xswatch_deregister(gc, &evg->watch);
+    free(evg->vdev);
+    free(evg->be_ptr_path);
+    free(evg);
+void libxl_evdisable_disk_eject(libxl_ctx *ctx, libxl_evgen_disk_eject *evg) {
+    GC_INIT(ctx);
+    libxl__evdisable_disk_eject(gc, evg);
+    GC_FREE;
+int libxl__device_disk_setdefault(libxl__gc *gc, libxl_device_disk *disk,
+                                  uint32_t domid)
+    int rc;
+    libxl_defbool_setdefault(&disk->discard_enable, !!disk->readwrite);
+    libxl_defbool_setdefault(&disk->colo_enable, false);
+    libxl_defbool_setdefault(&disk->colo_restore_enable, false);
+    rc = libxl__resolve_domid(gc, disk->backend_domname, &disk->backend_domid);
+    if (rc < 0) return rc;
+    /* Force Qdisk backend for CDROM devices of guests with a device model. */
+    if (disk->is_cdrom != 0 &&
+        libxl__domain_type(gc, domid) == LIBXL_DOMAIN_TYPE_HVM &&
+        libxl__device_model_version_running(gc, domid) !=
+        if (!(disk->backend == LIBXL_DISK_BACKEND_QDISK ||
+              disk->backend == LIBXL_DISK_BACKEND_UNKNOWN)) {
+            LOGD(ERROR, domid, "Backend for CD devices on HVM guests must be 
+            return ERROR_FAIL;
+        }
+        disk->backend = LIBXL_DISK_BACKEND_QDISK;
+    }
+    rc = libxl__device_disk_set_backend(gc, disk);
+    return rc;
+int libxl__device_from_disk(libxl__gc *gc, uint32_t domid,
+                                   const libxl_device_disk *disk,
+                                   libxl__device *device)
+    int devid;
+    devid = libxl__device_disk_dev_number(disk->vdev, NULL, NULL);
+    if (devid==-1) {
+        LOGD(ERROR, domid, "Invalid or unsupported"" virtual disk identifier 
+             disk->vdev);
+        return ERROR_INVAL;
+    }
+    device->backend_domid = disk->backend_domid;
+    device->backend_devid = devid;
+    switch (disk->backend) {
+            device->backend_kind = LIBXL__DEVICE_KIND_VBD;
+            break;
+            device->backend_kind = LIBXL__DEVICE_KIND_VBD;
+            break;
+            device->backend_kind = LIBXL__DEVICE_KIND_QDISK;
+            break;
+        default:
+            LOGD(ERROR, domid, "Unrecognized disk backend type: %d",
+                 disk->backend);
+            return ERROR_INVAL;
+    }
+    device->domid = domid;
+    device->devid = devid;
+    device->kind  = LIBXL__DEVICE_KIND_VBD;
+    return 0;
+/* Specific function called directly only by local disk attach,
+ * all other users should instead use the regular
+ * libxl__device_disk_add wrapper
+ *
+ * The (optionally) passed function get_vdev will be used to
+ * set the vdev the disk should be attached to. When it is set the caller
+ * must also pass get_vdev_user, which will be passed to get_vdev.
+ *
+ * The passed get_vdev function is also in charge of printing
+ * the corresponding error message when appropiate.
+ */
+static void device_disk_add(libxl__egc *egc, uint32_t domid,
+                           libxl_device_disk *disk,
+                           libxl__ao_device *aodev,
+                           char *get_vdev(libxl__gc *, void *,
+                                          xs_transaction_t),
+                           void *get_vdev_user)
+    STATE_AO_GC(aodev->ao);
+    flexarray_t *front = NULL;
+    flexarray_t *back = NULL;
+    char *dev = NULL, *script;
+    libxl__device *device;
+    int rc;
+    libxl_ctx *ctx = gc->owner;
+    xs_transaction_t t = XBT_NULL;
+    libxl_domain_config d_config;
+    libxl_device_disk disk_saved;
+    libxl__domain_userdata_lock *lock = NULL;
+    libxl_domain_config_init(&d_config);
+    libxl_device_disk_init(&disk_saved);
+    libxl_device_disk_copy(ctx, &disk_saved, disk);
+    libxl_domain_type type = libxl__domain_type(gc, domid);
+    if (type == LIBXL_DOMAIN_TYPE_INVALID) {
+        rc = ERROR_FAIL;
+        goto out;
+    }
+    /*
+     * get_vdev != NULL -> local attach
+     * get_vdev == NULL -> block attach
+     *
+     * We don't care about local attach state because it's only
+     * intermediate state.
+     */
+    if (!get_vdev && aodev->update_json) {
+        lock = libxl__lock_domain_userdata(gc, domid);
+        if (!lock) {
+            rc = ERROR_LOCK_FAIL;
+            goto out;
+        }
+        rc = libxl__get_domain_configuration(gc, domid, &d_config);
+        if (rc) goto out;
+        DEVICE_ADD(disk, disks, domid, &disk_saved, COMPARE_DISK, &d_config);
+        rc = libxl__dm_check_start(gc, &d_config, domid);
+        if (rc) goto out;
+    }
+    for (;;) {
+        rc = libxl__xs_transaction_start(gc, &t);
+        if (rc) goto out;
+        if (get_vdev) {
+            assert(get_vdev_user);
+            disk->vdev = get_vdev(gc, get_vdev_user, t);
+            if (disk->vdev == NULL) {
+                rc = ERROR_FAIL;
+                goto out;
+            }
+        }
+        rc = libxl__device_disk_setdefault(gc, disk, domid);
+        if (rc) goto out;
+        front = flexarray_make(gc, 16, 1);
+        back = flexarray_make(gc, 16, 1);
+        GCNEW(device);
+        rc = libxl__device_from_disk(gc, domid, disk, device);
+        if (rc != 0) {
+            LOGD(ERROR, domid, "Invalid or unsupported"" virtual disk 
identifier %s",
+                 disk->vdev);
+            goto out;
+        }
+        rc = libxl__device_exists(gc, t, device);
+        if (rc < 0) goto out;
+        if (rc == 1) {              /* already exists in xenstore */
+            LOGD(ERROR, domid, "device already exists in xenstore");
+            aodev->action = LIBXL__DEVICE_ACTION_ADD; /* for error message */
+            rc = ERROR_DEVICE_EXISTS;
+            goto out;
+        }
+        switch (disk->backend) {
+            case LIBXL_DISK_BACKEND_PHY:
+                dev = disk->pdev_path;
+        do_backend_phy:
+                flexarray_append(back, "params");
+                flexarray_append(back, dev);
+                script = libxl__abs_path(gc, disk->script?: "block",
+                                         libxl__xen_script_dir_path());
+                flexarray_append_pair(back, "script", script);
+                assert(device->backend_kind == LIBXL__DEVICE_KIND_VBD);
+                break;
+            case LIBXL_DISK_BACKEND_TAP:
+                if (dev == NULL) {
+                    dev = libxl__blktap_devpath(gc, disk->pdev_path,
+                                                disk->format);
+                    if (!dev) {
+                        LOGD(ERROR, domid, "Failed to get blktap devpath for 
+                             disk->pdev_path);
+                        rc = ERROR_FAIL;
+                        goto out;
+                    }
+                }
+                flexarray_append(back, "tapdisk-params");
+                flexarray_append(back, GCSPRINTF("%s:%s",
+                    libxl__device_disk_string_of_format(disk->format),
+                    disk->pdev_path));
+                /* tap backends with scripts are rejected by
+                 * libxl__device_disk_set_backend */
+                assert(!disk->script);
+                /* now create a phy device to export the device to the guest */
+                goto do_backend_phy;
+            case LIBXL_DISK_BACKEND_QDISK:
+                flexarray_append(back, "params");
+                flexarray_append(back, GCSPRINTF("%s:%s",
libxl__device_disk_string_of_format(disk->format), disk->pdev_path));
+                if (libxl_defbool_val(disk->colo_enable)) {
+                    flexarray_append(back, "colo-host");
+                    flexarray_append(back, libxl__sprintf(gc, "%s", 
+                    flexarray_append(back, "colo-port");
+                    flexarray_append(back, libxl__sprintf(gc, "%d", 
+                    flexarray_append(back, "colo-export");
+                    flexarray_append(back, libxl__sprintf(gc, "%s", 
+                    flexarray_append(back, "active-disk");
+                    flexarray_append(back, libxl__sprintf(gc, "%s", 
+                    flexarray_append(back, "hidden-disk");
+                    flexarray_append(back, libxl__sprintf(gc, "%s", 
+                }
+                assert(device->backend_kind == LIBXL__DEVICE_KIND_QDISK);
+                break;
+            default:
+                LOGD(ERROR, domid, "Unrecognized disk backend type: %d",
+                     disk->backend);
+                rc = ERROR_INVAL;
+                goto out;
+        }
+        flexarray_append(back, "frontend-id");
+        flexarray_append(back, GCSPRINTF("%d", domid));
+        flexarray_append(back, "online");
+        flexarray_append(back, "1");
+        flexarray_append(back, "removable");
+        flexarray_append(back, GCSPRINTF("%d", (disk->removable) ? 1 : 0));
+        flexarray_append(back, "bootable");
+        flexarray_append(back, GCSPRINTF("%d", 1));
+        flexarray_append(back, "state");
+        flexarray_append(back, GCSPRINTF("%d", XenbusStateInitialising));
+        flexarray_append(back, "dev");
+        flexarray_append(back, disk->vdev);
+        flexarray_append(back, "type");
+        flexarray_append(back, 
+        flexarray_append(back, "mode");
+        flexarray_append(back, disk->readwrite ? "w" : "r");
+        flexarray_append(back, "device-type");
+        flexarray_append(back, disk->is_cdrom ? "cdrom" : "disk");
+        if (disk->direct_io_safe) {
+            flexarray_append(back, "direct-io-safe");
+            flexarray_append(back, "1");
+        }
+        flexarray_append_pair(back, "discard-enable",
+                              libxl_defbool_val(disk->discard_enable) ?
+                              "1" : "0");
+        flexarray_append(front, "backend-id");
+        flexarray_append(front, GCSPRINTF("%d", disk->backend_domid));
+        flexarray_append(front, "state");
+        flexarray_append(front, GCSPRINTF("%d", XenbusStateInitialising));
+        flexarray_append(front, "virtual-device");
+        flexarray_append(front, GCSPRINTF("%d", device->devid));
+        flexarray_append(front, "device-type");
+        flexarray_append(front, disk->is_cdrom ? "cdrom" : "disk");
+        /*
+         * Old PV kernel disk frontends before 2.6.26 rely on tool stack to
+         * write disk native protocol to frontend node. Xend does this, port
+         * this behaviour to xl.
+         *
+         * New kernels write this node themselves. In that case it just
+         * overwrites an existing node which is OK.
+         */
+        if (type == LIBXL_DOMAIN_TYPE_PV) {
+            const char *protocol =
+                xc_domain_get_native_protocol(ctx->xch, domid);
+            if (protocol) {
+                flexarray_append(front, "protocol");
+                flexarray_append(front, libxl__strdup(gc, protocol));
+            }
+        }
+        if (!get_vdev && aodev->update_json) {
+            rc = libxl__set_domain_configuration(gc, domid, &d_config);
+            if (rc) goto out;
+        }
+        libxl__device_generic_add(gc, t, device,
+                                  libxl__xs_kvs_of_flexarray(gc, back),
+                                  libxl__xs_kvs_of_flexarray(gc, front),
+                                  NULL);
+        rc = libxl__xs_transaction_commit(gc, &t);
+        if (!rc) break;
+        if (rc < 0) goto out;
+    }
+    aodev->dev = device;
+    aodev->action = LIBXL__DEVICE_ACTION_ADD;
+    libxl__wait_device_connection(egc, aodev);
+    rc = 0;
+    libxl__xs_transaction_abort(gc, &t);
+    if (lock) libxl__unlock_domain_userdata(lock);
+    libxl_device_disk_dispose(&disk_saved);
+    libxl_domain_config_dispose(&d_config);
+    aodev->rc = rc;
+    if (rc) aodev->callback(egc, aodev);
+    return;
+static void libxl__device_disk_add(libxl__egc *egc, uint32_t domid,
+                                   libxl_device_disk *disk,
+                                   libxl__ao_device *aodev)
+    device_disk_add(egc, domid, disk, aodev, NULL, NULL);
+static int libxl__device_disk_from_xenstore(libxl__gc *gc,
+                                         const char *libxl_path,
+                                         libxl_device_disk *disk)
+    libxl_ctx *ctx = libxl__gc_owner(gc);
+    unsigned int len;
+    char *tmp;
+    int rc;
+    libxl_device_disk_init(disk);
+    const char *backend_path;
+    rc = libxl__xs_read_checked(gc, XBT_NULL,
+                                GCSPRINTF("%s/backend", libxl_path),
+                                &backend_path);
+    if (rc) goto out;
+    if (!backend_path) {
+        LOG(ERROR, "disk %s does not exist (no backend path", libxl_path);
+        rc = ERROR_FAIL;
+        goto out;
+    }
+    rc = libxl__backendpath_parse_domid(gc, backend_path, 
+    if (rc) {
+        LOG(ERROR, "Unable to fetch device backend domid from %s", 
+        goto out;
+    }
+    /*
+     * "params" may not be present; but everything else must be.
+     * colo releated entries(colo-host, colo-port, colo-export,
+     * active-disk and hidden-disk) are present only if colo is
+     * enabled.
+     */
+    tmp = xs_read(ctx->xsh, XBT_NULL,
+                  GCSPRINTF("%s/params", libxl_path), &len);
+    if (tmp && strchr(tmp, ':')) {
+        disk->pdev_path = strdup(strchr(tmp, ':') + 1);
+        free(tmp);
+    } else {
+        disk->pdev_path = tmp;
+    }
+    tmp = xs_read(ctx->xsh, XBT_NULL,
+                  GCSPRINTF("%s/colo-host", libxl_path), &len);
+    if (tmp) {
+        libxl_defbool_set(&disk->colo_enable, true);
+        disk->colo_host = tmp;
+        tmp = xs_read(ctx->xsh, XBT_NULL,
+                      GCSPRINTF("%s/colo-port", libxl_path), &len);
+        if (!tmp) {
+            LOG(ERROR, "Missing xenstore node %s/colo-port", libxl_path);
+            goto cleanup;
+        }
+        disk->colo_port = atoi(tmp);
+#define XS_READ_COLO(param, item) do {                                  \
+        tmp = xs_read(ctx->xsh, XBT_NULL,                               \
+                      GCSPRINTF("%s/"#param"", libxl_path), &len);         \
+        if (!tmp) {                                                     \
+            LOG(ERROR, "Missing xenstore node %s/"#param"", libxl_path);   \
+            goto cleanup;                                               \
+        }                                                               \
+        disk->item = tmp;                                               \
+} while (0)
+        XS_READ_COLO(colo-export, colo_export);
+        XS_READ_COLO(active-disk, active_disk);
+        XS_READ_COLO(hidden-disk, hidden_disk);
+#undef XS_READ_COLO
+    } else {
+        libxl_defbool_set(&disk->colo_enable, false);
+    }
+    tmp = libxl__xs_read(gc, XBT_NULL,
+                         GCSPRINTF("%s/type", libxl_path));
+    if (!tmp) {
+        LOG(ERROR, "Missing xenstore node %s/type", libxl_path);
+        goto cleanup;
+    }
+    libxl_string_to_backend(ctx, tmp, &(disk->backend));
+    disk->vdev = xs_read(ctx->xsh, XBT_NULL,
+                         GCSPRINTF("%s/dev", libxl_path), &len);
+    if (!disk->vdev) {
+        LOG(ERROR, "Missing xenstore node %s/dev", libxl_path);
+        goto cleanup;
+    }
+    tmp = libxl__xs_read(gc, XBT_NULL, libxl__sprintf
+                         (gc, "%s/removable", libxl_path));
+    if (!tmp) {
+        LOG(ERROR, "Missing xenstore node %s/removable", libxl_path);
+        goto cleanup;
+    }
+    disk->removable = atoi(tmp);
+    tmp = libxl__xs_read(gc, XBT_NULL, GCSPRINTF("%s/mode", libxl_path));
+    if (!tmp) {
+        LOG(ERROR, "Missing xenstore node %s/mode", libxl_path);
+        goto cleanup;
+    }
+    if (!strcmp(tmp, "w"))
+        disk->readwrite = 1;
+    else
+        disk->readwrite = 0;
+    tmp = libxl__xs_read(gc, XBT_NULL,
+                         GCSPRINTF("%s/device-type", libxl_path));
+    if (!tmp) {
+        LOG(ERROR, "Missing xenstore node %s/device-type", libxl_path);
+        goto cleanup;
+    }
+    disk->is_cdrom = !strcmp(tmp, "cdrom");
+    disk->format = LIBXL_DISK_FORMAT_UNKNOWN;
+    return 0;
+    rc = ERROR_FAIL;
+ out:
+    libxl_device_disk_dispose(disk);
+    return rc;
+int libxl_vdev_to_device_disk(libxl_ctx *ctx, uint32_t domid,
+                              const char *vdev, libxl_device_disk *disk)
+    GC_INIT(ctx);
+    char *dom_xl_path, *libxl_path;
+    int devid = libxl__device_disk_dev_number(vdev, NULL, NULL);
+    int rc = ERROR_FAIL;
+    if (devid < 0)
+        return ERROR_INVAL;
+    libxl_device_disk_init(disk);
+    dom_xl_path = libxl__xs_libxl_path(gc, domid);
+    if (!dom_xl_path) {
+        goto out;
+    }
+    libxl_path = GCSPRINTF("%s/device/vbd/%d", dom_xl_path, devid);
+    rc = libxl__device_disk_from_xenstore(gc, libxl_path, disk);
+    GC_FREE;
+    return rc;
+static int libxl__append_disk_list(libxl__gc *gc,
+                                           uint32_t domid,
+                                           libxl_device_disk **disks,
+                                           int *ndisks)
+    char *libxl_dir_path = NULL;
+    char **dir = NULL;
+    unsigned int n = 0;
+    libxl_device_disk *pdisk = NULL, *pdisk_end = NULL;
+    int rc=0;
+    int initial_disks = *ndisks;
+    libxl_dir_path = GCSPRINTF("%s/device/vbd",
+                        libxl__xs_libxl_path(gc, domid));
+    dir = libxl__xs_directory(gc, XBT_NULL, libxl_dir_path, &n);
+    if (dir && n) {
+        libxl_device_disk *tmp;
+        tmp = realloc(*disks, sizeof (libxl_device_disk) * (*ndisks + n));
+        if (tmp == NULL)
+            return ERROR_NOMEM;
+        *disks = tmp;
+        pdisk = *disks + initial_disks;
+        pdisk_end = *disks + initial_disks + n;
+        for (; pdisk < pdisk_end; pdisk++, dir++) {
+            const char *p;
+            p = GCSPRINTF("%s/%s", libxl_dir_path, *dir);
+            if ((rc=libxl__device_disk_from_xenstore(gc, p, pdisk)))
+                goto out;
+            *ndisks += 1;
+        }
+    }
+    return rc;
+libxl_device_disk *libxl_device_disk_list(libxl_ctx *ctx, uint32_t domid, int 
+    GC_INIT(ctx);
+    libxl_device_disk *disks = NULL;
+    int rc;
+    *num = 0;
+    rc = libxl__append_disk_list(gc, domid, &disks, num);
+    if (rc) goto out_err;
+    GC_FREE;
+    return disks;
+    LOG(ERROR, "Unable to list disks");
+    while (disks && *num) {
+        (*num)--;
+        libxl_device_disk_dispose(&disks[*num]);
+    }
+    free(disks);
+    return NULL;
+int libxl_device_disk_getinfo(libxl_ctx *ctx, uint32_t domid,
+                              libxl_device_disk *disk, libxl_diskinfo 
+    GC_INIT(ctx);
+    char *dompath, *fe_path, *libxl_path;
+    char *val;
+    int rc;
+    diskinfo->backend = NULL;
+    dompath = libxl__xs_get_dompath(gc, domid);
+    diskinfo->devid = libxl__device_disk_dev_number(disk->vdev, NULL, NULL);
+    /* tap devices entries in xenstore are written as vbd devices. */
+    fe_path = GCSPRINTF("%s/device/vbd/%d", dompath, diskinfo->devid);
+    libxl_path = GCSPRINTF("%s/device/vbd/%d",
+                           libxl__xs_libxl_path(gc, domid), diskinfo->devid);
+    diskinfo->backend = xs_read(ctx->xsh, XBT_NULL,
+                                GCSPRINTF("%s/backend", libxl_path), NULL);
+    if (!diskinfo->backend) {
+        GC_FREE;
+        return ERROR_FAIL;
+    }
+    rc = libxl__backendpath_parse_domid(gc, diskinfo->backend,
+                                        &diskinfo->backend_id);
+    if (rc) goto out;
+    val = libxl__xs_read(gc, XBT_NULL, GCSPRINTF("%s/state", fe_path));
+    diskinfo->state = val ? strtoul(val, NULL, 10) : -1;
+    val = libxl__xs_read(gc, XBT_NULL, GCSPRINTF("%s/event-channel", fe_path));
+    diskinfo->evtch = val ? strtoul(val, NULL, 10) : -1;
+    val = libxl__xs_read(gc, XBT_NULL, GCSPRINTF("%s/ring-ref", fe_path));
+    diskinfo->rref = val ? strtoul(val, NULL, 10) : -1;
+    diskinfo->frontend = xs_read(ctx->xsh, XBT_NULL,
+                                 GCSPRINTF("%s/frontend", libxl_path), NULL);
+    diskinfo->frontend_id = domid;
+    GC_FREE;
+    return 0;
+ out:
+    free(diskinfo->backend);
+    return rc;
+int libxl_cdrom_insert(libxl_ctx *ctx, uint32_t domid, libxl_device_disk *disk,
+                       const libxl_asyncop_how *ao_how)
+    AO_CREATE(ctx, domid, ao_how);
+    int num = 0, i;
+    libxl_device_disk *disks = NULL, disk_saved, disk_empty;
+    libxl_domain_config d_config;
+    int rc, dm_ver;
+    libxl__device device;
+    const char *be_path, *libxl_path;
+    char * tmp;
+    libxl__domain_userdata_lock *lock = NULL;
+    xs_transaction_t t = XBT_NULL;
+    flexarray_t *insert = NULL, *empty = NULL;
+    libxl_domain_config_init(&d_config);
+    libxl_device_disk_init(&disk_empty);
+    libxl_device_disk_init(&disk_saved);
+    libxl_device_disk_copy(ctx, &disk_saved, disk);
+    disk_empty.format = LIBXL_DISK_FORMAT_EMPTY;
+    disk_empty.vdev = libxl__strdup(NOGC, disk->vdev);
+    disk_empty.pdev_path = libxl__strdup(NOGC, "");
+    disk_empty.is_cdrom = 1;
+    libxl__device_disk_setdefault(gc, &disk_empty, domid);
+    libxl_domain_type type = libxl__domain_type(gc, domid);
+    if (type == LIBXL_DOMAIN_TYPE_INVALID) {
+        rc = ERROR_FAIL;
+        goto out;
+    }
+    if (type != LIBXL_DOMAIN_TYPE_HVM) {
+        LOGD(ERROR, domid, "cdrom-insert requires an HVM domain");
+        rc = ERROR_INVAL;
+        goto out;
+    }
+    if (libxl_get_stubdom_id(ctx, domid) != 0) {
+        LOGD(ERROR, domid, "cdrom-insert doesn't work for stub domains");
+        rc = ERROR_INVAL;
+        goto out;
+    }
+    dm_ver = libxl__device_model_version_running(gc, domid);
+    if (dm_ver == -1) {
+        LOGD(ERROR, domid, "Cannot determine device model version");
+        rc = ERROR_FAIL;
+        goto out;
+    }
+        LOGD(ERROR, domid, "Guests without a device model cannot use 
+        rc = ERROR_FAIL;
+        goto out;
+    }
+    disks = libxl_device_disk_list(ctx, domid, &num);
+    for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
+        if (disks[i].is_cdrom && !strcmp(disk->vdev, disks[i].vdev))
+        {
+            /* Found.  Set backend type appropriately. */
+            disk->backend=disks[i].backend;
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    if (i == num) {
+        LOGD(ERROR, domid, "Virtual device not found");
+        rc = ERROR_FAIL;
+        goto out;
+    }
+    rc = libxl__device_disk_setdefault(gc, disk, domid);
+    if (rc) goto out;
+    if (!disk->pdev_path) {
+        disk->pdev_path = libxl__strdup(NOGC, "");
+        disk->format = LIBXL_DISK_FORMAT_EMPTY;
+    }
+    rc = libxl__device_from_disk(gc, domid, disk, &device);
+    if (rc) goto out;
+    be_path = libxl__device_backend_path(gc, &device);
+    libxl_path = libxl__device_libxl_path(gc, &device);
+    insert = flexarray_make(gc, 4, 1);
+    flexarray_append_pair(insert, "type",
+                          libxl__device_disk_string_of_backend(disk->backend));
+    if (disk->format != LIBXL_DISK_FORMAT_EMPTY)
+        flexarray_append_pair(insert, "params",
+                        GCSPRINTF("%s:%s",
+                            libxl__device_disk_string_of_format(disk->format),
+                            disk->pdev_path));
+    else
+        flexarray_append_pair(insert, "params", "");
+    empty = flexarray_make(gc, 4, 1);
+    flexarray_append_pair(empty, "type",
+                          libxl__device_disk_string_of_backend(disk->backend));
+    flexarray_append_pair(empty, "params", "");
+    /* Note: CTX lock is already held at this point so lock hierarchy
+     * is maintained.
+     */
+    lock = libxl__lock_domain_userdata(gc, domid);
+    if (!lock) {
+        rc = ERROR_LOCK_FAIL;
+        goto out;
+    }
+    /* We need to eject the original image first. This is implemented
+     * by inserting empty media. JSON is not updated.
+     */
+        rc = libxl__qmp_insert_cdrom(gc, domid, &disk_empty);
+        if (rc) goto out;
+    }
+    for (;;) {
+        rc = libxl__xs_transaction_start(gc, &t);
+        if (rc) goto out;
+        /* Sanity check: make sure the device exists before writing here */
+        tmp = libxl__xs_read(gc, t, GCSPRINTF("%s/frontend", libxl_path));
+        if (!tmp)
+        {
+            LOGD(ERROR, domid, "Internal error: %s does not exist",
+                 GCSPRINTF("%s/frontend", libxl_path));
+            rc = ERROR_FAIL;
+            goto out;
+        }
+        char **kvs = libxl__xs_kvs_of_flexarray(gc, empty);
+        rc = libxl__xs_writev(gc, t, be_path, kvs);
+        if (rc) goto out;
+        rc = libxl__xs_writev(gc, t, libxl_path, kvs);
+        if (rc) goto out;
+        rc = libxl__xs_transaction_commit(gc, &t);
+        if (!rc) break;
+        if (rc < 0) goto out;
+    }
+    rc = libxl__get_domain_configuration(gc, domid, &d_config);
+    if (rc) goto out;
+    DEVICE_ADD(disk, disks, domid, &disk_saved, COMPARE_DISK, &d_config);
+    rc = libxl__dm_check_start(gc, &d_config, domid);
+    if (rc) goto out;
+        rc = libxl__qmp_insert_cdrom(gc, domid, disk);
+        if (rc) goto out;
+    }
+    for (;;) {
+        rc = libxl__xs_transaction_start(gc, &t);
+        if (rc) goto out;
+        /* Sanity check: make sure the device exists before writing here */
+        tmp = libxl__xs_read(gc, t, GCSPRINTF("%s/frontend", libxl_path));
+        if (!tmp)
+        {
+            LOGD(ERROR, domid, "Internal error: %s does not exist",
+                 GCSPRINTF("%s/frontend", libxl_path));
+            rc = ERROR_FAIL;
+            goto out;
+        }
+        rc = libxl__set_domain_configuration(gc, domid, &d_config);
+        if (rc) goto out;
+        char **kvs = libxl__xs_kvs_of_flexarray(gc, insert);
+        rc = libxl__xs_writev(gc, t, be_path, kvs);
+        if (rc) goto out;
+        rc = libxl__xs_writev(gc, t, libxl_path, kvs);
+        if (rc) goto out;
+        rc = libxl__xs_transaction_commit(gc, &t);
+        if (!rc) break;
+        if (rc < 0) goto out;
+    }
+    /* success, no actual async */
+    libxl__ao_complete(egc, ao, 0);
+    rc = 0;
+    libxl__xs_transaction_abort(gc, &t);
+    for (i = 0; i < num; i++)
+        libxl_device_disk_dispose(&disks[i]);
+    free(disks);
+    libxl_device_disk_dispose(&disk_empty);
+    libxl_device_disk_dispose(&disk_saved);
+    libxl_domain_config_dispose(&d_config);
+    if (lock) libxl__unlock_domain_userdata(lock);
+    if (rc) return AO_CREATE_FAIL(rc);
+    return AO_INPROGRESS;
+/* libxl__alloc_vdev only works on the local domain, that is the domain
+ * where the toolstack is running */
+static char * libxl__alloc_vdev(libxl__gc *gc, void *get_vdev_user,
+        xs_transaction_t t)
+    const char *blkdev_start = (const char *) get_vdev_user;
+    int devid = 0, disk = 0, part = 0;
+    char *libxl_dom_path = libxl__xs_libxl_path(gc, LIBXL_TOOLSTACK_DOMID);
+    libxl__device_disk_dev_number(blkdev_start, &disk, &part);
+    if (part != 0) {
+        LOG(ERROR, "blkdev_start is invalid");
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    do {
+        devid = libxl__device_disk_dev_number(GCSPRINTF("d%dp0", disk),
+                NULL, NULL);
+        if (devid < 0)
+            return NULL;
+        if (libxl__xs_read(gc, t,
+                    GCSPRINTF("%s/device/vbd/%d/backend",
+                        libxl_dom_path, devid)) == NULL) {
+            if (errno == ENOENT)
+                return libxl__devid_to_vdev(gc, devid);
+            else
+                return NULL;
+        }
+        disk++;
+    } while (1);
+    return NULL;
+/* Callbacks */
+char *libxl__device_disk_find_local_path(libxl__gc *gc,
+                                          libxl_domid guest_domid,
+                                          const libxl_device_disk *disk,
+                                          bool qdisk_direct)
+    char *path = NULL;
+    /* No local paths for driver domains */
+    if (disk->backend_domname != NULL) {
+        LOG(DEBUG, "Non-local backend, can't access locally.\n");
+        goto out;
+    }
+    /*
+     * If this is in raw format, and we're not using a script or a
+     * driver domain, we can access the target path directly.
+     */
+    if (disk->format == LIBXL_DISK_FORMAT_RAW
+        && disk->script == NULL) {
+        path = libxl__strdup(gc, disk->pdev_path);
+        LOG(DEBUG, "Directly accessing local RAW disk %s", path);
+        goto out;
+    }
+    /*
+     * If we're being called for a qemu path, we can pass the target
+     * string directly as well
+     */
+    if (qdisk_direct && disk->backend == LIBXL_DISK_BACKEND_QDISK) {
+        path = libxl__strdup(gc, disk->pdev_path);
+        LOG(DEBUG, "Directly accessing local QDISK target %s", path);
+        goto out;
+    }
+    /*
+     * If the format isn't raw and / or we're using a script, then see
+     * if the script has written a path to the "cooked" node
+     */
+    if (disk->script && guest_domid != INVALID_DOMID) {
+        libxl__device device;
+        char *be_path, *pdpath;
+        int rc;
+        LOGD(DEBUG, guest_domid,
+             "Run from a script; checking for physical-device-path (vdev %s)",
+             disk->vdev);
+        rc = libxl__device_from_disk(gc, guest_domid, disk, &device);
+        if (rc < 0)
+            goto out;
+        be_path = libxl__device_backend_path(gc, &device);
+        pdpath = libxl__sprintf(gc, "%s/physical-device-path", be_path);
+        LOGD(DEBUG, guest_domid, "Attempting to read node %s", pdpath);
+        path = libxl__xs_read(gc, XBT_NULL, pdpath);
+        if (path)
+            LOGD(DEBUG, guest_domid, "Accessing cooked block device %s", path);
+        else
+            LOGD(DEBUG, guest_domid, "No physical-device-path, can't access 
+        goto out;
+    }
+ out:
+    return path;
+static void local_device_attach_cb(libxl__egc *egc, libxl__ao_device *aodev);
+void libxl__device_disk_local_initiate_attach(libxl__egc *egc,
+                                     libxl__disk_local_state *dls)
+    STATE_AO_GC(dls->ao);
+    int rc;
+    const libxl_device_disk *in_disk = dls->in_disk;
+    libxl_device_disk *disk = &dls->disk;
+    const char *blkdev_start = dls->blkdev_start;
+    assert(in_disk->pdev_path);
+    disk->vdev = NULL;
+    if (dls->diskpath)
+        LOG(DEBUG, "Strange, dls->diskpath already set: %s", dls->diskpath);
+    LOG(DEBUG, "Trying to find local path");
+    dls->diskpath = libxl__device_disk_find_local_path(gc, INVALID_DOMID,
+                                                       in_disk, false);
+    if (dls->diskpath) {
+        LOG(DEBUG, "Local path found, executing callback.");
+        dls->callback(egc, dls, 0);
+    } else {
+        LOG(DEBUG, "Local path not found, initiating attach.");
+        memcpy(disk, in_disk, sizeof(libxl_device_disk));
+        disk->pdev_path = libxl__strdup(gc, in_disk->pdev_path);
+        if (in_disk->script != NULL)
+            disk->script = libxl__strdup(gc, in_disk->script);
+        disk->vdev = NULL;
+        rc = libxl__device_disk_setdefault(gc, disk, LIBXL_TOOLSTACK_DOMID);
+        if (rc) goto out;
+        libxl__prepare_ao_device(ao, &dls->aodev);
+        dls->aodev.callback = local_device_attach_cb;
+        device_disk_add(egc, LIBXL_TOOLSTACK_DOMID, disk, &dls->aodev,
+                        libxl__alloc_vdev, (void *) blkdev_start);
+    }
+    return;
+ out:
+    assert(rc);
+    dls->rc = rc;
+    libxl__device_disk_local_initiate_detach(egc, dls);
+    dls->callback(egc, dls, rc);
+static void local_device_attach_cb(libxl__egc *egc, libxl__ao_device *aodev)
+    STATE_AO_GC(aodev->ao);
+    libxl__disk_local_state *dls = CONTAINER_OF(aodev, *dls, aodev);
+    char *be_path = NULL;
+    int rc;
+    libxl__device device;
+    libxl_device_disk *disk = &dls->disk;
+    rc = aodev->rc;
+    if (rc) {
+        LOGE(ERROR, "unable locally attach device: %s", disk->pdev_path);
+        goto out;
+    }
+    rc = libxl__device_from_disk(gc, LIBXL_TOOLSTACK_DOMID, disk, &device);
+    if (rc < 0)
+        goto out;
+    be_path = libxl__device_backend_path(gc, &device);
+    rc = libxl__wait_for_backend(gc, be_path, GCSPRINTF("%d", 
+    if (rc < 0)
+        goto out;
+    dls->diskpath = GCSPRINTF("/dev/%s",
+                              libxl__devid_to_localdev(gc, device.devid));
+    LOG(DEBUG, "locally attached disk %s", dls->diskpath);
+    dls->callback(egc, dls, 0);
+    return;
+ out:
+    assert(rc);
+    dls->rc = rc;
+    libxl__device_disk_local_initiate_detach(egc, dls);
+    return;
+/* Callbacks for local detach */
+static void local_device_detach_cb(libxl__egc *egc, libxl__ao_device *aodev);
+void libxl__device_disk_local_initiate_detach(libxl__egc *egc,
+                                     libxl__disk_local_state *dls)
+    STATE_AO_GC(dls->ao);
+    int rc = 0;
+    libxl_device_disk *disk = &dls->disk;
+    libxl__device *device;
+    libxl__ao_device *aodev = &dls->aodev;
+    libxl__prepare_ao_device(ao, aodev);
+    if (!dls->diskpath) goto out;
+    if (disk->vdev != NULL) {
+        GCNEW(device);
+        rc = libxl__device_from_disk(gc, LIBXL_TOOLSTACK_DOMID,
+                                     disk, device);
+        if (rc != 0) goto out;
+        aodev->action = LIBXL__DEVICE_ACTION_REMOVE;
+        aodev->dev = device;
+        aodev->callback = local_device_detach_cb;
+        aodev->force = 0;
+        libxl__initiate_device_generic_remove(egc, aodev);
+        return;
+    }
+    aodev->rc = rc;
+    local_device_detach_cb(egc, aodev);
+    return;
+static void local_device_detach_cb(libxl__egc *egc, libxl__ao_device *aodev)
+    STATE_AO_GC(aodev->ao);
+    libxl__disk_local_state *dls = CONTAINER_OF(aodev, *dls, aodev);
+    int rc;
+    if (aodev->rc) {
+        LOGED(ERROR, aodev->dev->domid, "Unable to %s %s with id %u",
+                     libxl__device_action_to_string(aodev->action),
+                     libxl__device_kind_to_string(aodev->dev->kind),
+                     aodev->dev->devid);
+        goto out;
+    }
+    /*
+     * If there was an error in dls->rc, it means we have been called from
+     * a failed execution of libxl__device_disk_local_initiate_attach,
+     * so return the original error.
+     */
+    rc = dls->rc ? dls->rc : aodev->rc;
+    dls->callback(egc, dls, rc);
+    return;
+/* The following functions are defined:
+ * libxl_device_disk_add
+ * libxl__add_disks
+ * libxl_device_disk_remove
+ * libxl_device_disk_destroy
+ */
+static int libxl_device_disk_compare(libxl_device_disk *d1,
+                                     libxl_device_disk *d2)
+    return COMPARE_DISK(d1, d2);
+/* Take care of removable device. We maintain invariant in the
+ * insert / remove operation so that:
+ * 1. if xenstore is "empty" while JSON is not, the result
+ *    is "empty"
+ * 2. if xenstore has a different media than JSON, use the
+ *    one in JSON
+ * 3. if xenstore and JSON have the same media, well, you
+ *    know the answer :-)
+ *
+ * Currently there is only one removable device -- CDROM.
+ * Look for libxl_cdrom_insert for reference.
+ */
+static void libxl_device_disk_merge(libxl_ctx *ctx, void *d1, void *d2)
+    GC_INIT(ctx);
+    libxl_device_disk *src = d1;
+    libxl_device_disk *dst = d2;
+    if (src->removable) {
+        if (!src->pdev_path || *src->pdev_path == '\0') {
+            /* 1, no media in drive */
+            free(dst->pdev_path);
+            dst->pdev_path = libxl__strdup(NOGC, "");
+            dst->format = LIBXL_DISK_FORMAT_EMPTY;
+        } else {
+            /* 2 and 3, use JSON, no need to touch anything */
+            ;
+        }
+    }
+static int libxl_device_disk_dm_needed(void *e, unsigned domid)
+    libxl_device_disk *elem = e;
+    return elem->backend == LIBXL_DISK_BACKEND_QDISK &&
+           elem->backend_domid == domid;
+    .merge       = libxl_device_disk_merge,
+    .dm_needed   = libxl_device_disk_dm_needed,
+    .skip_attach = 1
+ * Local variables:
+ * mode: C
+ * c-basic-offset: 4
+ * indent-tabs-mode: nil
+ * End:
+ */

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