vps_stop.sh does:
- Get vserver ids from db and then stops this in a for loop
- then:
for id in $vserver; do
xl destroy vmanager"$id"
xenversion: It happened with 4.4.1 from Debian Jessie, then we upgraded the Hypervisor to 4.8-rc from Debian Stretch. Symptoms are the same.
So now its
(d11) HVM Loader
(d11) Detected Xen v4.8.0-rc
Kernel is our build:
http://mirror.ip-projects.de/kernel/linux-image-4.8.10-xen_4810_amd64.deb (config file inside .deb as you know..)
And yes its Linux 4.8.10 from linux.org. We maintain our own .deb packeges for all latest kernel.
I will do another testcase tomorrow with –vvv started vms and will sent the zombied vm info..
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Thomas Toka
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