Lars, the project is approved by Coverity. Scan has found some
issues in xen/arch/arm on master, part of them are false
On 28.11.16 13:01, Artem Mygaiev wrote:
On 28.11.16 12:27, Lars Kurth wrote:
On 22/11/2016 13:54, "Artem Mygaiev" <artem_mygaiev@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
On 22.11.16 15:42, Andrew Cooper wrote:
The only way we could scan for ARM is if we could be given multiple
different streams (one per arch) to use, and Coverity have already said
no to this request. This is a politics problem, not a technical
Andrew, I understand, thanks.
Andrew, thanks for the clarification.
Would it be still possible to get Scan model files for us? We would like
to update them for use with ARM. BTW, we could set up ARM build Coverity
Scan with GitHub/Travis only limited by amount of runs per week
(depending on number LOC number).
Artem, just to clarify.
I am assuming you have a license for Coverity that would allow you to run
it on a different configuration: Correct?
I have just applied for Coverity Scan with project application. It
is yet to be approved (usually takes couple business days).
And there are some constraints on how frequently this could be run?
Yes, there are constraints [1]:
- Up to 12 builds per week, with a maximum of 3 builds per day,
for projects with fewer than 100K lines of code
- Up to 8 builds per week, with a maximum of 2 builds per
day, for projects with 100K to 500K lines of code
- Up to 4 builds per week, with a maximum of 1 build per day,
for projects with 500K to 1 million lines of code
- Up to 2 builds per week, with a maximum of 1 build per day,
for projects with more than 1 million lines of code
For Xen on ARM I have got a build with 29,340 LOC so I guess 12
builds/week, 3 builds/day
And you would be willing to run this on behalf of the project for an ARM
Well, I would like to start with ensuring we actually have full
coverage of ARM build, and it is possible to run xen mainline
scans without any changes or hacks in Travis configuration and
Scan script. If so, we could maintain this on behalf of the
project, unless there are objections (I guess Julien mentioned
that someone with established contribution on Xen ARM upstream
could be driving this).
Of course, we will also use Scan for testing any patches we are
preparing to upstream.