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Re: [Xen-devel] [OSSTEST PATCH v7 1/3] ts-openstack-deploy: Deploy OpenStack on a host with devstack

Anthony PERARD writes ("[OSSTEST PATCH v7 1/3] ts-openstack-deploy: Deploy 
OpenStack on a host with devstack"):
> This script installs any necessary packages and clones all of the OpenStack
> trees which are used by devstack to deploy OpenStack.

Thanks.  I have only trivial comments.

> +proc need-hosts/test-devstack {} { return host }
> +proc run-job/test-devstack {} {
> +    run-ts . = ts-openstack-deploy host
Should have a `+' here I think.  Sorry for not spotting this before.

> +    # libvirt is already installed, but not as a package, so avoid 
> installation of

Comment has too-long lines.

> +    # the libvirt package with devstack
> +    # https://bugs.launchpad.net/devstack/+bug/1641144
> +    target_editfile($ho, "$builddir/devstack/files/debs/nova", sub {
> +        while (<EI>) {
> +            next if m/.*libvirt.*/;
> +            print EO or die $!;
> +        }
> +    });
> +    target_editfile($ho, 
> "$builddir/devstack/lib/nova_plugins/functions-libvirt", sub {

Code has too-long lines.

> +        service libvirtd restart
> +END
> +
> +    # devstack is going to setup the host, install some dependency.
> +    target_putfilecontents_root_stash($ho, 100, 
> <<END,"/etc/sudoers.d/devstack");

Too-long line.


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