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[Xen-devel] Week 2 Dashboard Outreachy Status Update
Hello all,
Based on first meeting with my mentors (Lars Kurth and Jesus M. Gonzalez-Barahona), I have completed the following tasks. - Created a demo dashboard in Kibana following the tutorial.
- Completed the tests for threading code. You can see them in my github repository [1].
- Created Blog post regarding the first meeting. Here is the link in case you might have missed it. [2]
- Created a new repository and raised issues for the newly assigned tasks. [3]
Tasks assigned for next week:
- Write a script that uploads both the raw Perceval output on an mbox, and the threading info, to ElasticSearch
- Write a script that uploads the Perceval output on a git repo to ElasticSearch
- Produce a simple dashboard for either the git or the mbox info (or both) in Kibana.
- Analyze the git for the Linux kernel with Perceval, and upload results to ElasticSearch.
I have also linked the irc log in my blog posts for viewing the complete conversations of the meeting. Currently I have started with the tasks assigned for next week. Blog post regarding 2nd meeting can be seen here [4] [1]: https://github.com/priya299/Dashboard/blob/master/tests/test.py[2]: https://priyav299.wordpress.com/2016/05/25/getting-started-with-outreachy-project/[3]: https://github.com/priya299/outreachy-project/issues[4]: https://priyav299.wordpress.com/2016/06/03/working-with-kibana/
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