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Re: [Xen-devel] [OSSTEST PATCH] enable FLASK_ENABLE when using it for testing

On Thu, 2016-01-14 at 08:58 -0600, Doug Goldstein wrote:
> Currently OSSTest has 'XSM' tests but XSM and FLASK are two different
> options and OSSTests's 'XSM' test depends on FLASK so ensure that FLASK
> is enabled so that tests pass.

IMHO the xen/Kconfig should be arranged such that if XSM is enabled then
FLASK is on by default. Having XSM but not Flask as what happens if you
enable XSM isn't helpful.

However, xen/common/Kconfig already has "default y" and "depends XSM" for
the FLASK entry, which I would have said was what was required to behave as
I suggest.

So why isn't it I wonder?

After a plain "make -C xen defconfig" I end up with a xen/.config
containing "CONFIG_XSM is not set" and no mention of CONFIG_FLASK (as
expected, due to the depends).

Adding CONFIG_XSM=y to the end of xen/.config and running "make -C xen
oldconfig" I then get asked:

    FLux Advanced Security Kernel support (FLASK) [Y/n/?] (NEW) Â

IOW it does appear to be defaulting to on (I also get asked about

osstest uses "olddefconfig", and with:

$ make -C xen olddefconfig
$ echo 'CONFIG_XSM=y' >> xen/.config Â
$ make -C xen olddefconfig

I end up with both XSM and FLASK enabled:

$ grep -E XSM\|FLASK xen/.config

which is what we want and is expected etc. Looking at the results of the
latest xen-unstableÂhttp://logs.test-lab.xenproject.org/osstest/logs/77945/
Âand specifically at
it seemsÂthat the automated version is doing what is expected too. IOW this
patch is both unnecessary (since it already works) and wrong (since it is
working how we want it to) and the issue exhibited by the test cases in
77945 is something different.


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