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Re: [Xen-devel] [v4][PATCH 04/19] xen/passthrough: extend hypercall to support rdm reservation policy

When you say "not tools", I take it to mean that you're not exposing
that option through the libxl interface?

tools/libxc/xc_domain.c:xc_assign_dt_device() most certainly does pass
it in, and that's the level I'm talking about.  Someone reviewing this
patch series needs to know, when xc or libxl set NO_RDM, what will be
the effect?  The fact that libxc *shouldn't* set NO_RDM for PCI devices
doesn't mean it won't happen.

Now looking at the end of the series and grepping for
"XEN_DOMCTL_DEV.*RDM", these values are *read and acted on* in exactly
two places:

xen/arch/x86/mm/p2m.c: The whole point of this series; if the p2m is
occupied already, and flag == RDM_STRICT, return an error; otherwise
ignore it.

xen/drivers/passthrough/device_tree.c: If flag != NO_RDM, return an error.

So the meaning of the flags is:
For pci devices:
  - RDM_RELAXED, NO_RDM: ignore conflicts in set_identity_p2m_entry()
  - RDM_STRICT: error on conflicts in set_identity_p2m_entry()
for dt devices:
  - Error if not NO_RDM

It doesn't look to me like the NO_RDM setting actually adds any semantic

What I see in the list of references you gave is a request from the list
below is Julien saying this:

"I would also add a XEN_DOMCTL_DEV_NO_RDM that would be use for non-PCI

It looks a bit like what you did is said, "Well Julien asked for a
NO_RDM setting, so here's a NO_RDM setting."  Which while perhaps
understandable, doesn't make the value have any more usefulness.

It seems to me that the real problem is that you had two values to begin
with, rather than actually having flags (as the name would imply).

This what I would suggest.  Make a single flag:


Then make the meaning of the flags as follows:
* for pci devices:
  - RDM_RELAXED flag SET: ignore conflicts in set_identity_p2m_entry()
  - RDM_RELAXED flag CLEAR: error on conflicts in set_identity_p2m_entry()
No problem.

* for dt devices:
  - Ignore this flag entirely
But we still a flag to assign_device() like this,

diff --git a/xen/drivers/passthrough/device_tree.c b/xen/drivers/passthrough/device_tree.c
index 5d3842a..a182487 100644
--- a/xen/drivers/passthrough/device_tree.c
+++ b/xen/drivers/passthrough/device_tree.c
@@ -52,7 +52,8 @@ int iommu_assign_dt_device(struct domain *d, struct dt_device_node *dev)
             goto fail;

-    rc = hd->platform_ops->assign_device(d, 0, dt_to_dev(dev));
+    rc = hd->platform_ops->assign_device(d, 0, dt_to_dev(dev),
+                                         XEN_DOMCTL_DEV_RDM_RELAXED);

     if ( rc )
         goto fail;

Or rc = hd->platform_ops->assign_device(d, 0, dt_to_dev(dev), 0)?


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