Hello everyone,
I would like to try the vTPM feature, but I'm having some issues. Basically, I followed the steps explained in
I'm running Ubuntu 14.04 as Dom0 on a Dell optiplex-9020. I compiled Xen 4.5.0 from source. After creating vtpmmgr and vtpm stubdoms, and DomU, I can invoke tpm_version from DomU:
root@DomU:/home/xen# tpm_version
TPM 1.2 Version Info:
Chip Version:
Spec Level: 2
Errata Revision: 1
TPM Version: 01010000
Manufacturer Info: 4554485a
I can also see the PCRs status by invoking cat /sys/class/misc/tpm0/device/pcrs, however, most of the commands return an error. When I invoke takeownership I get the following error:
root@DomU:/home/xen# tpm_takeownership -y -z -l debug
Tspi_Context_Create success
Tspi_Context_Connect success
Tspi_Context_GetTpmObject success
Tspi_GetPolicyObject success
Tspi_Policy_SetSecret success
Tspi_Context_CreateObject success
Tspi_GetPolicyObject success
Tspi_Policy_SetSecret success
Tspi_TPM_TakeOwnership failed: 0x00002004 - layer=tcs, code=0004 (4), Internal software error
Tspi_Context_CloseObject success
Tspi_Context_FreeMemory success
Tspi_Context_Close success
The same error is given when invoking tpm_getpubkey. I have already tried after clearing the TPM from BIOS, after having taken ownership and with ownership no taken with the same result when using the vTPM. I have also installed Xen 4.3.4, with the same
result too.
In the end, I would like to use the vTPM to generate and use RSA keys for TLS session establishing (using the API provided with GnuTLS). Since I cannot take ownership of the vTPM, the GnuTLS' tpmtool complains it doesn't find any SRK.
I really appreciate any help you can provide.
Best regards,