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[Xen-devel] Problems using xl migrate

While investigating a bug reported on Red Hat Bugzilla
I discovered the following

xl migrate --debug domid localhost does indeed fail for Xen 4.4 pv (the bug report is for Xen 4.3 hvm ) when xl migrate domid localhost works. There are actually two issues here
* the segfault in libxl-save-helper --restore-domain (as reported in the 
bug above) occurs if the guest memory is 1024M (on my 4G box) and is 
presumably because the allocated memory eventually runs out
* the segfault doesn't occur if the guest memory is 128M, but the 
migration still fails. The first attached file contains the log from a run 
with xl -v migrate --debug domid localhost (with mfn and duplicated lines 
stripped out to make the size manageable).
I then tried xen 4.5-rc1 to see if the bug was fixed and found that xl 
migrate doesn't work for me at all - see the second attached file for the 
output of xl -v migrate domid localhost .
        Mchael Young

Attachment: xl.-v.--debug.fail.4.4
Description: Text document

Attachment: xl.-v.fail.4.5
Description: Text document

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