# # Default is mostly allman / ansi / bsd / break # style=bsd # # Converts tabs into single spaces. # convert-tabs # # indent using spaces by 4 # indent=spaces=4 # # Do preprocessor statements also. # indent-preproc-define # # Insert space padding around operators only. # pad-oper # # Insert space padding after paren headers only. # pad-header # # Remove extra space padding around parenthesis on the inside and outside. # unpad-paren # # Remove brackets from 1 line conditional statements. # remove-brackets # # Attach a pointer or reference operator to variable name # align-pointer=name # # Do not change the reference alignment. # align-reference=none # # The option max-code-length will break a line # max-code-length=80 # # Set the minimal indent that is added when a header is built of multiple lines. # min-conditional-indent=0