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Re: [Xen-devel] [PATCH for-4.5 v6 05/16] tools: Add vmware_port support

On Sat, 2014-09-20 at 14:07 -0400, Don Slutz wrote:
> This new libxl_domain_create_info field is used to set
> XEN_DOMCTL_CDF_vmware_port for the xc_domain_create() routine.

Does this really need to be a CDF, rather than a domctl/hvm param?

The latter would allow moving to buildinfo.u.hvm, which would be nicer
from the libxl PoV, I think.

> In xen it is is_vmware_port_enabled.
> If is_vmware_port_enabled then
>   enable a limited support of VMware's hyper-call.
> VMware's hyper-call is also known as VMware Backdoor I/O Port.
> Signed-off-by: Don Slutz <dslutz@xxxxxxxxxxx>

Is it useful to be able to configure this independently of the vmware_hw

If yes then I still think you would want to set the default based on
vmware-hw, wouldn't you?


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