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Re: [Xen-devel] [PATCH 02/13] Config.mk: replace dependency to genpath with actual target

A question related to the change below:

How are the make variables supposed to be changed? Right now this can be
done either with rerunning configure (untested by me) and by calling
something like 'make SBINDIR=/x/y XEN_RUN_DIR=/a/b' (used as testcase).

I think we should arrange the code such that a new configure run is
required to change their value.


On Mon, Jul 28, Olaf Hering wrote:

> genpath is a detail of buildmakevars2file. Replace the dependency to
> genpath with the actual buildmakevars2file target. This change by
> itself does not fix any bug. Upcoming changes will add dependencies to
> $(target), but no rule exist to create $(target).
> No change in behaviour is expected by this patch.
> Note: target.tmp ($(1).tmp) is not marked as .PHONY because
> move-if-changed in the target rule will remove target.tmp by renaming
> it to target. As a result make will always attempt to rebuild it.
> Signed-off-by: Olaf Hering <olaf@xxxxxxxxx>
> ---
>  Config.mk                     |  9 +++++----
>  stubdom/Makefile              | 16 ++++++++--------
>  tools/hotplug/common/Makefile |  2 +-
>  tools/libxl/Makefile          |  2 +-
>  tools/python/Makefile         |  2 +-
>  5 files changed, 16 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)
> diff --git a/Config.mk b/Config.mk
> index 2408fa6..28e9930 100644
> --- a/Config.mk
> +++ b/Config.mk
>  buildmakevars2file = $(eval $(call buildmakevars2file-closure,$(1)))
>  define buildmakevars2file-closure
> -    .PHONY: genpath
> -    genpath:
> -     rm -f $(1).tmp; \
> +    $(1).tmp:
> +     rm -f $(1).newtmp; \
>       $(foreach var, $(BUILD_MAKE_VARS), \
> -               echo "$(var)=\"$($(var))\"" >>$(1).tmp;) \
> +               echo "$(var)=\"$($(var))\"" >>$(1).newtmp;) \
> +     $(call move-if-changed,$(1).newtmp,$(1).tmp)
> +    $(1): $(1).tmp
>       $(call move-if-changed,$(1).tmp,$(1))
>  endef

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