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[Xen-devel] [v3 for 4.5 1/2] make: Add subtree-force-update target

subtree-force-update will update all subtrees according to the current TAG 
in Config.mk.

Signed-off-by: George Dunlap <george.dunlap@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

 - Rename to subtree-force-update
 - Add command to help
 - Add a target to update all trees unconditionally (for the tarball release)

CC: Ian Campbell <ian.campbell@xxxxxxxxxx>
CC: Ian Jackson <ian.jackson@xxxxxxxxxx>
CC: Olaf Hering <olaf@xxxxxxxxx>
 Makefile                | 49 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 tools/Makefile          | 14 ++++++++++++++
 tools/firmware/Makefile | 12 ++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 55 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 580df64..2389057 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -135,6 +135,14 @@ debball: dist
 rpmball: dist
        bash ./tools/misc/mkrpm $(XEN_ROOT) $$($(MAKE) -C xen xenversion 
+.PHONY: subtree-force-update
+       $(MAKE) -C tools subtree-force-update
+.PHONY: subtree-force-update-all
+       $(MAKE) -C tools subtree-force-update-all
 .PHONY: clean
        $(MAKE) -C xen clean
@@ -173,34 +181,35 @@ src-tarball: distclean
 .PHONY: help
        @echo 'Installation targets:'
-       @echo '  install          - build and install everything'
-       @echo '  install-xen      - build and install the Xen hypervisor'
-       @echo '  install-tools    - build and install the control tools'
-       @echo '  install-stubdom  - build and install the stubdomain images'
-       @echo '  install-docs     - build and install user documentation'
+       @echo '  install               - build and install everything'
+       @echo '  install-xen           - build and install the Xen hypervisor'
+       @echo '  install-tools         - build and install the control tools'
+       @echo '  install-stubdom       - build and install the stubdomain 
+       @echo '  install-docs          - build and install user documentation'
        @echo ''
        @echo 'Building targets:'
-       @echo '  dist             - build and install everything into local 
dist directory'
-       @echo '  world            - clean everything then make dist'
-       @echo '  xen              - build and install Xen hypervisor'
-       @echo '  tools            - build and install tools'
-       @echo '  stubdom          - build and install the stubdomain images'
-       @echo '  docs             - build and install user documentation'
-       @echo '  dev-docs         - build developer-only documentation'
+       @echo '  dist                  - build and install everything into 
local dist directory'
+       @echo '  world                 - clean everything then make dist'
+       @echo '  xen                   - build and install Xen hypervisor'
+       @echo '  tools                 - build and install tools'
+       @echo '  stubdom               - build and install the stubdomain 
+       @echo '  docs                  - build and install user documentation'
+       @echo '  dev-docs              - build developer-only documentation'
        @echo ''
        @echo 'Cleaning targets:'
-       @echo '  clean            - clean the Xen, tools and docs (but not 
guest kernel trees)'
-       @echo '  distclean        - clean plus delete kernel build trees and'
-       @echo '                     local downloaded files'
+       @echo '  clean                 - clean the Xen, tools and docs (but not 
guest kernel trees)'
+       @echo '  distclean             - clean plus delete kernel build trees 
+       @echo '                          local downloaded files'
+       @echo '  subtree-force-update  - Call *-force-update on all git 
subtrees (qemu, seabios, ovmf)'
        @echo ''
        @echo 'Miscellaneous targets:'
-       @echo '  uninstall        - attempt to remove installed Xen tools'
-       @echo '                     (use with extreme care!)'
+       @echo '  uninstall             - attempt to remove installed Xen tools'
+       @echo '                          (use with extreme care!)'
        @echo 'Trusted Boot (tboot) targets:'
-       @echo '  build-tboot      - download and build the tboot module'
-       @echo '  install-tboot    - download, build, and install the tboot 
-       @echo '  clean-tboot      - clean the tboot module if it exists'
+       @echo '  build-tboot           - download and build the tboot module'
+       @echo '  install-tboot         - download, build, and install the tboot 
+       @echo '  clean-tboot           - clean the tboot module if it exists'
        @echo 'Environment:'
        @echo '  [ this documentation is sadly not complete ]'
diff --git a/tools/Makefile b/tools/Makefile
index b6476c9..f8ed6c4 100644
--- a/tools/Makefile
+++ b/tools/Makefile
@@ -240,3 +240,17 @@ subdir-all-debugger/kdd: .phony
 subdir-distclean-firmware: .phony
        $(MAKE) -C firmware distclean
+ifeq ($(CONFIG_QEMU_XEN),y)
+       $(MAKE) qemu-xen-dir-force-update
+ifeq ($(CONFIG_QEMU_TRAD),y)
+       $(MAKE) qemu-xen-traditional-dir-force-update
+       $(MAKE) -C firmware subtree-force-update
+       $(MAKE) qemu-xen-dir-force-update
+       $(MAKE) qemu-xen-traditional-dir-force-update
+       $(MAKE) -C firmware subtree-force-update-all
diff --git a/tools/firmware/Makefile b/tools/firmware/Makefile
index 660bacb..ca5df42 100644
--- a/tools/firmware/Makefile
+++ b/tools/firmware/Makefile
@@ -88,3 +88,15 @@ subdir-clean-seabios-dir:
        set -e; if test -d seabios-dir/.; then \
                $(MAKE) -C seabios-dir clean; \
+ifeq ($(CONFIG_SEABIOS),y)
+       $(MAKE) seabios-dir-force-update
+ifeq ($(CONFIG_OVMF),y)
+       $(MAKE) ovmf-dir-force-update
+       $(MAKE) seabios-dir-force-update
+       $(MAKE) ovmf-dir-force-update

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