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[Xen-devel] [PATCH 08/29] tools/python: Infrastructure relating to migration v2 streams

* libxc.py and libxl.py contain stream structure and constants, as well as
  verification functions as per the specifications.

* tests.py contains some basic unit tests, usable by the existing unittest

* convert-legacy-stream.py will take a legacy migration stream as an input,
  and produce a v2 stream as an output, including reframing a legacy stream
  for libxl to consume.

* verify-stream-v2.py will verify a stream according to the v2
  specification(s), including a libxc stream contained inside a libxl stream.

The files from xen/migration lives as part of the regular xen library, while
convert-legacy-stream and verify-stream-v2 are installed as standalone scripts

Signed-off-by: Andrew Cooper <andrew.cooper3@xxxxxxxxxx>
CC: Ian Campbell <Ian.Campbell@xxxxxxxxxx>
CC: Ian Jackson <Ian.Jackson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

 * Change to xen/migration namespace
 * Libxl stream support
 * Move to be part of tools/python and installed in proper locations
 tools/python/Makefile                         |    5 +
 tools/python/scripts/convert-legacy-stream.py |  671 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
 tools/python/scripts/verify-stream-v2.py      |  173 +++++++
 tools/python/setup.py                         |    1 +
 tools/python/xen/migration/libxc.py           |  434 ++++++++++++++++
 tools/python/xen/migration/libxl.py           |  190 +++++++
 tools/python/xen/migration/tests.py           |   55 ++
 tools/python/xen/migration/verify.py          |   37 ++
 8 files changed, 1566 insertions(+)
 create mode 100755 tools/python/scripts/convert-legacy-stream.py
 create mode 100755 tools/python/scripts/verify-stream-v2.py
 create mode 100644 tools/python/xen/migration/__init__.py
 create mode 100644 tools/python/xen/migration/libxc.py
 create mode 100644 tools/python/xen/migration/libxl.py
 create mode 100644 tools/python/xen/migration/tests.py
 create mode 100644 tools/python/xen/migration/verify.py

diff --git a/tools/python/Makefile b/tools/python/Makefile
index c914332..f1038a1 100644
--- a/tools/python/Makefile
+++ b/tools/python/Makefile
@@ -20,9 +20,14 @@ build: genpath genwrap.py 
$(XEN_ROOT)/tools/libxl/libxl_types.idl \
 .PHONY: install
        CC="$(CC)" CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS) $(APPEND_LDFLAGS)" $(PYTHON) setup.py 
install \
                $(PYTHON_PREFIX_ARG) --root="$(DESTDIR)" --force
+       $(INSTALL_PROG) scripts/convert-legacy-stream.py 
+       $(INSTALL_PROG) scripts/verify-stream-v2.py 
 .PHONY: test
        export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$$(readlink -f ../libxc):$$(readlink -f 
../xenstore); $(PYTHON) test.py -b -u
diff --git a/tools/python/scripts/convert-legacy-stream.py 
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..bb54bd5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/python/scripts/convert-legacy-stream.py
@@ -0,0 +1,671 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import sys
+import os, os.path
+import syslog
+import traceback
+from struct import calcsize, unpack, pack
+from xen.migration import libxc, libxl
+__version__ = 1
+fin = None             # Input file/fd
+fout = None            # Output file/fd
+twidth = 0             # Legacy toolstack bitness (32 or 64)
+pv = None              # Boolean (pv or hvm)
+qemu = True            # Boolean - process qemu record?
+log_to_syslog = False  # Boolean - Log to syslog instead of stdout/err?
+verbose = False        # Boolean - Summarise stream contents
+def stream_read(_ = None):
+    return fin.read(_)
+def stream_write(_):
+    return fout.write(_)
+def info(msg):
+    """Info message, routed to appropriate destination"""
+    if verbose:
+        if log_to_syslog:
+            for line in msg.split("\n"):
+                syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_INFO, line)
+        else:
+            print msg
+def err(msg):
+    """Error message, routed to appropriate destination"""
+    if log_to_syslog:
+        for line in msg.split("\n"):
+            syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_ERR, line)
+    print >> sys.stderr, msg
+class StreamError(StandardError):
+    pass
+class VM(object):
+    def __init__(self, fmt):
+        # Common
+        self.p2m_size = 0
+        # PV
+        self.max_vcpu_id = 0
+        self.online_vcpu_map = []
+        self.width = 0
+        self.levels = 0
+        self.basic_len = 0
+        self.extd = False
+        self.xsave_len = 0
+        # libxl
+        self.libxl = fmt == "libxl"
+        self.xenstore = [] # Deferred "toolstack" records
+def write_libxc_ihdr():
+    stream_write(pack(libxc.IHDR_FORMAT,
+                      libxc.IHDR_MARKER,  # Marker
+                      libxc.IHDR_IDENT,   # Ident
+                      libxc.IHDR_VERSION, # Version
+                      libxc.IHDR_OPT_LE,  # Options
+                      0, 0))              # Reserved
+def write_libxc_dhdr():
+    if pv:
+        dtype = libxc.DHDR_TYPE_x86_pv
+    else:
+        dtype = libxc.DHDR_TYPE_x86_hvm
+    stream_write(pack(libxc.DHDR_FORMAT,
+                      dtype,        # Type
+                      12,           # Page size
+                      0,            # Reserved
+                      0,            # Xen major (converted)
+                      __version__)) # Xen minor (converted)
+def write_libxl_hdr():
+    stream_write(pack(libxl.HDR_FORMAT,
+                      libxl.HDR_IDENT,     # Ident
+                      libxl.HDR_VERSION,   # Version 2
+                      libxl.HDR_OPT_LE |   # Options
+                      libxl.HDR_OPT_LEGACY # Little Endian and Legacy
+                      ))
+def write_record(rt, *argl):
+    alldata = ''.join(argl)
+    length = len(alldata)
+    record = pack(libxc.RH_FORMAT, rt, length) + alldata
+    plen = (8 - (length & 7)) & 7
+    record += '\x00' * plen
+    stream_write(record)
+def write_libxc_pv_info(vm):
+    write_record(libxc.REC_TYPE_x86_pv_info,
+                 pack(libxc.X86_PV_INFO_FORMAT,
+                      vm.width, vm.levels, 0, 0))
+def write_libxc_pv_p2m_frames(vm, pfns):
+    write_record(libxc.REC_TYPE_x86_pv_p2m_frames,
+                 pack(libxc.X86_PV_P2M_FRAMES_FORMAT,
+                      0, vm.p2m_size - 1),
+                 pack("Q" * len(pfns), *pfns))
+def write_libxc_pv_vcpu_basic(vcpu_id, data):
+    write_record(libxc.REC_TYPE_x86_pv_vcpu_basic,
+                 pack(libxc.X86_PV_VCPU_HDR_FORMAT, vcpu_id, 0), data)
+def write_libxc_pv_vcpu_extd(vcpu_id, data):
+    write_record(libxc.REC_TYPE_x86_pv_vcpu_extended,
+                 pack(libxc.X86_PV_VCPU_HDR_FORMAT, vcpu_id, 0), data)
+def write_libxc_pv_vcpu_xsave(vcpu_id, data):
+    write_record(libxc.REC_TYPE_x86_pv_vcpu_xsave,
+                 pack(libxc.X86_PV_VCPU_HDR_FORMAT, vcpu_id, 0), data)
+def write_page_data(pfns, pages):
+    if fout is None: # Save copying 1M buffers around for no reason
+        return
+    new_pfns = [(((x & 0xf0000000) << 32) | (x & 0x0fffffff)) for x in pfns]
+    # Optimise the needless buffer copying in write_record()
+    stream_write(pack(libxc.RH_FORMAT,
+                             libxc.REC_TYPE_page_data,
+                             8 + (len(new_pfns) * 8) + len(pages)))
+    stream_write(pack(libxc.PAGE_DATA_FORMAT, len(new_pfns), 0))
+    stream_write(pack("Q" * len(new_pfns), *new_pfns))
+    stream_write(pages)
+def write_libxc_tsc_info(mode, khz, nsec, incarn):
+    write_record(libxc.REC_TYPE_tsc_info,
+                 pack(libxc.TSC_INFO_FORMAT,
+                      mode, khz, nsec, incarn, 0))
+def write_libxc_hvm_params(params):
+    if pv:
+        raise StreamError("HVM-only param in PV stream")
+    elif len(params) % 2:
+        raise RuntimeError("Expected even length list of hvm parameters")
+    write_record(libxc.REC_TYPE_hvm_params,
+                 pack(libxc.HVM_PARAMS_FORMAT, len(params) / 2, 0),
+                 pack("Q" * len(params), *params))
+def write_libxl_end():
+    write_record(libxl.REC_TYPE_end, "")
+def write_libxl_libxc_context():
+    write_record(libxl.REC_TYPE_libxc_context, "")
+def write_libxl_xenstore_data(data):
+    write_record(libxl.REC_TYPE_xenstore_data, data)
+def write_libxl_emulator_context(blob):
+    write_record(libxl.REC_TYPE_emulator_context,
+                 pack(libxl.EMULATOR_CONTEXT_FORMAT,
+                      libxl.EMULATOR_ID_unknown, 0) + blob)
+def rdexact(nr_bytes):
+    """Read exactly nr_bytes from fin"""
+    _ = stream_read(nr_bytes)
+    if len(_) != nr_bytes:
+        raise IOError("Stream truncated")
+    return _
+def unpack_exact(fmt):
+    """Unpack a format from fin"""
+    sz = calcsize(fmt)
+    return unpack(fmt, rdexact(sz))
+def unpack_ulongs(nr_ulongs):
+    if twidth == 32:
+        return unpack_exact("I" * nr_ulongs)
+    else:
+        return unpack_exact("Q" * nr_ulongs)
+def read_pv_extended_info(vm):
+    marker, = unpack_ulongs(1)
+    if twidth == 32:
+        expected = 0xffffffff
+    else:
+        expected = 0xffffffffffffffff
+    if marker != expected:
+        raise StreamError("Unexpected extended info marker 0x%x" % (marker, ))
+    total_length, = unpack_exact("I")
+    so_far = 0
+    info("Extended Info: length 0x%x" % (total_length, ))
+    while so_far < total_length:
+        blkid, datasz = unpack_exact("=4sI")
+        so_far += 8
+        info("  Record type: %s, size 0x%x" % (blkid, datasz))
+        data = rdexact(datasz)
+        so_far += datasz
+        # Eww, but this is how it is done :(
+        if blkid == "vcpu":
+            vm.basic_len = datasz
+            if datasz == 0x1430:
+                vm.width = 8
+                vm.levels = 4
+                info("    64bit domain, 4 levels")
+            elif datasz == 0xaf0:
+                vm.width = 4
+                vm.levels = 3
+                info("    32bit domain, 3 levels")
+            else:
+                raise StreamError("Unable to determine guest width/level")
+            write_libxc_pv_info(vm)
+        elif blkid == "extv":
+            vm.extd = True
+        elif blkid == "xcnt":
+            vm.xsave_len, = unpack("I", data[:4])
+            info("xcnt sz 0x%x" % (vm.xsave_len, ))
+        else:
+            raise StreamError("Unrecognised extended block")
+    if so_far != total_length:
+        raise StreamError("Overshot Extended Info size by %d bytes"
+                          % (so_far - total_length,))
+def read_pv_p2m_frames(vm):
+    fpp = 4096 / vm.width
+    p2m_frame_len = (vm.p2m_size - 1) / fpp + 1
+    info("P2M frames: fpp %d, p2m_frame_len %d" % (fpp, p2m_frame_len))
+    write_libxc_pv_p2m_frames(vm, unpack_ulongs(p2m_frame_len))
+def read_pv_tail(vm):
+    nr_unmapped_pfns, = unpack_exact("I")
+    if nr_unmapped_pfns != 0:
+        # "Unmapped" pfns are bogus
+        _ = unpack_ulongs(nr_unmapped_pfns)
+        info("discarding %d bogus 'unmapped pfns'" % (nr_unmapped_pfns, ))
+        #raise StreamError("Found bogus 'unmapped pfns'")
+    for vcpu_id in vm.online_vcpu_map:
+        basic = rdexact(vm.basic_len)
+        info("Got VCPU basic (size 0x%x)" % (vm.basic_len, ))
+        write_libxc_pv_vcpu_basic(vcpu_id, basic)
+        if vm.extd:
+            extd = rdexact(128)
+            info("Got VCPU extd (size 0x%x)" % (128, ))
+            write_libxc_pv_vcpu_extd(vcpu_id, extd)
+        if vm.xsave_len:
+            mask, size = unpack_exact("QQ")
+            assert vm.xsave_len - 16 == size
+            xsave = rdexact(size)
+            info("Got VCPU xsave (mask 0x%x, size 0x%x)" % (mask, size))
+            write_libxc_pv_vcpu_xsave(vcpu_id, xsave)
+    shinfo = rdexact(4096)
+    info("Got shinfo")
+    write_record(libxc.REC_TYPE_shared_info, shinfo)
+    write_record(libxc.REC_TYPE_end, "")
+def read_chunks(vm):
+    hvm_params = []
+    while True:
+        marker, = unpack_exact("=i")
+        if marker <= 0:
+            info("Chunk: type 0x%x" % (marker, ))
+        if marker == 0:
+            info("  End")
+            if hvm_params:
+                write_libxc_hvm_params(hvm_params)
+            return
+        elif marker > 0:
+            if marker > 1024:
+                raise StreamError("Page batch (%d) exceeded MAX_BATCH"
+                                  % (marker, ))
+            pfns = unpack_ulongs(marker)
+            # xc_domain_save() leaves many XEN_DOMCTL_PFINFO_XTAB records for
+            # sequences of pfns it cant map.  Drop these.
+            pfns = [ x for x in pfns if x != 0xf0000000 ]
+            if len(set(pfns)) != len(pfns):
+                raise StreamError("Duplicate pfns in batch")
+                # print "0x[",
+                # for pfn in pfns:
+                #     print "%x" % (pfn, ),
+                # print "]"
+            nr_pages = len([x for x in pfns if (x & 0xf0000000) < 0xd0000000])
+            #print "  Page Batch, %d PFNs, %d pages" % (marker, nr_pages)
+            pages = rdexact(nr_pages * 4096)
+            write_page_data(pfns, pages)
+        elif marker == -1: # XC_SAVE_ID_ENABLE_VERIFY_MODE
+            # Verify mode... Seemingly nothing to do...
+            pass
+        elif marker == -2: # XC_SAVE_ID_VCPU_INFO
+            max_id, = unpack_exact("i")
+            if max_id > 4095:
+                raise StreamError("Vcpu max_id out of range: %d > 4095"
+                                  % (max_id, ) )
+            vm.max_vcpu_id = max_id
+            bitmap = unpack_exact("Q" * ((max_id/64) + 1))
+            for idx, word in enumerate(bitmap):
+                bit_idx = 0
+                while word > 0:
+                    if word & 1:
+                        vm.online_vcpu_map.append((idx * 64) + bit_idx)
+                    bit_idx += 1
+                    word >>= 1
+            info("  Vcpu info: max_id %d, online map %s"
+                 % (vm.max_vcpu_id, vm.online_vcpu_map))
+        elif marker == -3: # XC_SAVE_ID_HVM_IDENT_PT
+            _, ident_pt = unpack_exact("=IQ")
+            info("  EPT Identity Pagetable 0x%x" % (ident_pt, ))
+            hvm_params.extend([12, # HVM_PARAM_IDENT_PT
+                               ident_pt])
+        elif marker == -4: # XC_SAVE_ID_HVM_VM86_TSS
+            _, vm86_tss = unpack_exact("=IQ")
+            info("  VM86 TSS: 0x%x" % (vm86_tss, ))
+            hvm_params.extend([15, # HVM_PARAM_VM86_TSS
+                               vm86_tss])
+        elif marker == -5: # XC_SAVE_ID_TMEM
+            raise RuntimeError("todo")
+        elif marker == -6: # XC_SAVE_ID_TMEM_EXTRA
+            raise RuntimeError("todo")
+        elif marker == -7: # XC_SAVE_ID_TSC_INFO
+            mode, nsec, khz, incarn = unpack_exact("=IQII")
+            info("  TSC_INFO: mode %s, %d ns, %d khz, %d incarn"
+                 % (mode, nsec, khz, incarn))
+            write_libxc_tsc_info(mode, khz, nsec, incarn)
+        elif marker == -8: # XC_SAVE_ID_HVM_CONSOLE_PFN
+            _, console_pfn = unpack_exact("=IQ")
+            info("  Console pfn 0x%x" % (console_pfn, ))
+            hvm_params.extend([17, # HVM_PARAM_CONSOLE_PFN
+                               console_pfn])
+        elif marker == -9: # XC_SAVE_ID_LAST_CHECKPOINT
+            info("  Last Checkpoint")
+            # Nothing to do
+        elif marker == -10: # XC_SAVE_ID_HVM_ACPI_IOPORTS_LOCATION
+            _, loc = unpack_exact("=IQ")
+            info("  ACPI ioport location 0x%x" % (loc, ))
+            hvm_params.extend([19, # HVM_PARAM_ACPI_IOPORTS_LOCATION
+                               loc])
+        elif marker == -11: # XC_SAVE_ID_HVM_VIRIDIAN
+            _, loc = unpack_exact("=IQ")
+            info("  Viridian location 0x%x" % (loc, ))
+            hvm_params.extend([9, # HVM_PARAM_VIRIDIAN
+                               loc])
+        elif marker == -12: # XC_SAVE_ID_COMPRESSED_DATA
+            sz, = unpack_exact("I")
+            data = rdexact(sz)
+            info("  Compressed Data: sz 0x%x" % (sz, ))
+            raise RuntimeError("todo")
+        elif marker == -13: # XC_SAVE_ID_ENABLE_COMPRESSION
+            raise RuntimeError("todo")
+        elif marker == -14: # XC_SAVE_ID_HVM_GENERATION_ID_ADDR
+            _, genid_loc = unpack_exact("=IQ")
+            info("  Generation ID Address 0x%x" % (genid_loc, ))
+            hvm_params.extend([32, # HVM_PARAM_VM_GENERATION_ID_ADDR
+                               genid_loc])
+        elif marker == -15: # XC_SAVE_ID_HVM_PAGING_RING_PFN
+            _, paging_ring_pfn = unpack_exact("=IQ")
+            info("  Paging ring pfn 0x%x" % (paging_ring_pfn, ))
+            hvm_params.extend([27, # HVM_PARAM_PAGING_RING_PFN
+                               paging_ring_pfn])
+        elif marker == -16: # XC_SAVE_ID_HVM_ACCESS_RING_PFN
+            _, access_ring_pfn = unpack_exact("=IQ")
+            info("  Access ring pfn 0x%x" % (access_ring_pfn, ))
+            hvm_params.extend([28, # HVM_PARAM_ACCESS_RING_PFN
+                               access_ring_pfn])
+        elif marker == -17: # XC_SAVE_ID_HVM_SHARING_RING_PFN
+            _, sharing_ring_pfn = unpack_exact("=IQ")
+            info("  Sharing ring pfn 0x%x" % (sharing_ring_pfn, ))
+            hvm_params.extend([29, # HVM_PARAM_SHARING_RING_PFN
+                               sharing_ring_pfn])
+        elif marker == -18:
+            sz, = unpack_exact("I")
+            if sz:
+                data = rdexact(sz)
+                info("  Toolstack Data: sz 0x%x" % (sz, ))
+                if vm.libxl:
+                    vm.xenstore.append(data)
+                else:
+                    info("    Discarding")
+        else:
+            raise StreamError("Unrecognised chunk")
+def read_hvm_tail(vm):
+    io, bufio, store = unpack_exact("QQQ")
+    info("Magic pfns: 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x" % (io, bufio, store))
+    write_libxc_hvm_params([5, io,     # HVM_PARAM_IOREQ_PFN
+                            6, bufio,  # HVM_PARAM_BUFIOREQ_PFN
+                            1, store]) # HVM_PARAM_STORE_PFN
+    blobsz, = unpack_exact("I")
+    info("Got HVM Context (0x%x bytes)" % (blobsz, ))
+    blob = rdexact(blobsz)
+    write_record(libxc.REC_TYPE_hvm_context, blob)
+    write_record(libxc.REC_TYPE_end, "")
+def read_qemu(vm):
+    rawsig = rdexact(21)
+    sig, = unpack("21s", rawsig)
+    info("Qemu signature: %s" % (sig, ))
+    if sig == "DeviceModelRecord0002":
+        rawsz = rdexact(4)
+        sz, = unpack("I", rawsz)
+        qdata = rdexact(sz)
+        if vm.libxl:
+            write_libxl_emulator_context(qdata)
+        else:
+            stream_write(rawsig)
+            stream_write(rawsz)
+            stream_write(qdata)
+    else:
+        raise RuntimeError("Unrecognised Qemu sig '%s'" % (sig, ))
+def skip_xl_header(fmt):
+    """Skip over an xl header in the stream"""
+    hdr = rdexact(32)
+    if hdr != "Xen saved domain, xl format\n \0 \r":
+        raise StreamError("No xl header")
+    end, mflags, oflags, optlen = unpack_exact("=IIII")
+    if fmt == "libxl":
+        mflags |= 1
+    opts = pack("=IIII", end, mflags, oflags, optlen)
+    optdata = rdexact(optlen)
+    info("Processed xl header")
+    stream_write(hdr)
+    stream_write(opts)
+    stream_write(optdata)
+def read_legacy_stream(vm):
+    try:
+        vm.p2m_size, = unpack_ulongs(1)
+        info("P2M Size: 0x%x" % (vm.p2m_size,))
+        if vm.libxl:
+            write_libxl_hdr()
+            write_libxl_libxc_context()
+        write_libxc_ihdr()
+        write_libxc_dhdr()
+        if pv:
+            read_pv_extended_info(vm)
+            read_pv_p2m_frames(vm)
+        read_chunks(vm)
+        if pv:
+            read_pv_tail(vm)
+        else:
+            read_hvm_tail(vm)
+        if vm.libxl:
+            for x in vm.xenstore:
+                write_libxl_xenstore_data(x)
+        if not pv and (vm.libxl or qemu):
+            read_qemu(vm)
+        if vm.libxl:
+            write_libxl_end()
+    except (IOError, StreamError, ):
+        err("Stream Error:")
+        err(traceback.format_exc())
+        return 1
+    except RuntimeError:
+        err("Script Error:")
+        err(traceback.format_exc())
+        err("Please fix me")
+        return 2
+    return 0
+def open_file_or_fd(val, mode):
+    """
+    If 'val' looks like a decimal integer, open it as an fd.  If not, try to
+    open it as a regular file.
+    """
+    fd = -1
+    try:
+        # Does it look like an integer?
+        try:
+            fd = int(val, 10)
+        except ValueError:
+            pass
+        # Try to open it...
+        if fd != -1:
+            return os.fdopen(fd, mode, 0)
+        else:
+            return open(val, mode, 0)
+    except StandardError, e:
+        if fd != -1:
+            err("Unable to open fd %d: %s" % (fd, e))
+        else:
+            err("Unable to open file '%s': %s" % (val, e))
+    raise SystemExit(1)
+def main(argv):
+    from optparse import OptionParser
+    global fin, fout, twidth, pv, qemu, verbose
+    # Change stdout to be line-buffered.
+    sys.stdout = os.fdopen(sys.stdout.fileno(), 'w', 1)
+    parser = OptionParser(version = __version__,
+                          usage = ("%prog [options] -i INPUT -o OUTPUT"
+                                   " -w WIDTH -g GUEST"),
+                          description =
+                          "Convert a legacy stream to a v2 stream")
+    # Required options
+    parser.add_option("-i", "--in", dest = "fin", metavar = "<FD or FILE>",
+                      help = "Legacy input to convert")
+    parser.add_option("-o", "--out", dest = "fout", metavar = "<FD or FILE>",
+                      help = "v2 format output")
+    parser.add_option("-w", "--width", dest = "twidth",
+                      metavar = "<32/64>", choices = ["32", "64"],
+                      help = "Legacy toolstack bitness")
+    parser.add_option("-g", "--guest-type", dest = "gtype",
+                      metavar = "<pv/hvm>", choices = ["pv", "hvm"],
+                      help = "Type of guest in stream")
+    # Optional options
+    parser.add_option("-f", "--format", dest = "format",
+                      metavar = "<libxc|libxl>", default = "libxc",
+                      choices = ["libxc", "libxl"],
+                      help = "Desired format of the outgoing stream (defaults 
to libxc)")
+    parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action = "store_true", default = 
+                      help = "Summarise stream contents")
+    parser.add_option("-x", "--xl", action = "store_true", default = False,
+                      help = ("Is an `xl` header present in the stream?"
+                              " (default no)"))
+    parser.add_option("--skip-qemu", action = "store_true", default = False,
+                      help = ("Skip processing of the qemu tail?"
+                              " (default no)"))
+    parser.add_option("--syslog", action = "store_true", default = False,
+                      help = "Log to syslog instead of stdout")
+    opts, _ = parser.parse_args()
+    if (opts.fin is None or opts.fout is None or
+        opts.twidth is None or opts.gtype is None):
+        parser.print_help(sys.stderr)
+        raise SystemExit(1)
+    if opts.syslog:
+        global log_to_syslog
+        syslog.openlog("convert-legacy-stream", syslog.LOG_PID)
+        log_to_syslog = True
+    fin     = open_file_or_fd(opts.fin,  "rb")
+    fout    = open_file_or_fd(opts.fout, "wb")
+    twidth  = int(opts.twidth)
+    pv      = opts.gtype == "pv"
+    verbose = opts.verbose
+    if opts.skip_qemu:
+        qemu = False
+    if opts.xl:
+        skip_xl_header(opts.format)
+    rc = read_legacy_stream(VM(opts.format))
+    fout.close()
+    return rc
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    try:
+        sys.exit(main(sys.argv))
+    except SystemExit, e:
+        sys.exit(e.code)
+    except KeyboardInterrupt:
+        sys.exit(1)
diff --git a/tools/python/scripts/verify-stream-v2.py 
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..203883e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/python/scripts/verify-stream-v2.py
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+""" Verify a v2 format migration stream """
+import sys
+import struct
+import os, os.path
+import syslog
+import traceback
+from xen.migration.verify import StreamError, RecordError
+from xen.migration.libxc import VerifyLibxc
+from xen.migration.libxl import VerifyLibxl
+fin = None             # Input file/fd
+log_to_syslog = False  # Boolean - Log to syslog instead of stdout/err?
+verbose = False        # Boolean - Summarise stream contents
+quiet = False          # Boolean - Suppress error printing
+def info(msg):
+    """Info message, routed to appropriate destination"""
+    if not quiet and verbose:
+        if log_to_syslog:
+            for line in msg.split("\n"):
+                syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_INFO, line)
+        else:
+            print msg
+def err(msg):
+    """Error message, routed to appropriate destination"""
+    if not quiet:
+        if log_to_syslog:
+            for line in msg.split("\n"):
+                syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_ERR, line)
+        print >> sys.stderr, msg
+def stream_read(_ = None):
+    """Read from input"""
+    return fin.read(_)
+def rdexact(nr_bytes):
+    """Read exactly nr_bytes from fin"""
+    _ = stream_read(nr_bytes)
+    if len(_) != nr_bytes:
+        raise IOError("Stream truncated")
+    return _
+def unpack_exact(fmt):
+    """Unpack a format from fin"""
+    sz = struct.calcsize(fmt)
+    return struct.unpack(fmt, rdexact(sz))
+def skip_xl_header():
+    """Skip over an xl header in the stream"""
+    hdr = rdexact(32)
+    if hdr != "Xen saved domain, xl format\n \0 \r":
+        raise StreamError("No xl header")
+    _, mflags, _, optlen = unpack_exact("=IIII")
+    _ = rdexact(optlen)
+    info("Processed xl header")
+    if mflags & 1: # Bottom bit in mandatory flags indicates a libxl v2 stream
+        return "libxl"
+    else:
+        return "libxc"
+def read_stream(fmt):
+    """ Read an entire stream """
+    try:
+        if fmt == "xl":
+            fmt = skip_xl_header()
+        if fmt == "libxc":
+            VerifyLibxc(info, stream_read).verify()
+        else:
+            VerifyLibxl(info, stream_read).verify()
+    except (IOError, StreamError, RecordError):
+        err("Stream Error:")
+        err(traceback.format_exc())
+        return 1
+    except StandardError:
+        err("Script Error:")
+        err(traceback.format_exc())
+        err("Please fix me")
+        return 2
+    return 0
+def open_file_or_fd(val, mode, buffering):
+    """
+    If 'val' looks like a decimal integer, open it as an fd.  If not, try to
+    open it as a regular file.
+    """
+    fd = -1
+    try:
+        # Does it look like an integer?
+        try:
+            fd = int(val, 10)
+        except ValueError:
+            pass
+        # Try to open it...
+        if fd != -1:
+            return os.fdopen(fd, mode, buffering)
+        else:
+            return open(val, mode, buffering)
+    except StandardError, e:
+        if fd != -1:
+            err("Unable to open fd %d: %s: %s" %
+                (fd, e.__class__.__name__, e))
+        else:
+            err("Unable to open file '%s': %s: %s" %
+                (val, __class__.__name__, e))
+    raise SystemExit(2)
+def main(argv):
+    from optparse import OptionParser
+    global fin, quiet, verbose
+    # Change stdout to be line-buffered.
+    sys.stdout = os.fdopen(sys.stdout.fileno(), 'w', 1)
+    parser = OptionParser(usage = "%prog [options]",
+                          description =
+                          "Verify a stream according to the v2 spec")
+    # Optional options
+    parser.add_option("-i", "--in", dest = "fin", metavar = "<FD or FILE>",
+                      default = "0",
+                      help = "Stream to verify (defaults to stdin)")
+    parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action = "store_true", default = 
+                      help = "Summarise stream contents")
+    parser.add_option("-q", "--quiet", action = "store_true", default = False,
+                      help = "Suppress all logging/errors")
+    parser.add_option("-f", "--format", dest = "format",
+                      metavar = "<libxc|libxl|xl>", default = "libxc",
+                      choices = ["libxc", "libxl", "xl"],
+                      help = "Format of the incoming stream (defaults to 
+    parser.add_option("--syslog", action = "store_true", default = False,
+                      help = "Log to syslog instead of stdout")
+    opts, _ = parser.parse_args()
+    if opts.syslog:
+        global log_to_syslog
+        syslog.openlog("verify-stream-v2", syslog.LOG_PID)
+        log_to_syslog = True
+    verbose = opts.verbose
+    quiet = opts.quiet
+    fin = open_file_or_fd(opts.fin, "rb", 0)
+    return read_stream(opts.format)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    try:
+        sys.exit(main(sys.argv))
+    except SystemExit, e:
+        sys.exit(e.code)
+    except KeyboardInterrupt:
+        sys.exit(2)
diff --git a/tools/python/setup.py b/tools/python/setup.py
index 17ebb4a..74822f4 100644
--- a/tools/python/setup.py
+++ b/tools/python/setup.py
@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ setup(name            = 'xen',
       version         = '3.0',
       description     = 'Xen',
       packages        = ['xen',
+                         'xen.migration',
       ext_package = "xen.lowlevel",
diff --git a/tools/python/xen/migration/__init__.py 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/tools/python/xen/migration/libxc.py 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea74882
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/python/xen/migration/libxc.py
@@ -0,0 +1,434 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+Libxc Migration v2 streams
+Record structures as per docs/specs/libxc-migration-stream.pandoc, and
+verification routines.
+import sys
+from struct import calcsize, unpack
+from xen.migration.verify import StreamError, RecordError, VerifyBase
+# Image Header
+IHDR_MARKER  = 0xffffffffffffffff
+IHDR_IDENT   = 0x58454E46 # "XENF" in ASCII
+# Domain Header
+DHDR_TYPE_x86_pv  = 0x00000001
+DHDR_TYPE_x86_hvm = 0x00000002
+DHDR_TYPE_x86_pvh = 0x00000003
+DHDR_TYPE_arm     = 0x00000004
+dhdr_type_to_str = {
+    DHDR_TYPE_x86_pv  : "x86 PV",
+    DHDR_TYPE_x86_hvm : "x86 HVM",
+    DHDR_TYPE_x86_pvh : "x86 PVH",
+    DHDR_TYPE_arm     : "ARM",
+# Records
+REC_TYPE_end                  = 0x00000000
+REC_TYPE_page_data            = 0x00000001
+REC_TYPE_x86_pv_info          = 0x00000002
+REC_TYPE_x86_pv_p2m_frames    = 0x00000003
+REC_TYPE_x86_pv_vcpu_basic    = 0x00000004
+REC_TYPE_x86_pv_vcpu_extended = 0x00000005
+REC_TYPE_x86_pv_vcpu_xsave    = 0x00000006
+REC_TYPE_shared_info          = 0x00000007
+REC_TYPE_tsc_info             = 0x00000008
+REC_TYPE_hvm_context          = 0x00000009
+REC_TYPE_hvm_params           = 0x0000000a
+REC_TYPE_toolstack            = 0x0000000b
+REC_TYPE_x86_pv_vcpu_msrs     = 0x0000000c
+REC_TYPE_verify               = 0x0000000d
+rec_type_to_str = {
+    REC_TYPE_end                  : "End",
+    REC_TYPE_page_data            : "Page data",
+    REC_TYPE_x86_pv_info          : "x86 PV info",
+    REC_TYPE_x86_pv_p2m_frames    : "x86 PV P2M frames",
+    REC_TYPE_x86_pv_vcpu_basic    : "x86 PV vcpu basic",
+    REC_TYPE_x86_pv_vcpu_extended : "x86 PV vcpu extended",
+    REC_TYPE_x86_pv_vcpu_xsave    : "x86 PV vcpu xsave",
+    REC_TYPE_shared_info          : "Shared info",
+    REC_TYPE_tsc_info             : "TSC info",
+    REC_TYPE_hvm_context          : "HVM context",
+    REC_TYPE_hvm_params           : "HVM params",
+    REC_TYPE_toolstack            : "Toolstack",
+    REC_TYPE_x86_pv_vcpu_msrs     : "x86 PV vcpu msrs",
+    REC_TYPE_verify               : "Verify",
+# page_data
+PAGE_DATA_FORMAT             = "II"
+PAGE_DATA_PFN_MASK           = (1L << 52) - 1
+PAGE_DATA_PFN_RESZ_MASK      = ((1L << 60) - 1) & ~((1L << 52) - 1)
+# flags from xen/public/domctl.h: XEN_DOMCTL_PFINFO_* shifted by 32 bits
+PAGE_DATA_TYPE_SHIFT         = 60
+PAGE_DATA_TYPE_NOTAB         = (0x0L << PAGE_DATA_TYPE_SHIFT) # Regular page
+PAGE_DATA_TYPE_L1TAB         = (0x1L << PAGE_DATA_TYPE_SHIFT) # L1 pagetable
+PAGE_DATA_TYPE_L2TAB         = (0x2L << PAGE_DATA_TYPE_SHIFT) # L2 pagetable
+PAGE_DATA_TYPE_L3TAB         = (0x3L << PAGE_DATA_TYPE_SHIFT) # L3 pagetable
+PAGE_DATA_TYPE_L4TAB         = (0x4L << PAGE_DATA_TYPE_SHIFT) # L4 pagetable
+PAGE_DATA_TYPE_XALLOC        = (0xeL << PAGE_DATA_TYPE_SHIFT) # Allocate-only
+PAGE_DATA_TYPE_XTAB          = (0xfL << PAGE_DATA_TYPE_SHIFT) # Invalid
+# x86_pv_info
+X86_PV_INFO_FORMAT        = "BBHI"
+# x86_pv_vcpu_{basic,extended,xsave,msrs}
+# tsc_info
+TSC_INFO_FORMAT           = "IIQII"
+# hvm_params
+# libxl format
+LIBXL_QEMU_SIGNATURE = "DeviceModelRecord0002"
+class VerifyLibxc(VerifyBase):
+    """ Verify a Libxc v2 stream """
+    def __init__(self, info, read):
+        VerifyBase.__init__(self, info, read)
+        self.squashed_pagedata_records = 0
+    def verify(self):
+        self.verify_ihdr()
+        self.verify_dhdr()
+        while self.verify_record() != REC_TYPE_end:
+            pass
+    def verify_ihdr(self):
+        """ Verify an Image Header """
+        marker, ident, version, options, res1, res2 = \
+            self.unpack_exact(IHDR_FORMAT)
+        if marker != IHDR_MARKER:
+            raise StreamError("Bad image marker: Expected 0x%x, got 0x%x"
+                              % (IHDR_MARKER, marker))
+        if ident != IHDR_IDENT:
+            raise StreamError("Bad image id: Expected 0x%x, got 0x%x"
+                              % (IHDR_IDENT, ident))
+        if version != IHDR_VERSION:
+            raise StreamError("Unknown image version: Expected %d, got %d"
+                              % (IHDR_VERSION, version))
+        if options & IHDR_OPT_RESZ_MASK:
+            raise StreamError("Reserved bits set in image options field: 0x%x"
+                              % (options & IHDR_OPT_RESZ_MASK))
+        if res1 != 0 or res2 != 0:
+            raise StreamError("Reserved bits set in image header: 
+                              % (res1, res2))
+        if ( (sys.byteorder == "little") and
+             ((options & IHDR_OPT_BIT_ENDIAN) != IHDR_OPT_LE) ):
+            raise StreamError("Stream is not native endianess - unable to 
+        endian = ["little", "big"][options & IHDR_OPT_LE]
+        self.info("Libxc Image Header: %s endian" % (endian, ))
+    def verify_dhdr(self):
+        """ Verify a domain header """
+        gtype, page_shift, res1, major, minor = \
+            self.unpack_exact(DHDR_FORMAT)
+        if gtype not in dhdr_type_to_str:
+            raise StreamError("Unrecognised domain type 0x%x" % (gtype, ))
+        if res1 != 0:
+            raise StreamError("Reserved bits set in domain header 0x%04x"
+                              % (res1, ))
+        if page_shift != 12:
+            raise StreamError("Page shift expected to be 12.  Got %d"
+                              % (page_shift, ))
+        if major == 0:
+            self.info("Domain Header: legacy converted %s"
+                      % (dhdr_type_to_str[gtype], ))
+        else:
+            self.info("Domain Header: %s from Xen %d.%d"
+                      % (dhdr_type_to_str[gtype], major, minor))
+    def verify_record(self):
+        """ Verify an individual record """
+        rtype, length = self.unpack_exact(RH_FORMAT)
+        if rtype not in rec_type_to_str:
+            raise StreamError("Unrecognised record type 0x%x" % (rtype, ))
+        contentsz = (length + 7) & ~7
+        content = self.rdexact(contentsz)
+        if rtype != REC_TYPE_page_data:
+            if self.squashed_pagedata_records > 0:
+                self.info("Squashed %d Page Data records together"
+                          % (self.squashed_pagedata_records, ))
+                self.squashed_pagedata_records = 0
+            self.info("Libxc Record: %s, length %d"
+                      % (rec_type_to_str[rtype], length))
+        else:
+            self.squashed_pagedata_records += 1
+        padding = content[length:]
+        if padding != "\x00" * len(padding):
+            raise StreamError("Padding containing non0 bytes found")
+        if rtype not in record_verifiers:
+            raise RuntimeError("No verification function for libxc record '%s'"
+                               % rec_type_to_str[rtype])
+        else:
+            record_verifiers[rtype](self, content[:length])
+        return rtype
+    def verify_record_end(self, content):
+        """ End record """
+        if len(content) != 0:
+            raise RecordError("End record with non-zero length")
+    def verify_record_page_data(self, content):
+        """ Page Data record """
+        minsz = calcsize(PAGE_DATA_FORMAT)
+        if len(content) <= minsz:
+            raise RecordError("PAGE_DATA record must be at least %d bytes long"
+                              % (minsz, ))
+        count, res1 = unpack(PAGE_DATA_FORMAT, content[:minsz])
+        if res1 != 0:
+            raise StreamError("Reserved bits set in PAGE_DATA record 0x%04x"
+                              % (res1, ))
+        pfnsz = count * 8
+        if (len(content) - minsz) < pfnsz:
+            raise RecordError("PAGE_DATA record must contain a pfn record for "
+                              "each count")
+        pfns = list(unpack("=%dQ" % (count,), content[minsz:minsz + pfnsz]))
+        nr_pages = 0
+        for idx, pfn in enumerate(pfns):
+            if pfn & PAGE_DATA_PFN_RESZ_MASK:
+                raise RecordError("Reserved bits set in pfn[%d]: 0x%016x",
+                                  idx, pfn & PAGE_DATA_PFN_RESZ_MASK)
+            if pfn >> PAGE_DATA_TYPE_SHIFT in (5, 6, 7, 8):
+                raise RecordError("Invalid type value in pfn[%d]: 0x%016x",
+                                  idx, pfn & PAGE_DATA_TYPE_LTAB_MASK)
+            # We expect page data for each normal page or pagetable
+                    <= PAGE_DATA_TYPE_L4TAB:
+                nr_pages += 1
+        pagesz = nr_pages * 4096
+        if len(content) != minsz + pfnsz + pagesz:
+            raise RecordError("Expected %u + %u + %u, got %u"
+                              % (minsz, pfnsz, pagesz, len(content)))
+    def verify_record_x86_pv_info(self, content):
+        """ x86 PV Info record """
+        expectedsz = calcsize(X86_PV_INFO_FORMAT)
+        if len(content) != expectedsz:
+            raise RecordError("x86_pv_info: expected length of %d, got %d"
+                              % (expectedsz, len(content)))
+        width, levels, res1, res2 = unpack(X86_PV_INFO_FORMAT, content)
+        if width not in (4, 8):
+            raise RecordError("Expected width of 4 or 8, got %d" % (width, ))
+        if levels not in (3, 4):
+            raise RecordError("Expected levels of 3 or 4, got %d" % (levels, ))
+        if res1 != 0 or res2 != 0:
+            raise StreamError("Reserved bits set in X86_PV_INFO: 0x%04x 0x%08x"
+                              % (res1, res2))
+        bitness = {4:32, 8:64}[width]
+        self.info("  %sbit guest, %d levels of pagetables" % (bitness, levels))
+    def verify_record_x86_pv_p2m_frames(self, content):
+        """ x86 PV p2m frames record """
+        if len(content) % 8 != 0:
+            raise RecordError("Length expected to be a multiple of 8, not %d"
+                              % (len(content), ))
+        start, end = unpack("=II", content[:8])
+        self.info("  Start pfn 0x%x, End 0x%x" % (start, end))
+    def verify_record_x86_pv_vcpu_generic(self, content, name):
+        """ Generic for all REC_TYPE_x86_pv_vcpu_{basic,extended,xsave,msrs} 
+        minsz = calcsize(X86_PV_VCPU_HDR_FORMAT)
+        if len(content) <= minsz:
+            raise RecordError("X86_PV_VCPU_%s record length must be at least 
+                              " bytes long" % (name, minsz))
+        vcpuid, res1 = unpack(X86_PV_VCPU_HDR_FORMAT, content[:minsz])
+        if res1 != 0:
+            raise StreamError("Reserved bits set in x86_pv_vcpu_%s record 
+                              % (name, res1))
+        self.info("  vcpu%d %s context, %d bytes"
+                  % (vcpuid, name, len(content) - minsz))
+    def verify_record_shared_info(self, content):
+        """ shared info record """
+        if len(content) != 4096:
+            raise RecordError("Length expected to be 4906 bytes, not %d"
+                              % (len(content), ))
+    def verify_record_tsc_info(self, content):
+        """ tsc info record """
+        sz = calcsize(TSC_INFO_FORMAT)
+        if len(content) != sz:
+            raise RecordError("Length should be %u bytes" % (sz, ))
+        mode, khz, nsec, incarn, res1 = unpack(TSC_INFO_FORMAT, content)
+        if res1 != 0:
+            raise StreamError("Reserved bits set in TSC_INFO: 0x%08x"
+                              % (res1, ))
+        self.info("  Mode %u, %u kHz, %u ns, incarnation %d"
+                  % (mode, khz, nsec, incarn))
+    def verify_record_hvm_context(self, content):
+        """ hvm context record """
+        if len(content) == 0:
+            raise RecordError("Zero length HVM context")
+    def verify_record_hvm_params(self, content):
+        """ hvm params record """
+        sz = calcsize(HVM_PARAMS_FORMAT)
+        if len(content) < sz:
+            raise RecordError("Length should be at least %u bytes" % (sz, ))
+        count, rsvd = unpack(HVM_PARAMS_FORMAT, content[:sz])
+        if rsvd != 0:
+            raise RecordError("Reserved field not zero (0x%04x)" % (rsvd, ))
+        sz += count * calcsize(HVM_PARAMS_ENTRY_FORMAT)
+        if len(content) != sz:
+            raise RecordError("Length should be %u bytes" % (sz, ))
+    def verify_record_toolstack(self, _):
+        """ toolstack record """
+        self.info("  TODO: remove")
+    def verify_record_verify(self, content):
+        """ verify record """
+        if len(content) != 0:
+            raise RecordError("Verify record with non-zero length")
+record_verifiers = {
+    REC_TYPE_end:
+        VerifyLibxc.verify_record_end,
+    REC_TYPE_page_data:
+        VerifyLibxc.verify_record_page_data,
+    REC_TYPE_x86_pv_info:
+        VerifyLibxc.verify_record_x86_pv_info,
+    REC_TYPE_x86_pv_p2m_frames:
+        VerifyLibxc.verify_record_x86_pv_p2m_frames,
+    REC_TYPE_x86_pv_vcpu_basic:
+        lambda s, x: VerifyLibxc.verify_record_x86_pv_vcpu_generic(s, x, 
+    REC_TYPE_x86_pv_vcpu_extended:
+        lambda s, x: VerifyLibxc.verify_record_x86_pv_vcpu_generic(s, x, 
+    REC_TYPE_x86_pv_vcpu_xsave:
+        lambda s, x: VerifyLibxc.verify_record_x86_pv_vcpu_generic(s, x, 
+    REC_TYPE_x86_pv_vcpu_msrs:
+        lambda s, x: VerifyLibxc.verify_record_x86_pv_vcpu_generic(s, x, 
+    REC_TYPE_shared_info:
+        VerifyLibxc.verify_record_shared_info,
+    REC_TYPE_tsc_info:
+        VerifyLibxc.verify_record_tsc_info,
+    REC_TYPE_hvm_context:
+        VerifyLibxc.verify_record_hvm_context,
+    REC_TYPE_hvm_params:
+        VerifyLibxc.verify_record_hvm_params,
+    REC_TYPE_toolstack:
+        VerifyLibxc.verify_record_toolstack,
+    REC_TYPE_verify:
+        VerifyLibxc.verify_record_verify,
+    }
diff --git a/tools/python/xen/migration/libxl.py 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b2d6dcb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/python/xen/migration/libxl.py
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+Libxl Migration v2 streams
+Record structures as per docs/specs/libxl-migration-stream.pandoc, and
+verification routines.
+import sys
+from struct import calcsize, unpack
+from xen.migration.verify import StreamError, RecordError, VerifyBase
+from xen.migration.libxc import VerifyLibxc
+# Header
+HDR_IDENT = 0x4c6962786c466d74 # "LibxlFmt" in ASCII
+# Records
+REC_TYPE_end              = 0x00000000
+REC_TYPE_domain_json      = 0x00000001
+REC_TYPE_libxc_context    = 0x00000002
+REC_TYPE_xenstore_data    = 0x00000003
+REC_TYPE_emulator_context = 0x00000004
+rec_type_to_str = {
+    REC_TYPE_end              : "End",
+    REC_TYPE_domain_json      : "Domain JSON",
+    REC_TYPE_libxc_context    : "Libxc context",
+    REC_TYPE_xenstore_data    : "Xenstore data",
+    REC_TYPE_emulator_context : "Emulator context",
+# emulator_context
+EMULATOR_ID_unknown       = 0x00000000
+EMULATOR_ID_qemu_trad     = 0x00000001
+EMULATOR_ID_qemu_upstream = 0x00000002
+emulator_id_to_str = {
+    EMULATOR_ID_unknown       : "Unknown",
+    EMULATOR_ID_qemu_trad     : "Qemu Traditional",
+    EMULATOR_ID_qemu_upstream : "Qemu Upstream",
+class VerifyLibxl(VerifyBase):
+    """ Verify a Libxl v2 stream """
+    def __init__(self, info, read):
+        VerifyBase.__init__(self, info, read)
+    def verify(self):
+        self.verify_hdr()
+        while self.verify_record() != REC_TYPE_end:
+            pass
+    def verify_hdr(self):
+        """ Verify a Header """
+        ident, version, options = self.unpack_exact(HDR_FORMAT)
+        if ident != HDR_IDENT:
+            raise StreamError("Bad image id: Expected 0x%x, got 0x%x"
+                              % (HDR_IDENT, ident))
+        if version != HDR_VERSION:
+            raise StreamError("Unknown image version: Expected %d, got %d"
+                              % (HDR_VERSION, version))
+        if options & HDR_OPT_RESZ_MASK:
+            raise StreamError("Reserved bits set in image options field: 0x%x"
+                              % (options & HDR_OPT_RESZ_MASK))
+        if ( (sys.byteorder == "little") and
+             ((options & HDR_OPT_BIT_ENDIAN) != HDR_OPT_LE) ):
+            raise StreamError("Stream is not native endianess - unable to 
+        endian = ["little", "big"][options & HDR_OPT_LE]
+        if options & HDR_OPT_LEGACY:
+            self.info("Libxl Header: %s endian, legacy converted" % (endian, ))
+        else:
+            self.info("Libxl Header: %s endian" % (endian, ))
+    def verify_record(self):
+        """ Verify an individual record """
+        rtype, length = self.unpack_exact(RH_FORMAT)
+        if rtype not in rec_type_to_str:
+            raise StreamError("Unrecognised record type %x" % (rtype, ))
+        self.info("Libxl Record: %s, length %d"
+                  % (rec_type_to_str[rtype], length))
+        contentsz = (length + 7) & ~7
+        content = self.rdexact(contentsz)
+        padding = content[length:]
+        if padding != "\x00" * len(padding):
+            raise StreamError("Padding containing non0 bytes found")
+        if rtype not in record_verifiers:
+            raise RuntimeError("No verification function for libxl record '%s'"
+                               % rec_type_to_str[rtype])
+        else:
+            record_verifiers[rtype](self, content[:length])
+        return rtype
+    def verify_record_end(self, content):
+        """ End record """
+        if len(content) != 0:
+            raise RecordError("End record with non-zero length")
+    def verify_record_domain_json(self, content):
+        """ Domain JSON record """
+        if len(content) == 0:
+            raise RecordError("Domain JSON record with zero length")
+    def verify_record_libxc_context(self, content):
+        """ Libxc context record """
+        if len(content) != 0:
+            raise RecordError("Libxc context record with non-zero length")
+        # Verify the libxc stream, as we can't seek forwards through it
+        VerifyLibxc(self.info, self.read).verify()
+    def verify_record_xenstore_data(self, content):
+        """ Xenstore Data record """
+        if len(content) == 0:
+            raise RecordError("Xenstore data record with zero length")
+    def verify_record_emulator_context(self, content):
+        """ Emulator Context record """
+        minsz = calcsize(EMULATOR_CONTEXT_FORMAT)
+        if len(content) < minsz:
+            raise RecordError("Length must be at least %d bytes, got %d"
+                              % (minsz, len(content)))
+        emu_id, emu_idx = unpack(EMULATOR_CONTEXT_FORMAT, content[:minsz])
+        if emu_id not in emulator_id_to_str:
+            raise RecordError("Unrecognised emulator id 0x%x" % (emu_id, ))
+        self.info("  Index %d, type %s" % (emu_idx, 
+record_verifiers = {
+    REC_TYPE_end:
+        VerifyLibxl.verify_record_end,
+    REC_TYPE_domain_json:
+        VerifyLibxl.verify_record_domain_json,
+    REC_TYPE_libxc_context:
+        VerifyLibxl.verify_record_libxc_context,
+    REC_TYPE_xenstore_data:
+        VerifyLibxl.verify_record_xenstore_data,
+    REC_TYPE_emulator_context:
+        VerifyLibxl.verify_record_emulator_context,
diff --git a/tools/python/xen/migration/tests.py 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ab2924f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/python/xen/migration/tests.py
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+Unit tests for migration v2 streams
+import unittest
+from struct import calcsize
+from xen.migration import libxc, libxl
+class TestLibxc(unittest.TestCase):
+    def test_format_sizes(self):
+        for fmt, sz in ( (libxc.IHDR_FORMAT, 24),
+                         (libxc.DHDR_FORMAT, 16),
+                         (libxc.RH_FORMAT, 8),
+                         (libxc.PAGE_DATA_FORMAT, 8),
+                         (libxc.X86_PV_INFO_FORMAT, 8),
+                         (libxc.X86_PV_P2M_FRAMES_FORMAT, 8),
+                         (libxc.X86_PV_VCPU_HDR_FORMAT, 8),
+                         (libxc.TSC_INFO_FORMAT, 24),
+                         (libxc.HVM_PARAMS_ENTRY_FORMAT, 16),
+                         (libxc.HVM_PARAMS_FORMAT, 8),
+                         ):
+            self.assertEqual(calcsize(fmt), sz)
+class TestLibxl(unittest.TestCase):
+    def test_format_sizes(self):
+        for fmt, sz in ( (libxl.HDR_FORMAT, 16),
+                         (libxl.RH_FORMAT, 8),
+                         (libxl.EMULATOR_CONTEXT_FORMAT, 8),
+                         ):
+            self.assertEqual(calcsize(fmt), sz)
+def test_suite():
+    suite = unittest.TestSuite()
+    suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(TestLibxc))
+    suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(TestLibxl))
+    return suite
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    unittest.main()
diff --git a/tools/python/xen/migration/verify.py 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a42dbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/python/xen/migration/verify.py
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+Common verification infrastructure for v2 streams
+from struct import calcsize, unpack
+class StreamError(StandardError):
+    """Error with the stream"""
+    pass
+class RecordError(StandardError):
+    """Error with a record in the stream"""
+    pass
+class VerifyBase(object):
+    def __init__(self, info, read):
+        self.info = info
+        self.read = read
+    def rdexact(self, nr_bytes):
+        """Read exactly nr_bytes from the stream"""
+        _ = self.read(nr_bytes)
+        if len(_) != nr_bytes:
+            raise IOError("Stream truncated")
+        return _
+    def unpack_exact(self, fmt):
+        """Unpack a struct format string from the stream"""
+        sz = calcsize(fmt)
+        return unpack(fmt, self.rdexact(sz))

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