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[Xen-devel] Xen 4.4 Testing: Platform Op XENPF_microcode_update Leaves VCPU Lock Set?

Xen Developers,

In arch/x86/platform_hypercall.c, in function do_platform_op, the case 
XENPF_microcode_update appears to leave the vcpu_alloc_lock set when creating a 
hypercall continuation, but I don't understand the hypercall continuation code 
as releasing that lock. The lock is not released at target label of the 
following goto, in case XENPF_microcode_update.

I don't have the facilities to exercise this case on my development platform, 
but it looks like a possible problem or does the hypercall continuation somehow 
take care of this lock?



ps. I tried subscribing to the Xen dev list 3 times but it never worked.
What is the formal meaning of the one-line program
#include "/dev/tty"

J.P. McDermott                  building 12
Code 5542                       john.mcdermott@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Naval Research Laboratory       voice: +1 202.404.8301
Washington, DC 20375, US        fax:   +1 202.404.7942

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