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[Xen-devel] Making changes to osstest (via its push gate, or not)

I'm going to be away for 3 weeks starting 19.9.13.  So someone (you, I
think) should be able to make changes to osstest's running instance.

This is all on woking.cam.xci-test.com in ~osstest:

    - master repo
            pretest    input to push gate
                         must be fast-forwarding
            incoming   OUTPUT from push gate (sorry),
                         is automatically picked up by everyone else,
                         must be fast-forwarding
            master     branch for the working tree, do not touch
    - working tree is used for the branch-independent cron jobs

      working tree and cwd for tests whose subject is "[FOO test]"

      working tree and cwd for tests whose subject is "[FOO bisection]"

You should normally push to "pretest".  If you want to do a force push
you can push to "incoming" directly.

I will change the osstest push gate emails to go to you too.

If you want to do some adhoc tests of things in non-standalone mode,
it's probably easiest to copy the config etc. out of woking:~iwj.  You
can run eg
  ./make-flight xen-unstable xen-unstable play
and then
  ./mg-execute-flight -Bplay -Eian.campbell@xxxxxxxxxxxxx -f19173 19194
  ./mg-allocate -U 24h rice-weasel
  export OSSTEST_FLIGHT=19194
  export OSSTEST_JOBS=test-amd64-i386-xl
  ./ts-host-install host=rice-weasel && ./ts-... etc etc
  ./mg-allocate !rice-weasel

If you want to cancel a flight, send SIGTERM or SIGINT to the
execute-flight process and it will gracefully stop it.

If woking or the database server are rebooted you may need to:
  - run ./mg-hosts previoustasks --clear
  - kill the ms-ownerdaemon and/or ms-queuedaemon (init will
     restart them; logs are in /var/log/local4.log)


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