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[Xen-devel] [xen-unstable test] 17427: regressions - FAIL

flight 17427 xen-unstable real [real]

Regressions :-(

Tests which did not succeed and are blocking,
including tests which could not be run:
 build-i386-oldkern            4 xen-build                 fail REGR. vs. 17425

Tests which did not succeed, but are not blocking:
 test-amd64-amd64-xl-pcipt-intel  9 guest-start                 fail never pass
 test-amd64-amd64-xl-win7-amd64 13 guest-stop                   fail never pass
 test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemut-win7-amd64 13 guest-stop             fail never pass
 test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-win7-amd64 13 guest-stop             fail never pass
 test-amd64-i386-xend-winxpsp3 16 leak-check/check             fail  never pass
 test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-winxpsp3 13 guest-stop               fail never pass
 test-amd64-i386-xl-win7-amd64 13 guest-stop                   fail  never pass
 test-amd64-amd64-xl-winxpsp3 13 guest-stop                   fail   never pass
 test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemut-winxpsp3 13 guest-stop               fail never pass
 test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-win7-amd64 13 guest-stop              fail never pass
 test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-winxpsp3-vcpus1 13 guest-stop         fail never pass
 test-amd64-i386-xl-winxpsp3-vcpus1 13 guest-stop               fail never pass
 test-amd64-i386-xend-qemut-winxpsp3 16 leak-check/check        fail never pass

version targeted for testing:
 xen                  25250ed7c8094a905c5f03b8ae25c8694d3fa9b3
baseline version:
 xen                  babea0a412ee24a94ed0bd03543060b2c6bc0bbd

People who touched revisions under test:
  Dietmar Hahn <dietmar.hahn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  Keir Fraser <keir@xxxxxxx>
  Xudong Hao <xudong.hao@xxxxxxxxx>

 build-amd64                                                  pass    
 build-armhf                                                  pass    
 build-i386                                                   pass    
 build-amd64-oldkern                                          pass    
 build-i386-oldkern                                           fail    
 build-amd64-pvops                                            pass    
 build-i386-pvops                                             pass    
 test-amd64-amd64-xl                                          pass    
 test-amd64-i386-xl                                           pass    
 test-amd64-i386-rhel6hvm-amd                                 pass    
 test-amd64-i386-qemut-rhel6hvm-amd                           pass    
 test-amd64-i386-qemuu-rhel6hvm-amd                           pass    
 test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemut-win7-amd64                         fail    
 test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-win7-amd64                          fail    
 test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-win7-amd64                         fail    
 test-amd64-amd64-xl-win7-amd64                               fail    
 test-amd64-i386-xl-win7-amd64                                fail    
 test-amd64-i386-xl-credit2                                   pass    
 test-amd64-amd64-xl-pcipt-intel                              fail    
 test-amd64-i386-rhel6hvm-intel                               pass    
 test-amd64-i386-qemut-rhel6hvm-intel                         pass    
 test-amd64-i386-qemuu-rhel6hvm-intel                         pass    
 test-amd64-i386-xl-multivcpu                                 pass    
 test-amd64-amd64-pair                                        pass    
 test-amd64-i386-pair                                         pass    
 test-amd64-amd64-xl-sedf-pin                                 pass    
 test-amd64-amd64-pv                                          pass    
 test-amd64-i386-pv                                           pass    
 test-amd64-amd64-xl-sedf                                     pass    
 test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-winxpsp3-vcpus1                     fail    
 test-amd64-i386-xl-winxpsp3-vcpus1                           fail    
 test-amd64-i386-xend-qemut-winxpsp3                          fail    
 test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemut-winxpsp3                           fail    
 test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-winxpsp3                           fail    
 test-amd64-i386-xend-winxpsp3                                fail    
 test-amd64-amd64-xl-winxpsp3                                 fail    

sg-report-flight on woking.cam.xci-test.com
logs: /home/xc_osstest/logs
images: /home/xc_osstest/images

Logs, config files, etc. are available at

Test harness code can be found at

Not pushing.

commit 25250ed7c8094a905c5f03b8ae25c8694d3fa9b3
Author: Dietmar Hahn <dietmar.hahn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Tue Mar 26 14:24:25 2013 +0100

    vpmu intel: Add cpuid handling when vpmu disabled
    Even though vpmu is disabled in the hypervisor in the HVM guest the call of
    cpuid(0xa) returns informations about usable performance counters.
    This may confuse guest software when trying to use the counters and nothing
    This patch clears most bits in registers eax and edx of cpuid(0xa) 
    for the guest when vpmu is disabled:
     - version ID of architectural performance counting
     - number of general pmu registers
     - width of general pmu registers
     - number of fixed pmu registers
     - width of ixed pmu registers
    Signed-off-by: Dietmar Hahn <dietmar.hahn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
    Acked-by: Keir Fraser <keir@xxxxxxx>

commit db537fe3023bf157b85c8246782cb72a6f989b31
Author: Xudong Hao <xudong.hao@xxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Tue Mar 26 14:22:07 2013 +0100

    x86: reserve pages when SandyBridge integrated graphics
    SNB graphics devices have a bug that prevent them from accessing certain
    memory ranges, namely anything below 1M and in the pages listed in the
    Xen does not initialize below 1MB to heap, i.e. below 1MB pages don't be
    allocated, so it's unnecessary to reserve memory below the 1 MB mark
    that has not already been reserved.
    So reserve those pages listed in the table at xen boot if set detect a
    SNB gfx device on the CPU to avoid GPU hangs.
    Signed-off-by: Xudong Hao <xudong.hao@xxxxxxxxx>
    Acked-by: Keir Fraser <keir@xxxxxxx>
(qemu changes not included)

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