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Re: [Xen-devel] Xen 4.2.1, linux kernel 3.7.5 crashed while reboot

On 04/03/13 17:37, Michal Fiala wrote:
>>> We are using gentoo hardened sources (kernel). Hardened-sources is based
>>> on the official Linux kernel and is targeted at our users running Gentoo
>>> on server systems. It provides patches for the various subprojects of
>>> Gentoo Hardened (such as support for LSM/SELinux and grsecurity),
>>> together with stability/security-enhancements.
>>> See http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/gentoo-kernel.xml
>>> I will try gentoo-sources (lightly patched to fix security problems,
>>> kernel bugs, and to increase compatibility with the more uncommon system
>>> architectures) and vanilla-sources (official kernel sources released on
>>> http://www.kernel.org/)
>> Excellent. Thanks.
> The problem was fixed by changing kernel to gentoo-sources. So there is
> a problem in hardened-sources.

Alpine Linux is also using at least the grsecurity patches and there
seems to be no problem with Xen.

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