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[Xen-devel] [PATCH mini-os enhancements for vtpm 2/8] add posix io to blkfront

This patch adds posix io support (read,write,lseek) to block devices
using blkfront

Signed off by Matthew Fioravante matthew.fioravante@xxxxxxxxxx

diff --git a/extras/mini-os/blkfront.c b/extras/mini-os/blkfront.c
--- a/extras/mini-os/blkfront.c
+++ b/extras/mini-os/blkfront.c
@@ -392,6 +392,7 @@ void blkfront_aio(struct blkfront_aiocb *aiocbp, int
 static void blkfront_aio_cb(struct blkfront_aiocb *aiocbp, int ret)
     aiocbp->data = (void*) 1;
+    aiocbp->aio_cb = NULL;
 void blkfront_io(struct blkfront_aiocb *aiocbp, int write)
@@ -547,9 +548,150 @@ moretodo:
 #ifdef HAVE_LIBC
 int blkfront_open(struct blkfront_dev *dev)
+    /* Silently prevent multiple opens */
+    if(dev->fd != -1) {
+       return dev->fd;
+    }
     dev->fd = alloc_fd(FTYPE_BLK);
     printk("blk_open(%s) -> %d\n", dev->nodename, dev->fd);
     files[dev->fd].blk.dev = dev;
+    files[dev->fd].blk.offset = 0;
     return dev->fd;
+int blkfront_posix_rwop(int fd, uint8_t* buf, size_t count, int write)
+   struct blkfront_dev* dev = files[fd].blk.dev;
+   off_t offset = files[fd].blk.offset;
+   struct blkfront_aiocb aiocb;
+   unsigned long long disksize = dev->info.sectors * dev->info.sector_size;
+   unsigned int blocksize = dev->info.sector_size;
+   int blknum;
+   int blkoff;
+   size_t bytes;
+   int rc = 0;
+   int alignedbuf = 0;
+   uint8_t* copybuf = NULL;
+   /* RW 0 bytes is just a NOP */
+   if(count == 0) {
+      return 0;
+   }
+   /* Check for NULL buffer */
+   if( buf == NULL ) {
+      errno = EFAULT;
+      return -1;
+   }
+   /* Write mode checks */
+   if(write) {
+      /*Make sure we have write permission */
+      if(dev->info.info & VDISK_READONLY || (dev->info.mode != O_RDWR 
&& dev->info.mode !=  O_WRONLY)) {
+         errno = EACCES;
+         return -1;
+      }
+      /*Make sure disk is big enough for this write */
+      if(offset + count > disksize) {
+         errno = ENOSPC;
+         return -1;
+      }
+   }
+   /* Read mode checks */
+   else
+   {
+      /*If the requested read is bigger than the disk, just
+       * read as much as we can until the end */
+      if(offset + count > disksize) {
+         count = offset >= disksize ? 0 : disksize - offset;
+      }
+   }
+   /* Determine which block to start at and which offset inside of it */
+   blknum = offset / blocksize;
+   blkoff = offset % blocksize;
+   /* Optimization: We need to check if buf is aligned to the sector size.
+    * This is somewhat tricky code. We have to add the blocksize -
block offset
+    * because the first block may be a partial block and then for every
+    * block rw the buffer will be offset.*/
+   if(!((uintptr_t) (buf +(blocksize -  blkoff)) &
(dev->info.sector_size-1))) {
+      alignedbuf = 1;
+   }
+   /* Setup aiocb block object */
+   aiocb.aio_dev = dev;
+   aiocb.aio_nbytes = blocksize;
+   aiocb.aio_offset = blknum * blocksize;
+   aiocb.aio_cb = NULL;
+   aiocb.data = NULL;
+   /* If our buffer is unaligned or its aligned but we will need to rw
a partial block
+    * then a copy will have to be done */
+   if(!alignedbuf || blkoff != 0 || count % blocksize != 0) {
+      copybuf = _xmalloc(blocksize, dev->info.sector_size);
+   }
+   rc = count;
+   while(count > 0) {
+      /* determine how many bytes to read/write from/to the current
block buffer */
+      bytes = count > (blocksize - blkoff) ? blocksize - blkoff : count;
+      /* read operation */
+      if(!write) {
+         if (alignedbuf && bytes >= blocksize) {
+            /* If aligned and were reading a whole block, just read
right into buf */
+            aiocb.aio_buf = buf;
+            blkfront_read(&aiocb);
+         } else {
+            /* If not then we have to do a copy */
+            aiocb.aio_buf = copybuf;
+            blkfront_read(&aiocb);
+            memcpy(buf, &copybuf[blkoff], bytes);
+         }
+      }
+      /* Write operation */
+      else {
+         if(alignedbuf && bytes >= blocksize) {
+            /* If aligned and were writing a whole block, just write
directly from buf */
+            aiocb.aio_buf = buf;
+            blkfront_write(&aiocb);
+         } else {
+            /* If not then we have to do a copy. */
+            aiocb.aio_buf = copybuf;
+            /* If we're writing a partial block, we need to read the
current contents first
+             * so we don't overwrite the extra bits with garbage */
+            if(blkoff != 0 || bytes < blocksize) {
+               blkfront_read(&aiocb);
+            }
+            memcpy(&copybuf[blkoff], buf, bytes);
+            blkfront_write(&aiocb);
+         }
+      }
+      /* Will start at beginning of all remaining blocks */
+      blkoff = 0;
+      /* Increment counters and continue */
+      count -= bytes;
+      buf += bytes;
+      aiocb.aio_offset += blocksize;
+   }
+   free(copybuf);
+   files[fd].blk.offset += rc;
+   return rc;
+int blkfront_posix_fstat(int fd, struct stat* buf)
+   struct blkfront_dev* dev = files[fd].blk.dev;
+   buf->st_mode = dev->info.mode;
+   buf->st_uid = 0;
+   buf->st_gid = 0;
+   buf->st_size = dev->info.sectors * dev->info.sector_size;
+   buf->st_atime = buf->st_mtime = buf->st_ctime = time(NULL);
+   return 0;
diff --git a/extras/mini-os/include/blkfront.h
--- a/extras/mini-os/include/blkfront.h
+++ b/extras/mini-os/include/blkfront.h
@@ -28,7 +28,17 @@ struct blkfront_info
 struct blkfront_dev *init_blkfront(char *nodename, struct blkfront_info
 #ifdef HAVE_LIBC
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+/* POSIX IO functions:
+ * use blkfront_open() to get a file descriptor to the block device
+ * Don't use the other blkfront posix functions here directly, instead use
+ * read(), write(), lseek() and fstat() on the file descriptor
+ */
 int blkfront_open(struct blkfront_dev *dev);
+int blkfront_posix_rwop(int fd, uint8_t* buf, size_t count, int write);
+#define blkfront_posix_write(fd, buf, count) blkfront_posix_rwop(fd,
(uint8_t*)buf, count, 1)
+#define blkfront_posix_read(fd, buf, count) blkfront_posix_rwop(fd,
(uint8_t*)buf, count, 0)
+int blkfront_posix_fstat(int fd, struct stat* buf);
 void blkfront_aio(struct blkfront_aiocb *aiocbp, int write);
 #define blkfront_aio_read(aiocbp) blkfront_aio(aiocbp, 0)
diff --git a/extras/mini-os/include/lib.h b/extras/mini-os/include/lib.h
--- a/extras/mini-os/include/lib.h
+++ b/extras/mini-os/include/lib.h
@@ -174,6 +174,7 @@ extern struct file {
     } tap;
     struct {
         struct blkfront_dev *dev;
+            off_t offset;
     } blk;
     struct {
         struct kbdfront_dev *dev;
diff --git a/extras/mini-os/lib/sys.c b/extras/mini-os/lib/sys.c
--- a/extras/mini-os/lib/sys.c
+++ b/extras/mini-os/lib/sys.c
@@ -289,6 +289,11 @@ int read(int fd, void *buf, size_t nbytes)
         return ret * sizeof(union xenfb_in_event);
+        case FTYPE_BLK: {
+        return blkfront_posix_read(fd, buf, nbytes);
+        }
@@ -321,6 +326,10 @@ int write(int fd, const void *buf, size_t nbytes)
         netfront_xmit(files[fd].tap.dev, (void*) buf, nbytes);
         return nbytes;
+    case FTYPE_BLK:
+        return blkfront_posix_write(fd, buf, nbytes);
@@ -331,8 +340,37 @@ int write(int fd, const void *buf, size_t nbytes)
 off_t lseek(int fd, off_t offset, int whence)
-    errno = ESPIPE;
-    return (off_t) -1;
+    switch(files[fd].type) {
+       case FTYPE_BLK:
+      switch (whence) {
+         case SEEK_SET:
+        files[fd].file.offset = offset;
+        break;
+         case SEEK_CUR:
+        files[fd].file.offset += offset;
+        break;
+         case SEEK_END:
+        {
+           struct stat st;
+           int ret;
+           ret = fstat(fd, &st);
+           if (ret)
+              return -1;
+           files[fd].file.offset = st.st_size + offset;
+           break;
+        }
+         default:
+        errno = EINVAL;
+        return -1;
+      }
+      return files[fd].file.offset;
+      break;
+       default: /* Not implemented on this FTYPE */
+      errno = ESPIPE;
+      return (off_t) -1;
+    }
 int fsync(int fd) {
@@ -445,6 +483,10 @@ int fstat(int fd, struct stat *buf)
         buf->st_ctime = time(NULL);
         return 0;
+    case FTYPE_BLK:
+       return blkfront_posix_fstat(fd, buf);

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