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Re: [Xen-devel] [PATCH 2/9] tools/build: fix pygrub linking

Ian Jackson wrote:
> Roger Pau Monne writes ("Re: [PATCH 2/9] tools/build: fix pygrub linking"):
>> Ian Jackson wrote:
>>> Roger Pau Monne writes ("Re: [PATCH 2/9] tools/build: fix pygrub linking"):
>>>> +ifneq ($(shell readlink -f $(DESTDIR)/$(BINDIR)), $(shell readlink -f
>>>>    ln -sf $(PRIVATE_BINDIR)/pygrub $(DESTDIR)/$(BINDIR)
>>>> +endif
>>> Why are we doing all this work in make with $(shell...) rather than
>>> simply in the command stanza ?
>>> Also I'm a bit confused.  This problem occurs only when DESTDIR="" ?
>> No, this occurs when $(BINDIR) == $(PRIVATE_BINDIR), but we cannot use
>> the "test -e", because we might have previous versions of pygrub
>> installed which should also be overwritten by the link, or the user will
>> keep using the old version.
> If DESTDIR is not "" then $(PRIVATE_BINDIR)/pygrub is not the same
> directory as $(DESTDIR)/$(BINDIR).

Ok, both conditions have to be meet, that DESTDIR == "" and

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