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Re: [Xen-devel] live migration question

  • To: Jan Beulich <JBeulich@xxxxxxxx>
  • From: Juergen Gross <juergen.gross@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2012 08:50:46 +0100
  • Cc: "xen-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <xen-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Delivery-date: Tue, 31 Jan 2012 07:51:27 +0000
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On 01/30/2012 05:26 PM, Jan Beulich wrote:
On 30.01.12 at 13:24, Juergen Gross<juergen.gross@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>  wrote:
To avoid this stall I tried to start a little daemon on the target machine
and watch for a new BS2000 domain to show up due to live migration. I wanted
to map the domain memory as soon as the needed mapping information located
in a fixed guest mfn was transferred. Discovery of the new domain works as
expected, but I'm not capable doing any memory mapping until the restore of
the domain is finished. The mapping ioctl using IOCTL_PRIVCMD_MMAP returns
EINVAL until xc_restore is finished (more or less).

Why can xc_restore do the mapping while I can't? I know xc_restore is using
IOCTL_PRIVCMD_MMAPBATCH_V2, but I can't see a difference which should matter
between those two, as both are using the same hypercall to update the dom0
page tables.
I cannot immediately think of a reason (and indeed the difference
between the two is only how errors get handled), so I wonder
whether you checked where the - pretty generic - -EINVAL is
coming from. You also didn't mention whether any hypervisor log
entries are associated with you failed attempts.
I'll start to add some logging to the hypervisor today.

No hypervisor logs were produced in my tests, despite of setting

debug=yes loglvl=all guest_loglvl=all

as boot parameters.

I've made an additional test using xm save/xm restore to see if the same
problem shows up. It does NOT. Mapping succeeds at once while restoring
memory is still running. I always thought xm restore and live migration on
the target machine are more or less the same. This seems not to be true.


Juergen Gross                 Principal Developer Operating Systems
PDG ES&S SWE OS6                       Telephone: +49 (0) 89 3222 2967
Fujitsu Technology Solutions              e-mail: juergen.gross@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Domagkstr. 28                           Internet: ts.fujitsu.com
D-80807 Muenchen                 Company details: ts.fujitsu.com/imprint.html

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