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[Xen-devel] Xen Document Days for Jan, Feb & March : Looking for input on dates and a couple volunteers

Hi everybody,

I have been asked when we should hold the next Xen Document Day. Rather than going through this every single month, I am proposing dates until March. I.e.
- January 30, 2012
- Feb 27, 2012
- March 26, 2012
Please go to the Xen Document Days etherpad page (http://openetherpad.org/TSPGIEOBiS) to propose a new date or to vote for a day.
I also listed items that could be worked on, on the etherpad page (and 
removed stuff which has been done). Feel free to add to it. It is 
actually quite incredible how much we (and YOU) did in the last two Xen 
Document Days. I wanted to thank everybody who was involved!
I am also looking for a couple of volunteers (moderators), in particular 
in Asia and/or Australia and in the US who commit to being on the 
#xendocday IRC channels for a few hours and points other participates to 
this document and generally provides advice. If you are interested, 
please also sign up on the Xen Document Days etherpad page.
Best Regards

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