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[Xen-devel] Userland blkback?

Good day,

I'm toying around with a kernel mode caching layer that, at the moment, crashes 
into the ground if the driver is called from kernel space. I've been toying 
around with pvops dom0 kernels in the 2.6.3x family with the understanding that 
their lack of xen-blkback module would lead to an automatic fallback to a 
userspace blockdevice backend. Is there a secret switch to Xen 4.0/4.1 I need 
to be aware of to make this magic happen? Or is this a missing feature and  
does every pvops dom0-kernel that is not 3.0.1 need backports for xen-blkback?

Pim van Riezen

Xen-devel mailing list



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