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Re: [Xen-devel] [PATCH] xen: Implement domain runstates

On Tue, Nov 23, 2010 at 03:48:33PM +0000, George Dunlap wrote:
> On 23/11/10 15:00, Keir Fraser wrote:
>> Well, actually what we care about is #users-who-care. Plumbing into xentop
>> to satisfy an acceptance criteria is probably misguided. Reducing
>> patch-queue length just to make a patch-queue short is also probably
>> misguided.
> I wouldn't offer to put it in xentop just because I wanted to get the  
> patch out of the patchqueue.  I think it's a useful feature, that many  
> people would use if they knew about it.  If I didn't think it was  
> useful, by far the simplest way to get it out of the patchqueue would be  
> to simply remove the functionality from the next release of XenServer.
> I think the "wait for people to ask for it" won't work very well for  
> this particular feature, because it's not the kind of thing I think most  
> people would think to ask for.  A bit like tmem -- I think it's a  
> solution to a problem that people have that's very non-obvious, and must  
> therefore be suggested to people rather than waiting for them to ask for  
> it.  I could write a blog post about it or otherwise try to promote the  
> idea, but how many people are going to download a patch in order to try  
> it out?
> (I'm aware the difference is that tmem's effectiveness can be measured  
> with benchmarks while this feature cannot; I'm just saying that in both  
> cases, you'd be waiting for a long time for people to demand it.)
> xenalyze will calculate and report domain runstate numbers based on vcpu  
> runstate_change records, and I've found it useful to get a rough idea  
> what's going on when I get traces in from the field.
> Of course there's no rush, but it's likely to be forgotten about for  
> another two years. :-)  (It's already been in the XS patchqueue since  
> September 2008.)

This feature definitely sounds useful to me :)

-- Pasi

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