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Re: Re: ç­¤ú Re: [Xen-devel][ PATCH]qemu-xen: let xenfb_guest_copy() handle dept h=32 case

Chun Yan Liu writes ("Re: ç­½ú Re: [Xen-devel][ PATCH]qemu-xen: let 
xenfb_guest_copy() handle dept h=32 case"):
> >  Could you please resubmit a patch with both changes and a signed-off-by
> >  line?
> Sure. Following is the patch with both changes. 
> Signed-off by Chunyan Liu 

The patch is fine and sorry not to apply it right away, but I'm afraid
that I wasn't able to extract a coherent commit message from the
email thread, and I'm not confident enough that I understand the
details to write it myself.

Can you provide a commit message please ?  The explanatory text you
supplied with your original aptch, on the 20th of October, is in the
right style.  We just need something like that that properly describes
the final version of the patch.


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