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[Xen-devel] [PATCH 2/7] vtpm Mini-Os domain: vtpm hotplug stability fixes

 Signed-off-by: Matthew Fioravante <Matthew.Fioravante@xxxxxxxxxx>

The following patch provides stability fixes for the vtpm hotplug system.

There were several cases where the hotplug system would get in a bad state and would hang because of a stale lockfile that never got cleaned up. The pipes that talk to the manager could also get left in a bad state.

The hotplug scripts as they are now only work correctly if one file lock is set. If 2 or more file locks are created and the script exits on an error, the trap cleanup will only release the last lock.

This patch also adds a binary called vtpmmgrtalk which talks to the manager using the console fifos. It uses non-blocking IO to open the fifos so it can quit immediatly with an error if the manager is not listening on the other side. The hotplug scripts now use this program to talk to the manager.

Attachment: 2-hotplug.patch
Description: Text Data

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

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