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Re: [xen-devel][vNUMA v2][PATCH 3/8] Basic cpumap utilities

Dulloor wrote:
Implement basic utility functions to manipulate bitmasks. Used in later patches.


Signed-off-by : Dulloor <dulloor@xxxxxxxxx>

In general this looks OK, although a bit too sophisticated for my
personal taste. Only some minor comments:

It seems that these functions are somewhat generic, so it may be worth
to create a generic interface instead and somehow tie the connection
to xenctl_cpumap later with the instantiation. The generic functions
could be prefixed with xc_bitmap_*.
QEMU is about to also get a generic bitmap library:
maybe one could leverage this.

+++ b/tools/libxc/xc_cpumap.c
+void __xc_cpumap_or(struct xenctl_cpumap *dstp,
+        struct xenctl_cpumap *src1p, struct xenctl_cpumap *src2p)
+    uint8_t *dp = xc_cpumap_bits(dstp);
+    uint8_t *s1p = xc_cpumap_bits(src1p);
+    uint8_t *s2p = xc_cpumap_bits(src2p);
+    int nr = XC_BITS_TO_BYTES(xc_cpumap_len(dstp));
+    int k;
+    for (k=0; k<nr; k++)
+        dp[k] = s1p[k] | s2p[k];
Shouldn't we observe the special case with different source length here? If one bitmap contains garbage after it's end, then the result would be bogus. I think the bitmap or'ing should be stopped after both input bitmaps came to an end. I think xc_cpumap_setall() does it correct.

+static inline uint8_t hweight8(uint8_t w)
+    uint8_t res = (w & 0x55) + ((w >> 1) & 0x55);
+    res = (res & 0x33) + ((res >> 2) & 0x33);
+    return (res & 0x0F) + ((res >> 4) & 0x0F);
+int __xc_cpumap_weight(struct xenctl_cpumap *srcp)
+    const uint8_t *sp = xc_cpumap_bits(srcp);
+    int k, w = 0, lim = XC_BITS_TO_BYTES(xc_cpumap_len(srcp));
+    for (k=0; k <lim; k++)
+        w += hweight8(sp[k]);
+    return w;
We should stop counting after hitting the maximum specified length, otherwise possible garbage bits would be counted in.

+/* xenctl_cpumap print function */
+#define CHUNKSZ        8
+#define roundup_power2(val,modulus)    (((val) + (modulus) - 1) & ~((modulus) 
- 1))
+int __xc_cpumap_snprintf(char *buf, unsigned int buflen,
+                                        const struct xenctl_cpumap *cpumap)
+    const uint8_t *maskp = xc_cpumap_bits(cpumap);
+    int nmaskbits = xc_cpumap_len(cpumap);
+       int i, word, bit, len = 0;
+       unsigned long val;
+       const char *sep = "";
+       int chunksz;
+       uint8_t chunkmask;
+       chunksz = nmaskbits & (CHUNKSZ - 1);
+       if (chunksz == 0)
+               chunksz = CHUNKSZ;
+       i = roundup_power2(nmaskbits, CHUNKSZ) - CHUNKSZ;
+       for (; i >= 0; i -= CHUNKSZ) {
+               chunkmask = ((1ULL << chunksz) - 1);
+               word = i / XC_BITS_PER_BYTE;
+               bit = i % XC_BITS_PER_BYTE;
+               val = (maskp[word] >> bit) & chunkmask;
+               len += snprintf(buf+len, buflen-len, "%s%0*lx", sep,
+                       (chunksz+3)/4, val);
+               chunksz = CHUNKSZ;
Isn't that line redundant?
+               sep = ",";
+       }
+       return len;


Andre Przywara
AMD-Operating System Research Center (OSRC), Dresden, Germany
Tel: +49 351 448-3567-12

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