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Re: [Xen-devel] [PATCH] libxc: failure to save/restore 32bit HVM guest

On 24/11/2009 19:23, "Mukesh Rathor" <mukesh.rathor@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Anyways, since 32bit HVM returns 64bit contexts, it appears the way it
> is, is buggy, since the sizeof(ctxt[0].c) will return 32bit context
> size in 32 bit libxc. Infact, after making the fix, user is able to get
> proper core of a Java HVM guest. Can you please quickly explain why you
> think it's correct in such case?

Ah, maybe you are right after all. But shouldn't you change the last two
arguments in the call:
   sts = xc_core_shdr_set(shdr, strtab, XEN_DUMPCORE_SEC_PRSTATUS,
                           SHT_PROGBITS, offset, filesz,
                           __alignof__(ctxt[0].c), sizeof(ctxt[0].c));
...to reference *ctxt instead of ctxt[0].c, as well?

If you agree, send an updated patch and I'll apply it.

 -- Keir

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