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[Xen-devel] Test report for Xen-3.3.0-rc1 (#18145)

  • To: <xen-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • From: "Li, Haicheng" <haicheng.li@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 29 Jul 2008 23:14:12 +0800
  • Delivery-date: Tue, 29 Jul 2008 08:14:39 -0700
  • List-id: Xen developer discussion <xen-devel.lists.xensource.com>
  • Thread-index: AcjxjcEaZMrdiy0wT2C/938lppNeSw==
  • Thread-topic: Test report for Xen-3.3.0-rc1 (#18145)


This is our test report for Xen-3.3.0-rc1 (c/s 18145); there are 8 P1
open bugs for this RC. Bug #1307 blocks VT-d testing; bug #1311 blocks
processor PM testing; and bug #1304 seriously affects our automated

P1 issues:
1. With ioemu-remote, guest cannot be created with qcow image.

2. Domain0 will crash when wake up from S3 on IA32E.

3. Dom0 hangs when destorying one guest with MSI NIC assigned.

4. VT-d NIC does not work in HVM guest.

5. Guest can not boot up with memory over 2G on IA32PAE host.

6. guest OS cannot be restored after saving.

7. HVM guest S3 resume can not work

8. Processor power management does not work in Xen-3.3.0-rc1.

Testing Environment:
CPU             :               Xeon(r) processor 5300 series
Dom0 OS         :               RHEL5.1
Memory size :           8G

CPU             :               Xeon(r) processor 5300 series
Dom0 OS         :               RHEL5
Memory size :           8G

Platform : PAE
Service OS : Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.1 (Tikanga)
Hardware : Clovertown
Xen package: Xen 3.3.0 RC1  #18145

               Summary Test Report of Last Session
                            Total   Pass    Fail    NoResult   Crash
control_panel               15      10      5         0        0
acpi                        1       1       0         0        0
Restart                     2       2       0         0        0
gtest                       24      24      0         0        0
control_panel               15      10      5         0        0
 :XEN_4G_guest_PAE_gPAE     1       0       1         0        0
 :XEN_four_vmx_xenu_seq_P   1       1       0         0        0
 :XEN_four_dguest_co_PAE_   1       1       0         0        0
 :XEN_linux_win_PAE_gPAE    1       1       0         0        0
 :XEN_SR_SMP_PAE_gPAE       1       0       1         0        0
 :XEN_Nevada_xenu_PAE_gPA   1       1       0         0        0
 :XEN_LM_SMP_PAE_gPAE       1       0       1         0        0
 :XEN_SR_Continuity_PAE_g   1       0       1         0        0
 :XEN_vmx_vcpu_pin_PAE_gP   1       1       0         0        0
 :XEN_two_winxp_PAE_gPAE    1       1       0         0        0
 :XEN_LM_Continuity_PAE_g   1       0       1         0        0
 :XEN_256M_guest_PAE_gPAE   1       1       0         0        0
 :XEN_1500M_guest_PAE_gPA   1       1       0         0        0
 :XEN_vmx_2vcpu_PAE_gPAE    1       1       0         0        0
 :XEN_four_sguest_seq_PAE   1       1       0         0        0
acpi                        1       1       0         0        0
 :Dom0_S3_PAE_gPAE          1       1       0         0        0
Restart                     2       2       0         0        0
 :GuestPAE_PAE_gPAE         1       1       0         0        0
 :SolarisPAE_PAE_gPAE       1       1       0         0        0
gtest                       24      24      0         0        0
 :boot_up_acpi_PAE_gPAE     1       1       0         0        0
 :ltp_nightly_PAE_gPAE      1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_up_acpi_xp_PAE_gPA   1       1       0         0        0
 :reboot_xp_PAE_gPAE        1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_up_vista_PAE_gPAE    1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_fc9_PAE_gPAE         1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_up_acpi_win2k3_PAE   1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_smp_acpi_win2k3_PA   1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_smp_acpi_win2k_PAE   1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_up_acpi_win2k_PAE_   1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_smp_acpi_xp_PAE_gP   1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_up_noacpi_win2k_PA   1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_smp_vista_PAE_gPAE   1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_up_noacpi_win2k3_P   1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_nevada_PAE_gPAE      1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_indiana_PAE_gPAE     1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_rhel5u1_PAE_gPAE     1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_base_kernel_PAE_gP   1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_up_win2008_PAE_gPA   1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_up_noacpi_xp_PAE_g   1       1       0         0        0
 :bootx_PAE_gPAE            1       1       0         0        0
 :reboot_fc6_PAE_gPAE       1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_smp_win2008_PAE_gP   1       1       0         0        0
 :kb_nightly_PAE_gPAE       1       1       0         0        0
Total                       42      37      5         0        0 
Platform : x86_64
Service OS : Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5 (Tikanga)
Hardware : Clovertown
Xen package: Xen 3.3.0 RC1 #18145

               Summary Test Report of Last Session
                            Total   Pass    Fail    NoResult   Crash
control_panel               20      16      4         0        0
acpi                        1       0       0         0        1
Restart                     3       3       0         0        0
gtest                       22      22      0         0        0
control_panel               20      16      4         0        0
 :XEN_1500M_guest_64_g32e   1       1       0         0        0
 :XEN_4G_guest_64_g32e      1       1       0         0        0
 :XEN_LM_Continuity_64_g3   1       0       1         0        0
 :XEN_256M_xenu_64_gPAE     1       1       0         0        0
 :XEN_four_vmx_xenu_seq_6   1       1       0         0        0
 :XEN_vmx_vcpu_pin_64_g32   1       1       0         0        0
 :XEN_SR_Continuity_64_g3   1       0       1         0        0
 :XEN_linux_win_64_g32e     1       1       0         0        0
 :XEN_vmx_2vcpu_64_g32e     1       1       0         0        0
 :XEN_four_dguest_co_64_g   1       1       0         0        0
 :XEN_1500M_guest_64_gPAE   1       1       0         0        0
 :XEN_two_winxp_64_g32e     1       1       0         0        0
 :XEN_4G_guest_64_gPAE      1       1       0         0        0
 :XEN_four_sguest_seq_64_   1       1       0         0        0
 :XEN_256M_guest_64_gPAE    1       1       0         0        0
 :XEN_LM_SMP_64_g32e        1       0       1         0        0
 :XEN_Nevada_xenu_64_g32e   1       1       0         0        0
 :XEN_256M_guest_64_g32e    1       1       0         0        0
 :XEN_SR_SMP_64_g32e        1       0       1         0        0
 :XEN_four_sguest_seq_64_   1       1       0         0        0
acpi                        1       0       0         0        1
 :Dom0_S3_64_g32e           1       0       0         0        1
Restart                     3       3       0         0        0
 :Solaris64_64_g32e         1       1       0         0        0
 :Guest64_64_gPAE           1       1       0         0        0
 :GuestPAE_64_g32e          1       1       0         0        0
gtest                       22      22      0         0        0
 :boot_up_acpi_win2k_64_g   1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_up_noacpi_win2k_64   1       1       0         0        0
 :reboot_xp_64_g32e         1       1       0         0        0
 :bootx_64_g32e             1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_up_vista_64_g32e     1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_indiana_64_g32e      1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_up_acpi_xp_64_g32e   1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_smp_acpi_xp_64_g32   1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_up_acpi_64_g32e      1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_base_kernel_64_g32   1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_up_win2008_64_g32e   1       1       0         0        0
 :kb_nightly_64_g32e        1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_up_acpi_win2k3_64_   1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_nevada_64_g32e       1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_smp_vista_64_g32e    1       1       0         0        0
 :ltp_nightly_64_g32e       1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_fc9_64_g32e          1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_smp_win2008_64_g32   1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_smp_acpi_win2k3_64   1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_rhel5u1_64_g32e      1       1       0         0        0
 :reboot_fc6_64_g32e        1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_smp_acpi_win2k_64_   1       1       0         0        0
Total                       46      41      4         0        1

-- haicheng

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