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Re: [Xen-devel] Incomplete 3.2 binary packages

On Wed, Feb 27, 2008 at 03:30:57PM +0000, Ian Jackson wrote:
> Chris Lalancette writes ("[Xen-devel] Incomplete 3.2 binary
> > packages"): I went to: http://xen.org/download/dl_32rhel5.html and
> > downloaded the binary RPMS for 3.2 to do a quick test.  However, it
> > seems that the binary RPMS don't include the qemu device model, so
> > fully virt guests have no chance of starting.  It's not a huge deal
> > for me, since I can recompile from source; however, for those who
> > don't want to do that, or who want to save a little time (my
> > original goal), it might be nice to include everything needed in
> > those binary RPMS.  Just FYI.
> xen-3.2.0-0xs.centos5.i386.rpm contains /usr/lib/xen/bin/qemu-dm.
> When I built the Xen 3.2 binary packages I did check that they
> contained roughly the same things in the same places as the upstream
> packages, but in general my (very light) testing did not include
> starting an HVM guest.  So there may well be a bug here.
> Can you confirm that qemu-dm is on your system ?  If not do you know
> why not ?  If you have some more information (for example, actual
> error messages which show where it is looking for which file) I might
> be able to fix it up if indeed it's a bug in the package.

WRT to libvirt starting guests, there was a bug in 3.2.0 which prevented
any HVM guest starting - the timer_mode bug - you need this fix otherwise
it simply won't work

changeset:   16764:3f26758bcc02
user:        Keir Fraser <keir.fraser@xxxxxxxxxx>
date:        Fri Jan 18 22:27:51 2008 +0000
files:       tools/python/xen/xend/XendDomainInfo.py
xend: Handle unspecified timer_mode domain platform parameter.
Signed-off-by: Keir Fraser <keir.fraser@xxxxxxxxxx>

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