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[Xen-devel] [PATCH] Enable Core 2 Duo Performance Counters in HVM guest

Hi, Keir,

Currently, HVM guests do not have access to performance counters. So it is not possible to use performance analyzer software such as vtune in HVM guest to analyze programme performance. Other usage of performance counters , for example, the NMI watchdog, won't function either.

This patch will enable performance counters in HVM guest. Currently, only Core 2 Duo is implemented. Tests are carried out using Intel Vtune Performance Analyzer in Windows XP Professional with 2 vcpus.

There are some notes at the beginning of the patch, describing implementation choices in this patch.

Signed-off-by:    Haitao Shan <haitao.shan@xxxxxxxxx>

Best Regards
Haitao Shan

Attachment: pmu.patch
Description: pmu.patch

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