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Re: [Xen-devel] early_cpu_init() and identify_cpu()

>The best option would be to re-draw until dom0 starts to boot. After that
>switch to scroll, but from that point on Xen doesn't write much to the
>console anyway. Supporting both ways doesn't sound that hard, and there's

... depending on the log level. I found it quite helpful to force loglvl=all,
and certainly there's stuff being printed with that.

>already a console_endboot() hook to trigger the switch in behaviour.


>But if Linux re-draws the whole screen instead of scrolling, won't Xen's
>output get overwritten anyway? That would limit 'vga=keep's usefulness,

Yes, it does. But there's no way to avoid that other than really establishing
co-operation between Xen and dom0, which I don't think would look like
being upstreamable.

>except for crash dumps after which Linux dom0 will not print any more (I
>suppose that is the main most useful case though). And if Linux *does*

Yes, that's certainly the main intention (after all, you have to force keeping
console output in the first place in order to get into that situation).

>scroll, how come *its* performance doesn't suck?

Again, redraw scrolling doesn't suck severely, only moving video memory
from one place to another does.


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