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Re: [Xen-devel] [RFC] Lightweight socket communication between domainsin a single machine
- To: xen-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- From: "김강호" <sunnykuz@xxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Wed, 2 May 2007 18:10:49 +0900
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Dear Ian Pratt.
Thanks for your attention.
I attached a PPT file that has some note on the implementation, comparing to XenSocket.
In each slide of the PPT, I wrote a few lines of slide note. Please read the note for more details.
Since I don't know much about XenSocket I comapred only a few features that I'm interested in.
I know that this summary slide is not enough to understand the whole things of Xway.
However, let's start discussion on Xway as well as XenSocket.
2007/5/1, Ian Pratt <Ian.Pratt@xxxxxxxxxxxx>:
> I'd like to introduce a socket communication facility optimized for > sending and receiving data between domains in a single machine, named
> Xway.
Cool. Please can you write a few notes on the implementation, comparing and contrasting to XenSocket: http://www.xensource.com/files/xensummit_4/SuzanneMcIntosh_XenSummit_200
I'd like to get a reliable inter-domain byte stream protocol in to mainline Xen. Ideally, there'd be a story on remoting it if the VM's got migrated to different nodes e.g. tunnelled over TCP or SDP.
> Xway is a network module that enables socket programs running on > virtual machines in a single machine to communicate each other > efficiently though socket interface. Xway shows better socket
> communication latency and bandwidth than the native socket of Xen. Xway > also provides binary compatiblity for socket interface, so that the > socket programs don't have to be recompiled to exploit the advantages
> of Xway. > We have tested the binary compatiblity for a couple of programs such as > ssh, vsftp, proftp, apache, and mysql. > Those programs works well without any recompilication or modification
> to the source codes as we expected. > > The main schemes of Xway are as follows: > 1) shared memory between domains > 2) bypassing TCP/IP and Domain 0 > 3) dual channel approach dividing data send/receive and others on a
> socket > > The implementation of Xway can be found at > http://sourceforge.net/projects/xway. > It consists of kernel patch, a kernel module, and a user daemon.
> > Please evaluate Xway and comments on it . > Feel free to contact me if you meet problems when installing and > evaluating it. > > > Thank you in advance. > >
> ---------------------------------------------------- > > Kang-ho Kim > > Senior Member of Engineering Staff > > System Software Research Team/Internet Server Group > Digital Home Research Division/Electronics and Telecommunications
> Research Institute > > 161 Gajeong-dong, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, 305-350 KOREA > Phone : 82-42-860-6226 > > Fax : 82-42-860-6699 > Mobile : 82-10-4433-8538 > > E-mail :
khk@xxxxxxxxxx, sunnykuz@xxxxxxxxx > ----------------------------------------------------
Description: Adobe PDF document
Description: MS-Powerpoint presentation
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